This forum is now on a commercial host server provided by Byethost in the U.K. There I have a VIP account and unlimited storage. I first ran it from my own little machine from the basement. Using Puppy Linux Bionic64 which succeeded the Lucid, UPUP, Tahr, Xenial versions. I used a really old machine running Tahr to act as gateway running Apache2 and directing with reverse proxy's to individual machines around the house that did different things, from page requests coming to the house's router from all these different domain names.
But for a forum like ours we need power and not a household router / old desktops combination to direct the network traffic from all over the world. Plus we have the target of creating another Byethost account that a group of Puppy People can access as administrators and have also executive powers. So in a nutshell a Host provider just for Puppy Linux and Company that several people have the keys for so what happened to the Murga forum will not happen here. Making backups is easy and Byethost does it's own backups. I do all the work on the web site's and that software. There are several web sites that run from this server. Some like https://nutmegkart.com lives right next door to this forum.
This way also all of the finances to run the joint are in one place and totally transparent. With a group of "Stewart's" and the community able to keep things going in case of emergency.
Originally the site ran on a Hiawatha, mariaDB, PHP (LHMP Stack) since I really like Hiawatha AND it's stock in Puppy Linux. Now with some clever DNS addressing and domain ALIAS's we send the traffic to the commercial grade server.
Another plus is Byethost does the maintenance of the servers and software and I can run it all from a control panel. Another very important feature is the Email server. At Byethost it's integrated and later on when puppylinux.com is transferred to it's home, there will be the possibility to use email addresses like "rockedge @ puppylinux.com".
Having the mail server taken care of and configured is a huge help. Otherwise I would have to run one from home as well as the web server stack. Gets tricky sometimes especially since my router is like a $150 for the home model. But it does the job well enough. Upside is working on the system / forum is direct, downside is the system can only handle so much traffic simultaneously.