Slacko 5.7.1 WoofCE by Sailor Enceladus
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Slacko 5.7.1 WoofCE by Sailor Enceladus
This is the main driver on my 1.3 GHz, 1 GB RAM Celeron laptop from circa 2003, where I find that it slightly outperforms both jrb's Precise Light and radky's DPupStretch 7.5 RC5, both of which are also fine distros.
Re: Slacko 5.7.1 WoofCE by Sailor Enceladus
seems to work surprisingly fast on my old Pentium M 1.2Ghz machine (circa 2004) ! thanks
sorry for the newbish question (installed my first pup yesterday) but which web browser can I install ?
(I tried installing chromium v30 from ppm but the installation failed (chromium package not found or sthg like that) ... and I am a bit confused by all the "pet" available ...)
Re: Slacko 5.7.1 WoofCE by Sailor Enceladus
pierro78 wrote: Wed Nov 18, 2020 6:29 pmsorry for the newbish question (installed my first pup yesterday) but which web browser can I install ?
(I tried installing chromium v30 from ppm but the installation failed (chromium package not found or sthg like that) ... and I am a bit confused by all the "pet" available ...)
tried the chromium v25 from ... -slacko14/ ... it starts surprisingly fast also but it wont let me in my google account
PS :
also tried firefox and opera from the ibiblio page but they didn t work well either and also seem to be slower than chromium ...
PS :
tried chromium 34 from but still can't login into google ...
- mikeslr
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Web-browsers for Slacko 5.7.x
Install isn't the right concept. In a Frugal Puppy, your SaveFile/Folder is a file-system which contains the applications you’ve installed. On bootup, all the file-systems Puppies use merge in RAM with the files (including libraries) found in the SaveFile/Folder having precedence, i.e conflicting files will not be used. Applications dependent on the libraries not being used are broken.
There's a limit to how far you can update the base system of an old Puppy without actually ending up with a newer operating system which you could have more easily obtained. The base for Slacko 5.7.x remains Slackware 14.0, which was first published in 2012. Most applications depend on libraries found on the system which runs them. Those built into Slacko 14.0 also date from that time. In many instances a system can use both old and new libraries. Current Graphic-oriented Web-browser such as google-chrome and firefox require some newer libraries which would conflict with those built into Slacko 5.7.x
Watchdog's Palemoon (which forked from firefox) provided a work-around: place “newer libs” in a folder within the browser itself together with instructions that the browser look for its libs in that folder. You can find his builds of palemoon here: ... 93#1035893. But I prefer Mike Walsh’s portable, viewtopic.php?p=4251#p4251. fredx181 used Watchdog’s technique to enable the creation of a portable firefox-quantum, viewtopic.php?f=90&t=96 [or follow my instructions here to use any older firefox version. viewtopic.php?p=8330#p8330]. Applying Watchdog’s and fredx181’s techniques, ingenuity and elbow-grease Mike Walsh publishes not only the aforementioned Palemoon portable, but also Seamonkey, ... 26#1024826.
The advantage of a ‘portable’ is that it stores your profile (bookmarks, addons, settings) and web-cache within its own folder. They can be run from anywhere; from your /opt folder “within Puppy” if you want. But I run them from /mnt/home: from there web-cache --which can quickly grow to hundreds of Mbs-- does not take up RAM and any kind of profile change is immediately written to "storage" so does not require a Save. Portables also will offer to update to the latest version.
Chromium is Google-Chrome’s “test-bed”. When Google is satisfied, it takes the Chromium build, add some features and the Google-Chrome branding. Iron, opera, vivaldi, slimjet, yandex and some others also take a Chromium build, add features, subtract features --such as transmit everything the user does to Google-- and add their own branding.
Mike Walsh publishes 32-bit Chromium-clones, viewtopic.php?p=8388#p8388. But as far as I know, his post here describes and provides the only way to run recent Chromium based web-browser under Slacko 5.7.x viewtopic.php?p=4748#p4748. Essentially what is involved is running much of Tahrpup under Slacko 5.7.1 in order to run the web-browser. Might as well be running tahrpup, or better still an even newer Puppy.
For Tor, see this thread: viewtopic.php?f=90&t=213.
Almost every website providing rich graphic or video content, or concerned with security, will only allow access if you are using a reasonably current web-browser. I doubt that Mike Walsh's packages of Google-Chrome 48 from here, ... -of-puppy/ will meet their criteria. In my experience, Mike Seamonkey portable is the easiest way to obtain a web-browser still generally acceptable while demanding the least amount of your computer's RAM.
