Grey wrote: Tue Mar 08, 2022 2:49 am
Hello. I will allow myself to give you a little advice (as a person directly familiar with the situation).
If you want to show your solidarity and concern about the situation in Ukraine, then you need to write the name of the city differently.
Indeed language conveys from one generation to the next and from one region to another, the knowledge for the common good, thus preventing each generation from the necessity of starting civilsation from scratch.
Jamesbond highlighted the case with Beijing and Peking. We call Chinese mandarin, but in China it is pu dong hua.
Worse than all of these is the name of GOD which transferred to English by King James' Bible translators as Jehovah. 'J' used to be soft like Y or i, semi-vowel. But scholars generally agree the tetragrammaton 'YHWH' is likely Yahweh or the Spanish 'Yave'. So now you can inform your fellow Slavs the correct name upon which they should call in times of great distress. For my part I crave peace, world-wide peace. If every single person laid down their weapon right now, there would be peace. If weapons ceased to be produced there would be no food shortage and no lack of education or medicines. COVID was probably a weaponized virus to begin with.
So on his recent development mailings Victor said he is rotating in the national defence force, and so took time to remove the Russian translation from yad sources. We may potentially be near the end of yad development unless someone forks it, or Victor survives. I myself considered going to Ukraine, but having no military training I'm not sure how I could help. My beleif system says I should rather die than kill, but my ego ... that's another story!