YAD - tips'n'tricks

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YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by stemsee »

Yad tips'n'tricks will hopefully become a continuation or reference of 'YAD - Tips' by smokey01 (conspicuously absent here) from the old forum https://oldforum.puppylinux.com/viewtop ... 3773660edb Where we used to frolic among the blossoming code. Witlessly gleaning tidbits from the codecrops of giants and dwarves!

Actually I have a real question needs answering. Is there a way to programmatically use Yad --list --search --search-regex (open search with 'ctrl+f'), yad --text-info (open search 'ctrl+s') to find and display any matching term? So when opening a list of known items, or text I want the script to determine which item to select and highlight, by means of the search.

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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by fredx181 »

Yesss ! :thumbup2:

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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by misko_2083 »

stemsee wrote: Fri Sep 03, 2021 6:40 pm

Yad tips'n'tricks will hopefully become a continuation or reference of 'YAD - Tips' by smokey01 (conspicuously absent here) from the old forum https://oldforum.puppylinux.com/viewtop ... 3773660edb Where we used to frolic among the blossoming code. Witlessly gleaning tidbits from the codecrops of giants and dwarves!

Actually I have a real question needs answering. Is there a way to programmatically use Yad --list --search --search-regex (open search with 'ctrl+f'), yad --text-info (open search 'ctrl+s') to find and display any matching term? So when opening a list of known items, or text I want the script to determine which item to select and highlight, by means of the search.

The latest version on Debian11 opens search when "search-column" is defined.
Just type in the search term or press Ctrl+f. There is also --regex-search option.

Code: Select all

yad --list --search-column=1 --regex-search --column volumn a b c d e f g h

Text info, ctrl+f opens the search. But segfaults when trying to search.

Code: Select all

echo some text | yad --text-info
Segmentation fault

Good news is that text info doesn't segfault in paned dialog.
Example if there are files with extension .sh in $HOME/Desktop

Code: Select all

yad --plug=$$ --tabnum=1 --list --search-column=1 \
      --item-separator=" " --column="Docs"  $(for f in $HOME/Desktop/*.sh; do [[ -f "${f}" ]] && echo "${f##*/}"; done)  \
      --select-action="bash -c \"echo -e '\f' ; cd "$HOME/Desktop" ; cat  "%s" ; echo -e '\n' \""   \
| yad --plug=$$ --tabnum=2 --editable --text-info --listen &
yad --width=600 --height=440 --no-buttons --on-top --paned --splitter=200 --key=$$ \
    --tab="Selector" --search --tab="Preview" --orient=horizontal

Also the search bar only selects one match at a time.

Oh you intended to search list and tex info from standard input. Why didn't you write so? :)
I saw your issue on github. You described it much better in there.

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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by stemsee »

Oh you intended to search list and tex info from standard input. Why didn't you write so? :)
I saw your issue on github. You described it much better in there.

Well, on github I was requesting a feature ... here I'm requesting information! Actually just search text-info. So I have my yad epub reader. yad --notepad, with --image (needs scaling), --list, --text-info. So I am trying to create a bookmark, so that when opening a book the chapter and line can be found. So far I have it opening and displaying the correct saved html file from within the epub zip file. But I have no way to locate the saved text (the higlighted text when saving changes and exiting) in the displayed text-info. The highlighted text (last words read?), font, and back/fore colours are saved along with geometry. I managed to insert the file string and saved text string at the beginning of the book text in text-info pane, so that at least one could search for that term , but it doesn't work for me, yet :!:

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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by misko_2083 »

^^ Sorry about my lame joke. It wasn't a serious question. :D
I've fetched the latest from master branch and compiled with GtkSourceView, and couldn't find anything helpful.
But the line numbers, tags and file operations are useful additions.

Code: Select all

yad --text-info --line-hl --line-num --line-marks --editable --file-op --brackets


Also tree in lists is very interesting

Code: Select all

awk -F\' '$1=="menuentry " || $1=="submenu " {print i++ "\n" $2 };
/\tmenuentry / {print  i+j++":" i-1 "\n" $2 };' /boot/grub/grub.cfg \
| yad --width=500 --height=400 --listen --list --separator="" --tree --tree-expanded --column="GRUB Menu Entry"


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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by stemsee »

misko_2083 wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 8:25 am

I've fetched the latest from master branch and compiled with GtkSourceView, and couldn't find anything helpful.
But the line numbers, tags and file operations are useful additions.

