icake Chinese language pets

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Joined: Fri Oct 11, 2024 5:57 am

Re: icake Chinese language pets for EasyOS Scarthgap-series version 6.2

Post by alextome2024 »

icake wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2024 12:00 am

BarryK released EasyOS Scarthgap-series version 6.2 on Aug 19, 2024

for more information and discussions

download easy-6.2-amd64.img

I have created 4 half-Chinese language pets for EasyOS Scarthgap-series versions 6.2:
fcitx Chinese input platform: fcitx64_4.2.7-en-zh-bionic-21.4.0.pet (15 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: gcin64_2.9.0-en-zh-bionic-21.4.0.pet (6 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: hime64_0.9.11-en-zh-bionic-21.4.0.pet (5 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: yong64_2.5.0-en-zh-bionic-21.4.0.pet (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for EasyOS Scarthgap-series version 6.2:
Simplified Chinese: easy-scarthgap64-6.2-zhcn-21.4.0.pet (9 mb)

Traditional Chinese: easy-scarthgap64-6.2-zhhk-21.4.0.pet (7 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the 4 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in EasyOS Scarthgap-series version 6.2

(b) the 2 name+version number corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk) menus, icon labels, tooltips for EasyOS Scarthgap-series version 6.2. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

Known issues:
1. The half-Chinese pets cannot be used under urxvt (can use in sakura) and Chromium browser (can use either palemoon 28.4.0 or seamonkey 2.49.4)
2. I cannot get ibus, ibus-rime nor scim to run in EasyOS Scarthgap-series version 6.2

more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime and yong pets, please see:

icake你好,我使用yong64_2.5.0-en-zh-bionic-21.4.0.pet半汉化包在EasyOS Scarthgap-series version 6.3.1上安装以后,目前可以正常使用中文输入,不仅是系统软件,在chromium浏览器以及edge中都可以正常使用。但在安装了输入法以后出现了另一个问题,设置完毕,保存关机重启后,wifi网络或者有线网络就不能使用,显示 Networking disabled,左键点击显示NetworkManager is not running...,使用系统自带版本控制erase rw layer以后,网络恢复正常,但是只要重新安装小小输入法半中文包,重启之后网络就不能使用。这个问题,目前可以通过开机进入系统后打开终端,运行net-setup.sh,加载网卡驱动以后就可以识别网卡并正常获取IP地址,这样就可以正常上网了,目前发现flatpak安装程序还是不能识别网络。这样虽然不完美,但却凑合可以使用。请在有空的时候关注一下这个问题,如果这个问题可以解决,那么中文用户使用EasyOS有少了一个障碍,谢谢。

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Re: icake Chinese language pets

Post by icake »

@alextome2024 多谢你报告有关中文包在运作时出现的间题。我已将这个问题放到我的虽要处理项目中,到找到解决方法时会再回报。icake

Posts: 454
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icake Chinese language pets for EasyOS Kirkstone-series versions 5.8.3 and 5.8.4

Post by icake »

BarryK released EasyOS Kirkstone-series version 5.8.3 on May 18, 2024; version 5.8.4 on Aug 14, 2024

for more information and discussions about EasyOS kirkstone

download easy-5.8.3-amd64.img (889 mb)
download easy-5.8.4-amd64.img (889 mb)

I have created 6 half-Chinese language pets for EasyOS Kirkstone-series versions 5.8.3 and 5.8.3:
fcitx Chinese input platform: fcitx64_4.2.7-en-zh-bionic-21.2.7.pet (16 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: gcin64_2.9.0-en-zh-bionic-21.2.7.pet (10 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: hime64_0.9.11-en-zh-bionic-21.2.7.pet (8 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: ibus64_1.5.19-en-zh-bionic-21.2.7.pet (35 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: scim64_1.4.18-en-zh-bionic-21.2.7.pet (10 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: yong3264_20201122-en-zh-bionic-21.2.7.pet (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for EasyOS Kirkstone-series versions 5.8.3 and 5.8.3:
Simplified Chinese:
easykirkstone-5.8.3-zhcn-21.2.7.pet (9 mb)
easykirkstone-5.8.4-zhcn-21.2.7.pet (9 mb)

