Especially since I would advise you to do one more thing. Your forum is absolutely not DSGVO/GDPR compliant.
I'll list a few points.
You are missing a lot of things.
1. You should give your users the opportunity to download the data stored about them, including their posts.
This is a good way to do this:
This gives the user the opportunity to download the information stored about themselves in the database as a csv file.
2. When registering, you should actively confirm that the user has read the privacy policy in order to be allowed to register.
You can use this for this:
DSGVO - Customize registration page
3. Privacy policy and terms of use.
You should definitely revise these, as what you have there as standard is not enough at all.
To create or issue your own privacy policy and terms of use, you should use this:
4. Then you are missing an imprint.
You could use this:
But the most serious problem that immediately strikes me is that you download some things from third-party providers without asking the user for permission first.
You should definitely change that. This could potentially bring so-called cease and desist lawyers after you.
If I were nitpicking and had something against you, I could sue you for damages. But I'm kindly pointing this out to you here.
If you want to load such things you should have a cookie manager, such as this one: