Why does quickpet want to install Firefox after I already did?

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Why does quickpet want to install Firefox after I already did?

Post by MikeLvG »

I have perhaps a rudimentary question so please forgive me as I am still learning.

I’m using the friendlyfossa64 remaster as I learn. It came with Firefox already installed. After getting comfortable I updated Firefox using the browser’s help>about utility.

My question is, when I go into the quickpet utility and click Firefox, quickpet attempts to download and install Firefox (again). When I discovered this I panicked and cancelled it out. Why would quickpet allow a download for something already installed and what would happen if I didn’t cancel it?

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Re: Web browsers and quickpet

Post by Wiz57 »

Because Quickpet is exactly what it says it is...it doesn't do any checks to see what is installed in your system, it just goes ahead and downloads whatever you tell it to. Now, once it is downloaded, the installer MAY note that the user already has a package installed, in which case it should ask for some sort of verification prior to overwriting the current installation.

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Re: Web browsers and quickpet

Post by mikewalsh »

@MikeLvG :-

From one Mike to another.....greetings!

Okay. Friendly-Fossa64, huh? Well, Wiz57 is quite right. Quickpet was one of PhilB's personal 'trademarks' for his Puppies.....a quick'n'easy way to access popular apps'n'programs from the dedicated repo put together for that particular Puppy. This lasted from Tahrpup64, through Xenialpup64 and Bionicpup64 as far as Fossapup64.....at which point Phil 'dropped off the radar', and hasn't been seen since.

Since Phil is no longer around, all the apps in the repos for those Puppies are now 'frozen' at whatever their last updates were. 'Zilla-based browsers can usually update further via their internal updaters (this finally now includes Pale Moon and even SeaMonkey at long last).


Question:- Have you ever looked at the many 'portable' browser builds I and several others have put together? You can find a listing for all the 'portable' apps I've made available by looking here:-


The main advantage is that browsers - and their caches (which can quickly grow enormous!) - can be run from completely outside Puppy, and especially the 'save'. You can even run these from a suitably-formatted flash drive if you wanted to, in exactly the same way as the Windows PortableApps (which is where I got the inspiration from, having run the last year of my final install of Windows XP, in 2013, completely from portable applications).

It ran very sweetly, too.....hardly a glitch in sight!

Mike. ;)

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Re: Web browsers and quickpet

Post by mikeslr »

And adding to what T'other Mike wrote about his portables, (almost?) all can be updated; some from their respective built-in update mechanisms, others via an Update Script you'll find within the extracted portable's folder. Also check-out T'other Mike's complete list of portables, viewtopic.php?p=48734&sid=dc6169f4f2316 ... a8a#p48734 FriendlyFossa can run them all.

In fact, FriendlyFossa can run any application specifically published for Fossapup64_9.5 (see viewtopic.php?p=8980&sid=dc6169f4f23164 ... 0a8a#p8980 --but read the thread from back to front as some packages have been updated, and others are no longer available-- or appearing in the Additional Software SubForum; and many applications appearing there which were NOT specifically built for some other operating system.

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Re: Web browsers and quickpet

Post by MikeLvG »

mikewalsh wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 10:11 pm

Question:- Have you ever looked at the many 'portable' browser builds I and several others have put together? You can find a listing for all the 'portable' apps I've made available by looking here:-


@mikewalsh wow this is great stuff! Thanks for sharing this. I’m still extremely green on puppy and Linux in general. Trying to teach myself in my spare time between work and general “adulting.” :) I’ll definitely check this all out.

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Re: Web browsers and quickpet

Post by MikeLvG »

mikewalsh wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 10:11 pm

Okay. Friendly-Fossa64, huh? Well, Wiz57 is quite right. Quickpet was one of PhilB's personal 'trademarks' for his Puppies.....a quick'n'easy way to access popular apps'n'programs from the dedicated repo put together for that particular Puppy. This lasted from Tahrpup64, through Xenialpup64 and Bionicpup64 as far as Fossapup64.....at which point Phil 'dropped off the radar', and hasn't been seen since.

Since Phil is no longer around, all the apps in the repos for those Puppies are now 'frozen' at whatever their last updates were.

Good to know. So I’m assuming that everything in quickpet is similarly outdated, such as the bug fix routine. That explains to me why the latest updates it pulls are from 2021 or so.

What then is the “correct” way to get bug fixed for an existing puppy? Again, sorry for my rudimentary questions. (So much to learn, so little time.)

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Re: Why does quickpet want to install Firefox after I already did?

Post by MikeLvG »

Can anyone point me in the right direction for this question?

“What then is the “correct” way to get bug fixed for an existing puppy? Again, sorry for my rudimentary questions. (So much to learn, so little time.)”

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Re: Why does quickpet want to install Firefox after I already did?

Post by mikewalsh »

MikeLvG wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 7:12 pm

Can anyone point me in the right direction for this question?

“What then is the “correct” way to get bug fixed for an existing puppy? Again, sorry for my rudimentary questions. (So much to learn, so little time.)”

Again, the "bug-fix" was an exclusive idea that was only ever used by PhilB - see my last post above. Both 'Quickpet' & "bugfix" belonged to PhilB.......and, to the best of my knowledge, nobody else ever implemented them in other Puppies.

Mike. ;)

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Re: Why does quickpet want to install Firefox after I already did?

Post by bigpup »

Usually for Puppy Linux.

A bug fix is offered in the Puppy version specific topic.

Or a newer version of the specific named Puppy version is posted.
This newer version will have the updates.

If the Puppy version does have the Quickpet program.

The updates feature in it, will provide updates that where found, and did not get into the release ISO.
So it will add the updates to it, after the install of the Puppy version.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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