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Re: Slacko 5.7.1 WoofCE by Sailor Enceladus
pierro78 wrote: Wed Nov 18, 2020 6:29 pmseems to work surprisingly fast on my old Pentium M 1.2Ghz machine (circa 2004) !
sorry for the newbish question (installed my first pup yesterday) but which web browser can I install ?
(I tried installing chromium v30 from ppm but the installation failed (chromium package not found or sthg like that) ... and I am a bit confused by all the "pet" available ...)
i pierro78!
See the proposed link. It works well with an installation under Slacko 5.7
Born to lose; live to win
chromium based browser on an old 1GB laptop ? / Re: Slacko 5.7.1 WoofCE by Sailor Enceladus
thanks a lot for the very informative answers !!
as I would like to use a chromium based browser for speed and I think I also need a quite recent one I think I ll go with TahrPup and Iron Portable ...
(chromium 34 is surprisingly speedy on my old computer but if it won t let me login into google and is not supported by facebook ... although my old computer only has 1GB RAM so I guess facebook will barely be usable ... but in some cases it might be useful to be able to access it ...)
Re: chromium based browser on an old 1GB laptop ? / Re: Slacko 5.7.1 WoofCE by Sailor Enceladus
pierro78 wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 10:21 amas I would like to use a chromium based browser for speed and I think I also need a quite recent one I think I ll go with TahrPup and Iron Portable ...
PS : Iron didn't allow me to login into google so I went with Vivaldi (had to fix an issue with libs viewtopic.php?f=90&t=624&p=10429#p10429 ) ... but I don t feel it's as speedy as chromium 34 on my slacko 5.7 ... maybe it's because I installed the lastpass extension on it ... maybe I am going to look for chromium on TahrPup ... or maybe slimjet ?
- mikeslr
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Re: chromium based browser on an old 1GB laptop ? / Re: Slacko 5.7.1 WoofCE by Sailor Enceladus
pierro78 wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:07 pmpierro78 wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 10:21 amas I would like to use a chromium based browser for speed and I think I also need a quite recent one I think I ll go with TahrPup and Iron Portable ...
PS : Iron didn't allow me to login into google so I went with Vivaldi (had to fix an issue with libs viewtopic.php?f=90&t=624&p=10429#p10429 ) ... but I don t feel it's as speedy as chromium 34 on my slacko 5.7 ... maybe it's because I installed the lastpass extension on it ... maybe I am going to look for chromium on TahrPup ... or maybe slimjet ?
To achieve lower RAM usage and quicker response I published a Remastered Tahrpup 6.0.6, ... 27e#982810 and the Remastered Slacko 5.7.2 CE, ... 93#1018293. Slacko 5.7.2 was remastered from an early build by Sailor Enceladus but using one of rockedge's real-time kernels. Despite the above, the 32-bit Puppy I recommend is dpup-stretch because as I posted here, with relevant links, viewtopic.php?p=1506#p1506 "it was often recommended for computers as, with the proper setup, it could boot with as little as 68 Mbs of RAM, viewtopic.php?p=1320#p1320 while having OOTB the 'infra-structure' needed to run current Web-browsers."
Not being wedded to Chromium & clones, I still get considerable usage out of Slacko 5.7.2 CE. And there may be Puppies newer than dpup-stretch which will do as well. But fleshing out a Puppy with all the applications I may want takes considerable time and I haven't felt any pressing need to upgrade.
- mikewalsh
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Re: Slacko 5.7.1 WoofCE by Sailor Enceladus
TBH, that doesn't surprise me at all.
It's a well-known and, by now, simply "accepted" fact of life that web-browsers just do seem to "balloon" in size as the releases roll past.
I was using Chrome/Chromium releases in the high 20s/low 30s when I first started with Puppy over 6 ½ yrs ago. On the much older and less-capable hardware I was using back then, those browsers were still quite sprightly & fast. As the years rolled by, the browsers got heavier & heavier, and the hardware began to struggle with them. Now I've updated to far newer & much more capable hardware, I've just about regained the speed I used to have with the older hardware running older browser versions....
What does that tell you..?
I use Sailor's 571 myself. And I run 'current' clones on it! Considering that no Chromium derivative beyond the high 50s will run on it natively, you may wonder how I manage it?
Simple. I cheat! I'm not really running it in 571 at all, but inside a chrooted 'jail', essentially running one Puppy from inside another. This is not exactly a feasible proposition for those of you with severe hardware constraints - the resource requirements become quite high.....but on this new HP desktop, I've got so much RAM & storage it's simply ridiculous. It doesn't even get noticed, and gKrellM barely registers what RAM it does use. I could run anything I wanted - even Redmond's abortion, I guess! - but I stick with Puppy 'cos I love its 'ethos', sheer flexibility & quirky nature.
