Just looking to see if there's anything to we can share as far as maximizing the use out of the old machine and im wondering how is yours running? etc.
BWP is awesome! works great, uses more ram than bionic though but i don't have any issues. I do want to help it run cooler but i remember buying this computer along time ago and it ran hot. Soon im going on a little trip and i am going to try and daily this old machine, maybe it'll help me learn what i else i can use it for and its limits besides my phone can do most things really
here is my specs
CPU: T7600
GPU: AMD ATI Mobility Radeon 1400
RAM 3.14GB (maxed out lol)
Storage: 120 GB ( using 128 GB thumb drive for BWP)
OS: using XP pro and BWP
I saw a tool on here which you can limit the CPU frequency, is it worth it messing with this? Does it even work on this old machine? i was thinking it could save power and keep it from getting hot.