I made a small script called "crux-build.sh" (attached), that can be used to compile PET packages from CRUX Linux build scripts, called a "Pkgfile"
You get the Pkgfiles from the repos listed at CRUX ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/
(A "ports" system is just another name for a "build packages from source" system..
People offer "ports", which are their build scripts, in their repos..)
1. Download the attachment, extract it to /usr/bin
2. Choose a repo from the list at the CRUX Linux portdb: https://crux.nu/portdb/
3. Choose a package you want to build.. Example: feh
4. Download the Pkgfile and any assets (icons, fonts, patches, etc) to: /usr/local/src/feh/
5. You should have at least: /usr/local/src/feh/Pkgfile
6. Then run this command:
Code: Select all
crux-build.sh feh
You should end up with a package like this:
You can install it with the PPM (or Pkg).
As some of you know, Pkg can compile programs from their source code and package up the results as a PET:
You do it like so:
pkg build <pkgname> # compile "pkgname" from source code and package it up as a PET
Normally, Pkg uses either Petbuild, Buildpet (outdated), src2pkg or SBoPkg to compile packages from "build scripts".
- Petbuild: made by 01micko, builds PETs from a *.petbuild shell script
- Buildpet: made by iguleder and Tman, builds PETs from a *.bp shell script
- SBoPkg: made by Slackware devs, builds txz packages from Sbopkg shell scripts
- src2pkg: made by amigo (Gilbert Ashley), builds all kinds of packages, from various sources (archives, URLs & build scripts)
Well, CRUX Linux has its own build scripts, too.
- In CRUX world, they call their database/collection of "user contributed" repos the "portdb" system.
- Each user can host their own repo, containing their "ports" (their package build scripts)
- CRUX users can install each others repos and build each others packages
I made this little standalone script (doesn't need Pkg installed) which can compile and build PET packages from CRUX Linux ports.
It will eventually make its way into Pkg as a function, so Pkg has yet another backend it can use to build packages from source