The chroot 'jail' concept in use here is all thanks to @watchdog, of course. 'Jails' have been around for a long time, but watchdog was, to the best of my knowledge, one of the first Puppians to really start using one regularly and, more importantly, to 'share' that knowledge with the community. You can run mainstream distros as a chroot jail, but they need a fair bit of stripping, since they're so much bigger; Puppy, of course, is small and neat enough to simply use for a chroot jail as-is. I even put together a package of the entire Tahrpup 'jail' + browser, which you can load as an SFS, as & when you want it.....but you DO need around 1100 MB in total for just this item (when loaded). And that's in addition to the space the 'host' Puppy itself needs to run and function, along with anything else you might be running at the same time. Much under 2 GB RAM, and I feel you'd be on a hiding to nothing...
I also run a Xenial64 'jail' for certain applications in the 'lite' spin on BK's original 64-bit Quirky April 7.0.1 which @jrb assembled, and which has for some time been my 'daily driver'. It lets me run Zoom, for example....
Re: chromium based browser on an old 1GB laptop ? / Re: Slacko 5.7.1 WoofCE by Sailor Enceladus
mikeslr wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:34 pm(...) Despite the above, the 32-bit Puppy I recommend is dpup-stretch because as I posted here, with relevant links, viewtopic.php?p=1506#p1506 "it was often recommended for computers as, with the proper setup, it could boot with as little as 68 Mbs of RAM, viewtopic.php?p=1320#p1320 while having OOTB the 'infra-structure' needed to run current Web-browsers."
wow excellent advice about dpup-stretch !
installed it, then chromium 73 from the ppm (had to fix a couple of issues : missing libs, needed to run it under user spot with --user-data-dir) and it looks like its speed is comparable to chromium 34 on slacko 5.7 !!
thanks !!!
(also looks like it can login into chrome remote desktop ? ... no the chrome remote desktop window is crashing ... I am going to retry after finishing to write here)
PS :
confirmed : chrome remote desktop is crashing from this chromium 73 ... but I can still use MikeWalsh's recent portable Vivaldi if I need to login into chrome remote desktop
... and the more important thing to me is it can login into google ...
PS2 : wow chromium 73 on this 16 years old Pentium M 1.2Ghz can play 240p youtube videos smoothly (about 60% cpu) ( Vivaldi can't ) ... no sound though
PS3 : fixed the sound issue (had to run chromium 73 as root and install a package named sthg like chromium-I10n (I don t remember) ...)
PS4 : added pfix=nocopy to my boot options as I've read it might save me a little of my precious RAM (and my old laptop still boots quickly )
Re: Slacko 5.7.1 WoofCE by Sailor Enceladus
oops just an addition : played a little with chromium 86 on my upup bionic beaver (pfix=nocopy boot option) and it seems like it plays as fast as my chromium 34 on slacko 5.7.1 on this old little laptop
... and chromium is easier to get running on it than on the older pups ... I don t know why I "cancelled" it last time ...
... or maybe I am talking too fast : why is idle chromium is eating like 16٪ cpu on it ?
==> oh no it s when I am editing sthg in this forum that chromium eats like 16٪ cpu ... maybe there s sthg wrong with some javascript ?? ... let me check with chromium 73 on stretch ...
==> confirmed : "idle" chromium 73 on stretch is eating like 14٪ cpu when editing this post ...
- mikewalsh
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Re: Slacko 5.7.1 WoofCE by Sailor Enceladus
I always had the exact same issue with the old Puppy Forums when I was still running my old hardware. Doesn't happen with this new one...
Re: Slacko 5.7.1 WoofCE by Sailor Enceladus
played a little bit again with my stretch pup with its chromium 73 and, to me, it does actually seem to run a tiny bit faster than my bionic beaver pup chromium 86 ( except that the adguard extension seems to take quite a moment to load ... ==> replaced adguard by ublock : chromium seems to be good now ! , and chromium doesn't eat too much CPU while I edit this
PS : added a picture of my old (but cute) Panasonic R4 Pentium M 1.2Ghz 1GB RAM mechanical hard drive 10.4 inch display circa 2004 under puppylinux dpup bionic beaver in the facebook group : ... 13123756/
Re: Slacko 5.7.1 WoofCE by Sailor Enceladus
mikewalsh wrote: Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:15 pmI always had the exact same issue with the old Puppy Forums when I was still running my old hardware. Doesn't happen with this new one...
replaced adguard by ublock on my chromium 73 stretch pup : chromium seems to be good now ! , and it doesn't eat too much CPU while I edit this