Traditional Chinese:
easykirkstone-5.8.3-zhhk-21.2.7.pet (7 mb)
easykirkstone-5.8.4-zhhk-21.2.7.pet (7 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the 6 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in EasyOS Kirkstone-series versions 5.8.3 and 5.8.4

(b) the 2 name+version number corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk) menus, icon labels, tooltips for EasyOS Kirkstone-series versions 5.8.3 and 5.8.4. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim and yong pets, please see the first posting of this subject

Posts: 454
Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:07 am
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icake Chinese language pets for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.8

Post by icake »

radky released Bookworm Pup64 10.0.8 on Oct 3, 2024

for more information and discussions

download BookwormPup64_10.0.8.iso (796 mb)

I have created 7 half-Chinese language pets for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.8:
fcitx Chinese input platform: fcitx64_4.2.9-en-zh-bookworm-21.8.0.pet (19 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: gcin64_2.8.2-en-zh-bookworm-21.8.0.pet (6 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: hime64_0.9.11-en-zh-bookworm-21.8.0.pet (6 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: ibus64_1.5.27-en-zh-bookworm-21.8.0.pet (78 mb)
rime Chinese input platform: ibus64-rime_1.5.0-en-zh-bookworm-21.8.0.pet (78 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: scim64_1.4.9-en-zh-bookworm-21.8.0.pet (14 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: yong64_2.5.0-en-zh-bookworm-21.8.0.pet (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.8:
Simplified Chinese: BookwormPup64-10.0.8-zhcn-21.8.0-zhcn-21.8.0.pet (4 mb)
Traditional Chinese: BookwormPup64-10.0.8-zhcn-21.8.0-zhhk-21.8.0.pet (3 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the 7 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in Bookworm Pup64 10.0.8

(b) the 2 name+version number corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk) menus, icon labels, tooltips for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.8. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, rime, scim and yong pets, please see:

Posts: 454
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icake Chinese language pets for gumanzoy doglinux 2024.10.08

Post by icake »

fredx181 released an iso based on gumanzoy's liveusb-doglinux-debian-12-2024.10.08 on Oct 7, 2024

more information and download

I have created 6 Half-Chinese deb for gumanzoy doglinux 2024.10.08 systems:
1. fcitx Chinese input platform: fcitx64_4.2.9-en-zh-bookworm-121.7.0.deb (19 mb)
2. gcin Chinese input platform: gcin64_2.9.0-en-zh-bookworm-121.7.0.deb (12 mb)
3. hime Chinese input platform: hime64_0.9.11-en-zh-bookworm-121.7.0.deb (12 mb)
4. ibus Chinese input platform: ibus64_1.5.27-en-zh-bookworm-121.7.0.deb (78 mb)
5. scim Chinese input platform: scim64_1.4.18-en-zh-bookworm-121.7.0.deb (11 mb)
6. yong Chinese input platform: yong64_1.5.25-en-zh-bookworm-121.7.0.deb (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language debs for gumanzoy doglinux 2024.10.08:
Simplified Chinese: gumanzoy-doglinux-debian-12-2024.10.08-zhcn-121.7.0.deb (4 mb)
Traditional Chinese: gumanzoy-doglinux-debian-12-2024.10.08-zhhk-121.7.0.deb (3 mb)

To use:
(a) anyone of the half-Chinese language deb will enable you to display and input Chinese in gumanzoy doglinux 2024.10.08

(b) the name+version corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn deb) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk deb) menus, icon labels, tooltips for gumanzoy doglinux 2024.10.08. Please note that all Chinese language debs rely on a suitable half-Chinese language deb already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

for more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim and yong debs, please see the first posting of this subject(same as for pets)

Last edited by icake on Thu Dec 12, 2024 12:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 454
Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:07 am
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icake Chinese language pets for LxPupSc32-23.01+8-T-k64

Post by icake »

peebee recently released LxPupSc32-23.01+8-T-k64 (Nov 19, 2024)

more information and discussions for LxPupSc32-23.01+8-T-k64

download LxPupSc32-23.01+8-T-k64.iso (391 mb)