Code: Select all

yad --text-info --line-hl --line-num --line-marks --editable --file-op --brackets

I forgot to mention I'm developing on step's gtk2 branch!

But yes I had compiled yad 9x and used it, but the sizes of buttons and other differences which seemed unresolvable on fd... for me anyway!

I think the line numbers will be useful, if only the right click menu had 'go to line number [ ]' option....that would be perfect.

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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by misko_2083 »

A little script to monitor the cpu core frequencies in form dialog.
For each core creates a new field for the form dialog.

Code: Select all

for c in  /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq; do
  CPU+=(--field "cpu$((i++))" )

while read $(eval echo cpu{1..${i}}) \
  <<<$(paste /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq)
   for f in $(eval echo "\$cpu{1..${i}}")
        echo "${f%???}.${f#"${f%???}"} MHz"
 sleep 1
done \
| yad --form --text="cpu cores ${i}" \
      ${CPU[*]} --width=500 --height=400 --cycle-read

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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by snoring_cat »

Just an FYI, I put out a Notecase file at YAD Guides called Yad_Users_Guide.ncd.

Files with a .ncd extension can be opened using Notecase. If this application is not installed on your computer, or in your software repository, it can be downloaded at https://www.notecasepro.com

Feel free to download, make issues, suggestions and requests via GitHub or private message. I created it a while back and recently integrated in some of smokey01's content.

smokey01 never got back with me about collaboration, so now I'll make the link public knowledge.

Last edited by snoring_cat on Wed Dec 01, 2021 1:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by stemsee »

misko_2083 wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 11:01 am

A little script to monitor the cpu core frequencies in form dialog.
For each core creates a new field for the form dialog.

I like it misko ... thanx

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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by misko_2083 »

stemsee wrote: Wed Nov 24, 2021 6:27 pm
misko_2083 wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 11:01 am

A little script to monitor the cpu core frequencies in form dialog.
For each core creates a new field for the form dialog.

I like it misko ... thanx

Glad you like it. :thumbup2:
@Grey asked how to do this in a google group and singed as Upgreyed. :lol:
The only thing that comes to mind is to add --columns=2 for processors with many cores.
Or put two frequencies in one field for 10-20 cores.

Code: Select all

cpu0-1      900.077 MHz   900.049 MHz
cpu2-3      900.085 MHz   900.048 MHz
cpu19-20    900.055 MHz   900.71 MHz

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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by hundido »

I tried to open the .ncd guide from github, and this is what I get:

Code: Select all

7/6B8H/fZo+rVOwc8TA8U/8AI0ah/wBdTRWdqmovqOp3F48ao0r7ioPAortVSMVZmdmz/9k">  <img title="sysinfo.jpg" src="

What program do I use to open that file type in a way I can read?

YAD is one of things computers use to set color temperature to 1800k, right? Or am I confused about...?

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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by misko_2083 »

hundido wrote: Sun Nov 28, 2021 7:03 am

I tried to open the .ncd guide from github
What program do I use to open that file type in a way I can read?

It looks like HTML with the embedded images.
This code between the <img> </img> tags are images encoded in base64.
Try with Firefox, Chromium or whatever web browser.

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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by williams2 »

What program do I use to open that file type

An ncd file is a Note Case Document

Many (most?) Pups have notecase already installed.
Just click the ncd file to open it using notecase.

If the ncd file is on the internet, down load the ncd file first, then click it.

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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by stemsee »

I tried to open the .ncd guide from github, and this is what I get:

Code: Select all

7/6B8H/fZo+rVOwc8TA8U/8AI0ah/wBdTRWdqmovqOp3F48ao0r7ioPAortVSMVZmdmz/9k">  <img title="sysinfo.jpg" src="

What program do I use to open that file type in a way I can read?

hundido wrote: Sun Nov 28, 2021 7:03 am

YAD is one of things computers use to set color temperature to 1800k, right? Or am I confused about...?

YAD (Yet Another Dialog) ... yad is a frontend for gtk-dialog .... these are precoded applets, I believe, which make it easier to create a gui. One could create a frontend that lets the user control the colour temperature.

