Trying to open discord app

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Trying to open discord app

Post by Cain-s »

I've installed discord on bookwormpup64 I used the Debian package but when I click on it to open it nothing happens I don't even see the updating discord box can I have some help please

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Re: Trying to open discord app

Post by bigpup »

Welcome to Puppy Linux :welcome:

Welcome to adding software to a Linux operating system :welcome: :roll:

What exact version of BookwrmPup64?
v10.0.4, v10.0.5, v10.0.7, v10.0.8 what?
the complete name of the ISO provides this.

Where did you get the deb package from?

Exact name of the package?

How about providing a link to where you got it.

How exactly did you install the discord deb package?

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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Re: Trying to open discord app

Post by mikeslr »

Likely reason: Puppys run as Root. Packages created for even a Puppy's binary-compatible are designed to run in a 'sandbox' as s limited User and prohibited from running as Root. There are two work-arounds. Edit the /usr/share/applications/desktop* file's Exec=argument to read

run-as-spot /usr/share/discord/Discord

and/or /usr/share/discord/Discord --no-sandbox.

May require both:

run-as-spot /usr/share/discord/Discord --no-sandbox.

Discords is based on Chromium. I would think the best way to run it under Puppys is to extract the deb and restructure it to run as a portable. Download mikewalsh's Google-Chrome portable,, extract it and use that as a template. Note in particular the LAUNCH script's arguments.

That's what I'll do shortly and report back.

* [Discord's is a symlink from ...applications to the actual file in it's own folder under /usr/share].

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Re: Trying to open discord app

Post by bigpup »

I tried it in BookwormPup64 10.0.8

Downloaded the discord-0.0.71.deb

In Rox file manager left clicked on the discord-0.0.71.deb file.

After it installed.

To get it to run.

Had to edit the discord.desktop file located in /usr/share/applications

Right click on discord.desktop file and select open as text, to open it in a text editor

Change the exec= line so it looks like this:

Code: Select all

Exec=run-as-spot /usr/share/discord/Discord

save change and close editor.

May have to restart X server or reboot saving the change to get the menu->Internet->Discord to work.

This edit is normally required for a lot of programs.
Puppy runs as root user and programs are coded to not run as root.
run-as-spot makes them think they are running as user spot.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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Re: Trying to open discord app

Post by Cain-s »

Thanks I'll give it a go

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Re: Trying to open discord app

Post by Cain-s »

Thanks that worked

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Re: Trying to open discord app

Post by mikeslr »

I prefer running applications as portables. When you install an application it is deployed to your SaveFile/Folder. At shut-down you're asked whether or not to execute a Save. If you don't no changes are Saved. If you do, all changes are Saved including every mistake you made breaking an application and every malware or piece of junk you unknowingly picked up while surfing the web. Portables operate out of their own folders which are only linked to your main OS. They update automatically without changing your entire operating system. You can easily create a backup [Right-Click a folder, select Duplicate from the drop-down menu, and give the duplicate a different name, e.g. my-app-portable-bk]. In case of a problem, you can revert to the old; no problem, just delete the old after you're satisfied]. And the same portable can be run from several Puppies; even copied to a different computer or deployed to a USB-Key. No need to install and update.

The first thing discord did was check for updates and download them. To keep it up to date, a Save would have been necessary. No so if portablized.

If you're interested, I've posted how to portablize discord here,

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