ScarthGap (icon with a locker) ?

Moderator: BarryK

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ScarthGap (icon with a locker) ?

Post by pp4mnklinux »

Hello everybody:

Tonight, I was testing EasyOs, and I used again the icon named "scarthgap" which has a locker.

It takes me to a non-modified scarthgap OS, that is, without all my changes and I must recognize it is really useful.

It could be possible it is a subjective apreciation, but it runs like hell, I haven't got all my installed software, but I can use the internet really fast.

When using puppies, I have got a different save file when I wanna use the internet for work (online apps).

Can you, please, @BarryK if I am correct or it is a subjective perception?

Is this correct?

In Easy OS, a containerized desktop refers to a desktop environment that operates within a container. Containers are a lightweight form of virtualization that package an application and its dependencies together, allowing for isolated and consistent execution across different environments.

Here’s a simplified breakdown:

Easy OS: An innovative Linux distribution created by Barry Kauler, the original developer of Puppy Linux. It focuses on ease of use and security.

Container: A method of virtualization that bundles an application along with its dependencies and libraries into a single package, ensuring it runs consistently regardless of the environment. This is different from traditional virtual machines because containers share the host system's kernel and are more lightweight and efficient.

Desktop Environment: The graphical interface through which users interact with their computer, including windows, icons, toolbars, wallpapers, and desktop widgets.

Containerized Desktop in Easy OS: In Easy OS, you can run the entire desktop environment inside a container. This means the desktop environment and all the applications you run within it are isolated from the main host system. This provides several advantages:

Security: If a malicious application compromises the containerized desktop, the main host system remains unaffected.

Stability: Dependencies and libraries required by applications within the container do not interfere with those on the host system.

Portability: The containerized desktop can be easily moved or replicated across different systems without worrying about compatibility issues.

Practical Uses in Easy OS:

- Running potentially unsafe applications or testing new software without risking the host system.
- Creating different environments for different tasks (e.g., work, development, entertainment) that can be easily switched between or shared.
- Ensuring a clean and consistent environment for certain applications that require specific configurations or dependencies.

* Overall, the concept of a containerized desktop in Easy OS enhances security, flexibility, and convenience for users, making it a unique and powerful feature of this operating system.



How can I create another containers so I'll have a ScarthGap for Work, Enjoy, Social Networks..... ??
(I had read but, can any of you give me a step by step guide, plz?)

Have a nice day u all, CHEERS.

containerized desk.jpg
containerized desk.jpg (198.1 KiB) Viewed 818 times
Last edited by pp4mnklinux on Mon Jul 15, 2024 12:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ScarthGap (icon with a locker) ?

Post by BarryK »

Manual steps to create a clone of "scarthgap" container:

Code: Select all

# mkdir /mnt/wkg/containers/sg2
# mkdir /mnt/wkg/containers/sg2/container
# mkdir /mnt/wkg/containers/sg2/.ro0
# mkdir /mnt/wkg/containers/sg2/.session
# mkdir /mnt/wkg/containers/sg2/.work
# touch /mnt/wkg/containers/sg2/.session/INSIDE_sg2
# mkdir /mnt/wkg/containers/sg2/.session/.control
# cp -a /mnt/wkg/containers/scarthgap/.session/.control/ec-run /mnt/wkg/containers/sg2/.session/.control/
# cp -a /mnt/wkg/containers/scarthgap/configuration /mnt/wkg/containers/sg2/
# cp -a /mnt/wkg/containers/scarthgap/desktop /mnt/wkg/containers/sg2/
# sed -i -e 's%scarthgap%sg2%' /mnt/wkg/containers/sg2/desktop
# cp -a /usr/bin/ec-chroot-scarthgap /usr/bin/ec-chroot-sg2
# sed -i -e 's%scarthgap%sg2%' /usr/bin/ec-chroot-sg2

Then in a terminal, run this:

Code: Select all

# ec-chroot-sg2

To create a desktop icon, drag /usr/bin/ec-chroot-sg2 onto the desktop.
Right-click, choose "Edit Item" and change the text to "sg2"
Right-click, choose "File sg2" then "Set Icon..."

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Re: ScarthGap (icon with a locker) ?

Post by pp4mnklinux »

Thanks a lot for your so well explained answer, @BarryK .

This way I will create a second scarthgap , but if I wanna create a third, fourth... Do I only need to change the number (that is, should I use sg3, sg4 ...) ?

Thanks a lot, have a nice day.

Last edited by pp4mnklinux on Tue Jul 16, 2024 6:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ScarthGap (icon with a locker) ?

Post by BarryK »

Yep, create as many as you want, any short one-word name.

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