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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by snoring_cat »

hundido wrote: Sun Nov 28, 2021 7:03 am

I tried to open the .ncd guide from github, and this is what I get:

Hi hundido,
Files with a .ncd extension can be opened using Notecase. If this application is not installed on your computer, or in your software repository, it can be downloaded at https://www.notecasepro.com

I updated the README.md at https://github.com/w00fpack/YAD_Guides to be more informative. Thanks for pointing out to me that not everyone is familiar with the Notecase application.


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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by stemsee »

Houston! ...we got a problem!

Trying to avoid --cycle-read to get text info from processes into viewer in --form. This is the closest i got. WARNING! this will create a savefile of 128mb in /mn/sda1 with the name changes!! Copy code into terminal, press enter, then ctrl+c, gui opens ... BUT ... command is executed with defaults! Text appears from previous use, because text is in pipe on opening new gui. Feels so close to working. I've tried a lot of variations.

Code: Select all

mkfifo /tmp/mkpipe
yad --form --field="SIZE":CBE "128 256 512 1024 2048 4096" --field="Internal File System":CBE "ext2 ext3 ext4 fat32 exfat btrfs ntfs" --field="NAME":CBE "changes savefile fdsave" --field="PATH":CBE "/mnt/sda1/ /media/ " --field="MAKE SaveFile":FBTN "bash -c \"dd if=/dev/zero of="%4%3.%2" bs="1024" count="%1"KB >> /tmp/mkpipe;mkfs -t "%2" -q -m 0 -F "%4%3.%2" >> /tmp/mkpipe;chmod a+rw "%4%3.%2" >> /tmp/mkpipe;fsck -M -C -a -l "%4%3.%2"  >> /tmp/mkpipe & \"" --field="Viewer:TXT" "$(bash -c 'while sleep 0.2; do cat /tmp/mkpipe; done &')" --item-separator=" " &
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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by stemsee »

Yad is developed by Victor Ananjevsky. He lives in Kyev, which is being surrounded by paratroopers. Spare a thought or prayer for him.

Last edited by stemsee on Thu Mar 10, 2022 11:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by misko_2083 »

Stemsee this question in google groups got me thinking.

What if there are two lists in the paned diaog?

Code: Select all


yad --plug=$key --tabnum=1 \
   --select-action="printf '%b\n%b\n%b\n' %s" \
   --list \
   --column=Ne --column=ID --column=EMAIL \
     1 ID mail 7 ID mail 20 ID mail \
| yad --plug=$key --tabnum=2 \
      --list --print-all \
      --editable \
      --row-action="echo -e \"1\\n2\\n3\\n\"" \
      --tail \
      --listen --cycle-read \
      --column=No --column=ID --column=EMAIL &

yad --paned --key=$key --center --orient=Horizontal --splitter=200 --width=800 --height=600

Instead of --select-action, double cick --dclick-action is an alternative here.
This line --select-action="printf '%b\n%b\n%b\n' %s" separates the columns from the output into newlines so it can be piped to another list.
This would work too --select-action="printf '%q\n%q\n%q\n' %s"
For clearing the list in the right pane, fifo pipe can be used instead to send the form feed character.
Or with --editable (like in the script above) to delete the rows by right clicking them and selecting the option from the context menu.
There is also row action which defines the command run when a row is added, deleted or edited.
That list has to have --editable option.
In this script that would be --row-action="echo -e \"1\\n2\\n3\\n\""

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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by misko_2083 »

The picture dialog only displays the picture.
The list dialog can be abused to change the image.

Code: Select all


split_arg () {
 echo -e "\f"  # clear the list
 echo "$6"    # Set the image
export -f split_arg


yad --plug=$key --tabnum=1 \
    --select-action='bash -c "split_arg %s"' \
    --hide-column=6 \
    --title="Extension Installer" \
    --list  --checklist \
    --width=900 --height=650 \
    --separator="\n" \
    --column="pick" \
    --column="No" \
    --column="Ext type" \
    --column=Extension \
    --column=Description \
    --column="" \
    false 101 Functions "Auto Hide List" "Short description." auto-hide.png \
    false 102 Functions "Auto Move Windows" "Short description." auto-move.png \
    false 201 Styles "Diary Border Style" "Short description." diary-style.png \
    false 202 Styles "DiaryThumbnails" "Short description."  diary-thumb.png \
| yad --plug=$key --tabnum=2 \
      --list --no-headers \
      --listen --cycle-read \
      --column=":IMG" &

yad --paned --key=$key --center --orient=Horizontal --splitter=500 --width=800 --height=600

The path to the image is stored in the 6th column of the first list.
It's a hidden column.
Function split_arg clears the list and sets a new image.
Can't fit/scale the image like --picture dialog but can be used for some purposes.

