A simple small seek thermal compact utility compiled in easyos 5.7 tested only(not anymore,read in post below for a puppy ''compatible" pet with dependencies), incomplete yad gui.
It's a usb phone thermal camera,non uvc compliant ,there are apps for droid and ios ,only basic support for linux .
Feel free to test , if you got a seek compact or pro & modify & share...
There is many features in to do list... you are all welcome to guide and help , if ever .
First yad gui , i'm a stubborn student with too many projects , it goes in slowly.. out at the same pace.
Need opencv and dependencies from ppm .
For now , it is basic as my yad/bash understanding is ,
included a link to easycast to record video , a photo seek snap shot button that save to tmp one single seeksnap.jpeg.
.Here all button use non-pro version model .
Come with the usual big 0 warranty .
Oh , resolution is bad , there is an seek_create_flat_field utility , not used here , another possible feature to ''gui""...
src https://github.com/ethz-asl/libseekthermal
Hope i included all TM and licences thingy.