I have created 5 half-Chinese language pets each for LxPupSc32-23.01+8-T-k64:
fcitx Chinese input platform: fcitx32_4.2.7-en-zh-raring-14.4.10.pet (22 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: gcin32_2.8.2-en-zh-raring-14.4.10.pet (11 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: hime32_0.9.11-en-zh-raring-14.4.10.pet (19 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: ibus32_1.5.17-en-zh-raring-14.4.10.pet (42 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: yong32_2.5.0-en-zh-raring-14.4.10.pet (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for LxPupSc32-23.01+8-T-k64:
Simplified Chinese: lxpupsc32-23.01.08Tk64-zhcn-14.4.10.pet (4 mb)

Traditional Chinese: lxpupsc32-23.01.06Tk64-zhhk-14.4.10.pet (3 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in LxPupSc32-23.01+8-T-k64

(b) the name/version corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (use zhcn pets) or Traditional Chinese (use zhhk pets) desktop menus, icon labels, tooltips for LxPupSc32-23.01+8-T-k64. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

more information about these half-Chinese and Chinese pets, please see:

Posts: 454
Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:07 am
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icake Chinese language pets for EasyOS Scarthgap-series version 6.4.5

Post by icake »

BarryK released EasyOS Scarthgap-series version 6.4.5 on Nov 26, 2024

for more information and discussions

download easy-6.4.5-amd64.img

I have created 4 half-Chinese language pets for EasyOS Scarthgap-series versions 6.4.5:
fcitx Chinese input platform: fcitx64_4.2.7-en-zh-bionic-21.4.0.pet (15 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: gcin64_2.9.0-en-zh-bionic-21.4.0.pet (6 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: hime64_0.9.11-en-zh-bionic-21.4.0.pet (5 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: yong64_2.5.0-en-zh-bionic-21.4.0.pet (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for EasyOS Scarthgap-series version 6.4.5:
Simplified Chinese: easy-scarthgap64-6.4.5-zhcn-21.4.0.pet (9 mb)

Traditional Chinese: easy-scarthgap64-6.4.5-zhhk-21.4.0.pet (7 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the 4 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in EasyOS Scarthgap-series version 6.4.5

(b) the 2 name+version number corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk) menus, icon labels, tooltips for EasyOS Scarthgap-series version 6.4.5. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

Known issues:
1. The half-Chinese pets cannot be used under urxvt (can use in sakura) and Chromium browser (can use either palemoon 28.4.0 or seamonkey 2.49.4)
2. I cannot get ibus, ibus-rime nor scim to run in EasyOS Scarthgap-series version 6.4.5
3. starting from EasyOS Scarthgap vesion 6.3, there is a built-in Chinese support with Chinese desktop and Chinese input methods (ibus and fcitx5). However, I have not used these built-in features and so cannot make any comments.

more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime and yong pets, please see:

Posts: 454
Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:07 am
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icake Chinese language pets for EyeCandyOS 0.9

Post by icake »

l0wt3ch released EyeCandyOS 0.9 on Nov 12, 2024

for more information and discussions

download EyeCandyOS-0.9.iso (1.3 GB)

I have created 7 half-Chinese language txzes for EyeCandyOS 0.9:
fcitx Chinese input platform: fcitx64_4.2.9-en-zh-bookworm-21.4.1.pet (20 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: gcin64_2.9.0-en-zh-bookworm-21.4.1.pet (6 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: hime64_0.9.11-en-zh-bookworm-21.4.1.pet (5 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: ibus64_1.5.23-en-zh-bookworm-21.4.1.pet (59 mb)
rime Chinese input platform: ibus64-rime_1.4.0-en-zh-bookworm-21.4.1.pet (117 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: scim64_1.4.9-en-zh-bookworm-21.4.1.pet (14 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: yong64_2.5.0-en-zh-bookworm-21.4.1.pet (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for EyeCandyOS 0.9:
Simplified Chinese: eyecandyos-0.9-zhcn-21.4.1.pet (4 mb)

Traditional Chinese: eyecandyos-0.9-zhhk-21.4.1.pet (3 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the 4 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in EyeCandyOS 0.9