What I found out is that %s in --select/--dclick actions uses single quotes so it's easy to split the columns after all.

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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by misko_2083 »

stemsee wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 7:51 pm

Yad is developed by Victor Ananjevsky. He lives in Kiev, which is being surrounded by paratroopers. Spare a thought or prayer for him.

Uncle Victor says he is fine.
In good spirit too, he said he'll send me beer after the war. :D

Jokes aside I know how he really feels, been through that in '99 when the NATO criminals attacked.

Back to the topic, this is how the code looks for changing the right pane image when the row in the list on the left pane is selected.

Code: Select all


split_arg () {
 echo -e "\f"
 echo "$6"
export -f split_arg

export fpipe="$(mktemp -u --tmpdir fvwmei.XXXXXXXX)"
mkfifo "$fpipe"
trap "rm "$fpipe"" EXIT
exec 3<> "$fpipe"


yad --plug=$key --tabnum=1 \
    --select-action='bash -c "split_arg %s >$fpipe"' \
    --hide-column=6 \
    --list --checklist \
    --width=900 --height=650 \
    --column=Y/N --column=No: --column="Ext type" \
    --column=Extension --column=Description --column="" \
    false 101 Functions "Auto Hide List" "Short description." "auto-hide.png" \
    false 102 Functions "Auto Move Windows" "Short description." "auto-move.png" \
    false 201 Styles "Diary Border Style" "Short description." "diary-style.png" \
    false 202 Styles "DiaryThumbnails" "Short description." "diary-thumb.png" >inst.txt &
yad --plug=$key --tabnum=2 --list --no-headers --listen --cycle-read --column=":IMG" <&3  &

# To set the initial image uncomment next 
# echo "diary-thumb.png" >&3

yad --paned --key=$key --title="Extension Installer" \
    --center --orient=Horizontal --splitter=500 --width=800 --height=600
exec 3>&-


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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by Grey »

stemsee wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 7:51 pm


Hello. I will allow myself to give you a little advice (as a person directly familiar with the situation).
If you want to show your solidarity and concern about the situation in Ukraine, then you need to write the name of the city differently.

Your version Kiev is used (spoken and written) by "the damned occupiers and invaders".
There are several proverbs and sayings in the Russian language related to Kiev. I can remember 2 of them offhand.

The government of Ukraine requires the use of the name (write and pronounce) Kyiv (although your version is written on many monuments and buildings of the city).

Therefore, if you communicate on other forums, then you may get something like this:
You: "I express solidarity with the people of Kiev!"
Local patriot: "What?! The invader has been detected! You don't even know what we're properly called!"

To prevent this from happening, use their new version. Kyiv.
I can (and will) use the old name. But your soul can still be saved from hellfire ;)

Well, now back to the scripts.

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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by jamesbond »

Grey wrote: Tue Mar 08, 2022 2:49 am

Hello. I will allow myself to give you a little advice (as a person directly familiar with the situation).

Which why I like to hear from you to know what's going on.

Your version Kiev is used (spoken and written) by ...

... by many other places in the world. I remember that it took years, literally years to get people to recognise the change from St. Petersburg to Leningrad back to St. Petersburg ... A rose by any name smells as sweet.

Therefore, if you communicate on other forums, then you may get something like this:
You: "I express solidarity with the people of Kiev!"
Local patriot: "What?! The invader has been detected! You don't even know what we're properly called!"


OK OK, enough off-topic. Sorry. Get back to work, now.

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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by rockedge »

I remember when Beijing was Peking

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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by wiak »

rockedge wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 5:05 pm

I remember when Beijing was Peking

No you don't - you just googled ;-)

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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by stemsee »

Grey wrote: Tue Mar 08, 2022 2:49 am

Hello. I will allow myself to give you a little advice (as a person directly familiar with the situation).
If you want to show your solidarity and concern about the situation in Ukraine, then you need to write the name of the city differently.

Indeed language conveys from one generation to the next and from one region to another, the knowledge for the common good, thus preventing each generation from the necessity of starting civilsation from scratch.

