Reading Barry's blog post ... -mode.html, I gasped when I first read the post about using JWM rather than ROX to provide the desktop, as I thought the option may be removed. I was very pleased when I read on to see that the changes being made better reflect how I set up my installs. Thanks Barry.
The first thing I do on an EasyOS upgrade is change to use JWM. As Barry's post mentions, to me the tray is more functional as full width. So I change the width from the calculated value for me screen (1176) to 0 to make the tray full width. I also like to have labels displayed, however I don't think they need to be 200 pixels, so I reduce the size to 160. I also like to have labels shown on the Menu button, which I change to display the version of OS I am running. Ialso add a second tray for launchers, which I set to be hide tray feature to be 'Hybrid', so it appears when not being covered by full screen windows. I also prefer to have the trays to use the 2 colour fade, so I use the colour picker to select colours from the wallpaper to use as tray colour.
Edit: I also changed some icons to match the blue colour in the icon theme.
The screen shot for my current EasyOS 6.2: