How to start bluez daemon?

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How to start bluez daemon?

Post by bigphil »

Hi all,

I'm running Fossapup84 9.6 and am trying to connect to my bluetooth speaker so as to use it as an internet radio.
I'm using 9.6 as I know their are problems with 9.5 and bluetooth, I could not get it to work.

NOTE - I have had to revert to 9.5 kernel because,with the original kernel,the machine hung up when booting the kernel.
However when I attempt to fire up blueman it reports the following -

Screenshot.png (20.68 KiB) Viewed 232 times

According to dmesg the USB bluetooth dongle was recognised.

Any ideas?


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Re: How to start bluez daemon?

Post by fernan »

Please forgive my dumb question, but in some computers you have to enable the bluetooth and wifi adapters with some key or switch. Make sure your bluetooth is enabled.

This are instructions extracted from "Janky BT" in my Bionicpup64 install, perhaps of some help:

First off make sure your bluetooth is turned on or dongle plugged in,
and turn your devices bluetooth on making it discoverable.
Then click the 'Start Bluetooth' button.
This will restart the bluetooth daemon and launch 'bluetoothctl'
a command line program from the 'Bluez' package, and your
bluetooth controller (dongle etc) should be recognized.

You could try typing

Code: Select all


in a console, then type

Code: Select all


, and proceed from there.

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Re: How to start bluez daemon?

Post by PipzDex »

Hello @bigphil
I will tell you what I do to make bluetooth work on fossapup64

I have other more recent versions of puppy installed on my USB (bookworm, etc.)

This is my routine...

I mainly start a session on another more recent puppy, once I log in, I open the bluetooth manager application, in these new versions I have no problems activating and using it...
Once bluetooth manager has started, I restart the puppy session and when starting grub I select fossapup64
Since this session is complete then I start bluetooth manager and it works without problems...
This is how it works for me on my laptop

All this function is maintained until I decide to turn off the laptop, after turning it on again I have to do all the processes I wrote to you

I know it is not the answer that is needed but at least you have another option to make it work

I hope this information helps you

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Re: How to start bluez daemon? - SOLVED

Post by bigphil »

Thanks to you both for replying to my post however I have fixed the problem myself.
I reverted to Fossa9.5 Kernel because the machine hung up when booting the original Kernel.
However I started having further problems with 9.6 then realised that I hadn't copied over /lib/modules/5.4.53.
After I did that Blueman fires up the bluez daemon and everything works fine.


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