Jamesbond highlighted the case with Beijing and Peking. We call Chinese mandarin, but in China it is pu dong hua.

Worse than all of these is the name of GOD which transferred to English by King James' Bible translators as Jehovah. 'J' used to be soft like Y or i, semi-vowel. But scholars generally agree the tetragrammaton 'YHWH' is likely Yahweh or the Spanish 'Yave'. So now you can inform your fellow Slavs the correct name upon which they should call in times of great distress. For my part I crave peace, world-wide peace. If every single person laid down their weapon right now, there would be peace. If weapons ceased to be produced there would be no food shortage and no lack of education or medicines. COVID was probably a weaponized virus to begin with.

So on his recent development mailings Victor said he is rotating in the national defence force, and so took time to remove the Russian translation from yad sources. We may potentially be near the end of yad development unless someone forks it, or Victor survives. I myself considered going to Ukraine, but having no military training I'm not sure how I could help. My beleif system says I should rather die than kill, but my ego ... that's another story!

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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by stemsee »

misko_2083 wrote: Tue Mar 01, 2022 11:58 am

Stemsee this question in google groups got me thinking.

What if there are two lists in the paned dialog?

That's interesting I will try your suggestions out.

The Twitter service stopped working in Russia, blocked by the government. However it is available in Russia with an onion service running on Tor. I know whatsapp still works there and the chinese chat/dating app Tantan, could be used to keep information flowing.


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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by Grey »

stemsee wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 11:54 am

Victor said he is rotating in the national defence force

If he went voluntarily... this is a courageous, but perhaps rash and wrong decision.
Guys from the Chechen Republic of Russia are fighting there now.
I'm afraid of them myself. I wouldn't want to meet them in battle. They are very determined and excellent warriors.
Ironically, they themselves tried to separate from Russia several times. But times and allies are changing.

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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by rockedge »

wiak wrote:

No you don't - you just googled ;-)

Didn't need to! I have a huge world wall map from a school that is from the late 60's early 70's. Right there in black letters "Peking". Or when President Nixon went to China (very big deal at the time) it was "Peking" he visited.

They say I have a good memory, but I know it's easier than that...I have old(er) maps and globes

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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by Grey »


It's good that I don't have to look and remember :) We used to call it Пекин (Peking)... and now it's called the same.

Different devices. Different approach.

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Re: YAD - tips'n'tricks

Post by misko_2083 »

stemsee wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 11:54 am
Grey wrote: Tue Mar 08, 2022 2:49 am

Hello. I will allow myself to give you a little advice (as a person directly familiar with the situation).
If you want to show your solidarity and concern about the situation in Ukraine, then you need to write the name of the city differently.

Indeed language conveys from one generation to the next and from one region to another, the knowledge for the common good, thus preventing each generation from the necessity of starting civilsation from scratch.

Jamesbond highlighted the case with Beijing and Peking. We call Chinese mandarin, but in China it is pu dong hua.

Worse than all of these is the name of GOD which transferred to English by King James' Bible translators as Jehovah. 'J' used to be soft like Y or i, semi-vowel. But scholars generally agree the tetragrammaton 'YHWH' is likely Yahweh or the Spanish 'Yave'. So now you can inform your fellow Slavs the correct name upon which they should call in times of great distress. For my part I crave peace, world-wide peace. If every single person laid down their weapon right now, there would be peace. If weapons ceased to be produced there would be no food shortage and no lack of education or medicines. COVID was probably a weaponized virus to begin with.

So on his recent development mailings Victor said he is rotating in the national defence force, and so took time to remove the Russian translation from yad sources. We may potentially be near the end of yad development unless someone forks it, or Victor survives. I myself considered going to Ukraine, but having no military training I'm not sure how I could help. My beleif system says I should rather die than kill, but my ego ... that's another story!

In Serbian Latin and Cyrilic: Kijev i Peking / Кијев и Пекинг
J is like Y
In Spanish, J is pronounced H so when they write jaja it's actually haha.

The last thing I heard is that Victor was running low on cigarettes.
Always a shortage of everything in war, don't know anything about the food stocks in Kijev.
There is a lot of propaganda from both sides, what can we do, the truth is the first casualty in war.

Screw the development of yad, who can worry about that now, I hope he and his family make it alive.
Going to the war? You are romanticizing silly, you don't know what the war is. It's nothing close to the movies.

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