This utility developed from methods described by @ozsouth and @Trapster in this post:
A DNS server plays a critical role in connecting your computer to websites. It changes a URL name you type or select in your browser, i.e.,, into an IP address the internet understands.
For most users the DNS servers are assigned by the local router (automatic DHCP function). However, changing DNS servers may improve connect speed or security. In Puppy there are several ways to change servers including:
-logging into your router's interface and entering there, then all DHCP clients will use the new DNS
-assign the computer a static IP address and specify the DNS servers there (Network Wizard)
-manually create a /etc/resolv.conf.head file and specify the DNS servers there uses the third method and provides a GUI to make it quicker and easier
Dns-changer requires YAD which is included in most Pups or can be installed from the repositories on older versions.
Download, remove the .gz (rename)
-right click in Rox
-set as: a+x (Make executable/searchable)
then click in Rox.
NOTE: After using dns-changer, you can check what server is being used at , click "Standard test".