(b) the 2 name+version number corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk) menus, icon labels, tooltips for EyeCandyOS 0.9. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime and yong pets, please see:

Posts: 454
Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:07 am
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icake Chinese language pets for EasyOS Scarthgap-series versions 6.5 and 6.5.1

Post by icake »

BarryK released EasyOS Scarthgap-series version 6.5 on Dec 3, 2024 and 6.5.1 on Dec 13, 2024

for more information and discussions

download easy-6.5-amd64.img and 6.5.1

I have created 4 half-Chinese language pets for EasyOS Scarthgap-series versions 6.5 and 6.5.1:
fcitx Chinese input platform: fcitx64_4.2.7-en-zh-bionic-21.4.0.pet (15 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: gcin64_2.9.0-en-zh-bionic-21.4.0.pet (6 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: hime64_0.9.11-en-zh-bionic-21.4.0.pet (5 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: yong64_2.5.0-en-zh-bionic-21.4.0.pet (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for EasyOS Scarthgap-series version 6.5 and 6.5.1:
Simplified Chinese:
easy-scarthgap64-6.5.0-zhcn-21.4.0.pet (9 mb)
easy-scarthgap64-6.5.1-zhcn-21.4.0.pet (9 mb)

Traditional Chinese:
easy-scarthgap64-6.5.0-zhhk-21.4.0.pet (7 mb)
easy-scarthgap64-6.5.1-zhhk-21.4.0.pet (7 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the 4 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in EasyOS Scarthgap-series versions 6.5 and 6.5.1

(b) the 2 name+version number corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk) menus, icon labels, tooltips for EasyOS Scarthgap-series versions 6.5 and 6.5.1. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

Known issues:
1. The half-Chinese pets cannot be used under urxvt (can use in sakura) and Chromium browser (can use either palemoon 28.4.0 or seamonkey 2.49.4)

2. I cannot get ibus, ibus-rime nor scim to run in EasyOS Scarthgap-series versions 6.5 and 6.5.1

3. starting from EasyOS Scarthgap vesion 6.3, there is a built-in Chinese support with Chinese desktop and Chinese input methods (ibus and fcitx5). However, I have not used these built-in features and so cannot make any comments.

more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime and yong pets, please see:

Posts: 454
Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:07 am
Been thanked: 47 times

icake Chinese language pets for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.9 and 10.0.9_nkb

Post by icake »

radky released Bookworm Pup64 10.0.9 on Dec 9, 2024 and ozsouth released a modified version BookwormPup64 10.0.9 nkb on Dec 10, 2024

for more information and discussions for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.9
for more information and discussions for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.9 nkb

download BookwormPup64_10.0.9.iso (795 mb)
download BookwormPup64_10.0.9_nkb.iso (671 mb)

I have created 7 half-Chinese language pets for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.9 and 10.0.9_nkb:
fcitx Chinese input platform: fcitx64_4.2.9-en-zh-bookworm-21.8.0.pet (19 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: gcin64_2.8.2-en-zh-bookworm-21.8.0.pet (6 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: hime64_0.9.11-en-zh-bookworm-21.8.0.pet (6 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: ibus64_1.5.27-en-zh-bookworm-21.8.0.pet (78 mb)
rime Chinese input platform: ibus64-rime_1.5.0-en-zh-bookworm-21.8.0.pet (78 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: scim64_1.4.9-en-zh-bookworm-21.8.0.pet (14 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: yong64_2.5.0-en-zh-bookworm-21.8.0.pet (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.9 and 10.0.9_nkb:
Simplified Chinese:
BookwormPup64-10.0.9-zhcn-21.8.0.pet (4 mb)
BookwormPup64-10.0.9_nkb-zhcn-21.8.0.pet (4 mb)

Traditional Chinese:
BookwormPup64-10.0.9-zhhk-21.8.0.pet (3 mb)
BookwormPup64-10.0.9_nkb-zhhk-21.8.0.pet (3 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the 7 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in Bookworm Pup64 10.0.9 and 10.0.9_nkb

(b) the 2 name+version number corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk) menus, icon labels, tooltips for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.9 and 10.0.9_nkb. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, rime, scim and yong pets, please see:

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