Ventoy works like a champ when booting an image of EasyOS from a SSD-based Ventoy system (see an older thread of mine) *except* when you let EasyOS update itself (5.8.1 to 5.8.2 or 5.8.2 to 5.8.3). The next time it boots and does it's voodoo where it creates some kind of new .sfs file is the last time that image will successfully boot. On the next boot and after, all you get is lots of errors about missing files.Something in the update process seems to confuse Ventoy.
Not a big deal I guess. The solution is to just save your data to some other drive/partition, make a nice new clean img file from the new version of EOS, and put your data back. EasyOS was never *meant* to work with Ventoy, so I guess one single "bug" is bearable. If you are using a HDD/SSD-based Ventoy and want to update the OS, view it as a clean install instead of an automatic update. Except for this one bad thing, Ventoy works great with EasyOS.
To be clear: Having EasyOS on a flashdrive and using Ventoy to boot and update the flashdrive works fine. The bug is when you are booting from an EasyOS *image*. In that case, updating borks the image and it wont boot anymore after the update is 100% complete.
The only way I have found to update an image-based Ventoy EasyOS is to not update it. lol
Treat a new version of EasyOS as a brand-new clean install. You know, Back up your data, do a new install and restore your data.
How sad, since other that that, EasyOS works great with Ventoy.