I know there are plenty of extraction utilities out there but I wanted to create one with yad that is flexible and allows you to add scripts for currently unsupported file types as well as the ability to easily edit my current scripts. Open from the menu and click the edit button to add or edit my current scripts for specified file types or drop a file in to convert. Mime types are in the desktop file so you should also be able to select yextract from your file manager when a supported file is selected. If 7z or 7zz is installed the program will attempt to extract a non supported file type as well. If you don't have the required program installed to extract your file type you will get a pop up to let you know what you need to install.
If your file type is zip, rar, or 7z and the file is encrypted, you will get a pop up box to enter the password.
0.2 added scripts for more file types and improved some others, added more mime types to the desktop file, added the ability to use my generic 7zip script on a file if you are on the sequential second attempt of extracting the same file and you have 7z or 7zz executables installed.
0.3 Improved the extraction scripts & got rid of the gtk buttons for @bigpup
0.4 Improved, fixed and sped up some scripts. Created better and more verbose output.
0.5 added bz3 support, improved the other scripts as well.
0.6 fixed the rar script to overwrite if needed, fixed the generic 7zip script if a 7z archive has hidden files, added a 001 script that will reassemble a split 7z file and decompress it.
0.7 code clean up
0.8 fixed the deb script and a typo
Supported file types:
001 - combines split 7z files when the .001 file is opened and then decompresses if 7z or 7zz is installed
7z - requires either 7z or 7zz
ace - requires unace
arj - requires either 7z or 7zz
bin - requires bchunk and a cue file, may also require 7z or 7zz if resulting file is an iso
bz2 - requires bunzip2
bz3 - requires bunzip3
cab - requires either 7z or 7zz
cbr - requires unrar
cbz - requires unzip
chm - requires either 7z or 7zz
cpio - requires cpio
deb - requires either dpkg-deb or ar
depot - requires tar
dmg - requires either 7z or 7zz
gz - requires gunzip
img - requires either 7z or 7zz
iso - requires either 7z or 7zz
lzma - requires either 7z or 7zz
msi - requires either 7z or 7zz
pet - requires tar
pup - requires unzip and tar
rar - requires unrar
rpm - requires cpio and either of the following: rpm2cpio 7z 7zz and possibly unzstd or alien
sfs - requires one of the following: unsquashfs4 unsquashfs 7z 7zz
tar - requires tar
tar.7z - requires either 7z or 7zz as well as tar
tar.bz2 - requires tar
tar.bz3 - requires tar and bunzip3
tar.gz - requires tar
tar.lzma - requires tar and lzma
tar.xz - requires tar
tar.z - requires tar and zstd
tar.zst - requires tar and zstd
tbz - requires tar
tbz2 - requires tar
tgz - requires tar
tlz - requires tar and lzma
txz - requires tar
wim - requires either 7z or 7zz
xbps - requires tar and zstd
xz - requires unxz
z - requires uncompress
zfs - requires tar and zstd
zip - requires unzip
zstd - requires unzstd