Fossapup64_9.5 - Too many drive Icons on desktop

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Fossapup64_9.5 - Too many drive Icons on desktop

Post by Klaus1 »

Hi Everybody,
Fossaapp95_9.5 installed on a Fujitsu LifeBook E734 (16GB RAM, 128 GB SSD - partitioned in SDA1 / SDA2, each formatted as EXT4). Installation OK, everything runs well. Laptop connected over DP / HDMI to an external 32"-Dell in 2560x1440.
Only one problem: after the boot, I have on the desktop not only the 2 icons for SDA1 / SDA2, but at least more the 2 (and more) of that icons. I have no idea how i can get only the 2 icons.
Maybe some hints?

Best regards,

My System: Kernel: 5.4.53 x86_64 bits: 64 Desktop: JWM 2.4.0 Distro: Puppy 9.5
CPU: Quad Core Intel Core i7-4702MQ (-MT MCP-)
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Display: server: X.Org 1.20.8 driver: modesetting resolution: 2560x1440~60Hz
OpenGL: renderer: Mesa DRI Intel HD Graphics 4600 (HSW GT2) v: 4.5 Mesa 20.0.8

Laptop Fujitsu LIFEBOOK E734, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4702MQ CPU @ 2.20GHz, 4 Cores, 16GB RAM, SSD 1TB
Distro: fossapup64 9.5
Window Manager: JWM v2.4.0
Kernel Release: 5.4.53

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Re: Fossapup64_9.5 - Drive Icons Desktop

Post by bigpup »

:welcome: To Puppy Linux!

The desktop drive icons are there so you have a quick way to mount/unmount a drive partition, to access what is on it.
Drive partitions are not auto mounted, except the one that has the Puppy files on it, and/or the Puppy save.

There will be an icon for each partition, that is on any drives the computer has.

Best help for us, is you attaching an image of the desktop to a post, so we can exactly see what you see.

With the desktop displayed.
Menu -> Graphic -> Tale a Shot can produce a desktop image file, you can attach.
Simply take a shot of the desktop.

There is a attachment file size limit of 537KiB.
If image file size is bigger.

In Take a Shot, after it makes the image, click edit.
MtPaint program will open, showing the image.
Use the options under Image -> Scale Canvas to make it smaller.
Just change the new width to around 600 and click OK. (the other options will auto adjust for that)
Make sure to save before closing MtPaint.

Just remember where you told Take a Shot to store the image it made, so you can find it to attach.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
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Re: Fossapup64_9.5 - Drive Icons Desktop

Post by Klaus1 »

Thanks for the reply.
In the meantime, between my postand yourreply, I run many times the "Desktop Drive Icon Manager" with different settings. The result is in the picture Screenshot/1).png.
I'm missing now the icons for SDA1 and SDA2.No idea how I can them bring back. This result does not bother me, because both partitions are mounted. It's just a blemish,


PS:to be clear....situation as I wrote the fist post was, that on the Screenshot(1),png I had not only one (1) icon of the drive, but also many others icons from SDA1 / SDA2.

Screenshot.png (61.78 KiB) Viewed 740 times
Screenshot(1).png (46.36 KiB) Viewed 740 times

Laptop Fujitsu LIFEBOOK E734, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4702MQ CPU @ 2.20GHz, 4 Cores, 16GB RAM, SSD 1TB
Distro: fossapup64 9.5
Window Manager: JWM v2.4.0
Kernel Release: 5.4.53

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Re: Fossapup64_9.5 - Drive Icons Desktop

Post by OscarTalks »

In the picture you posted, you will need to tick the option to "Show desktop icons for each DRIVE" in order to show one icon for each drive, otherwise you just get one icon for all the drives. Click OK and then maybe restart X to see the change.
If you are seeing more drives than you expect it may be that there are other drives or partitions in your system somewhere. Have you got drives installed that you were not aware of or maybe partitions on the SSD that you were not aware of? Hovering mouse over the icons or clicking them to view the contents should give clues. You could try running Gparted as well, but obviously don't change (format) anything unless you are sure you know what you are doing.

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Re: Fossapup64_9.5 - Drive Icons Desktop

Post by bigpup »

You need to post the image I asked.

Exactly the image of the desktop, when you are seeing all these drive icons.

Also, what drives does this computer have?
List all internal drives of any type and any USB drives plugged into it?

The drive icons are not for a specific drive, but for specific partitions on the drive.

Drive sda has 3 partitions.
Should see 3 drive icons (sda1, sda2, sda3).

In Puppy Event Manager -> Rox Icons tab

If you make any changes.

Also check Refresh/Realign existing icons

Then click on OK.

This will make any changes active and actually change the desktop display of drive icons, without having to restart X server or reboot.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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Re: Fossapup64_9.5 - Drive Icons Desktop

Post by Klaus1 »

1. OscarTalks : in the moment I have only "one icon" with SDA. I have only ONE 128GB SSD in the Laptop, which is partitioned as SDA1 and SDA2. I know the rest what you wrote, because I use Linux since a few years.

2. bigpup : sorry, I cannot reproduce any more the "lot" of icons, because I have taken a lot of modifications. In the moment I have only one icon there with SDA. At the end not needed, because both will be mounted during the boot up.

Laptop Fujitsu LIFEBOOK E734, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4702MQ CPU @ 2.20GHz, 4 Cores, 16GB RAM, SSD 1TB
Distro: fossapup64 9.5
Window Manager: JWM v2.4.0
Kernel Release: 5.4.53

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Re: Fossapup64_9.5 - Too many drive Icons on desktop

Post by Klaus1 »

Just an information: in the mean time I have cloned my 128GB-SSD to a new one with 500GB. Everything runs well. I also was able to install "PWIDGETS"...nice thing!

Laptop Fujitsu LIFEBOOK E734, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4702MQ CPU @ 2.20GHz, 4 Cores, 16GB RAM, SSD 1TB
Distro: fossapup64 9.5
Window Manager: JWM v2.4.0
Kernel Release: 5.4.53

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Re: Fossapup64_9.5 - Too many drive Icons on desktop

Post by mikeslr »

Fossapup64-9.5 --and most* Puppys-- have an application for configuring what will be displayed on the desktop:


Desktop Drive Icons.png
Desktop Drive Icons.png (90.12 KiB) Viewed 586 times

When JWDesk is opened the GUI on the left will appear. Clicking the "Icon Manager" opens the GUI on the Right.

* A few Puppys use ptheming rather that JWMDesk. ptheming works differently but will also be found on the Desktop SubMenu and provide GUIs for configuring your desktop.

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Re: Fossapup64_9.5 - Too many drive Icons on desktop

Post by Klaus1 »

mikeslr : Thanks. It has been done.

Laptop Fujitsu LIFEBOOK E734, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4702MQ CPU @ 2.20GHz, 4 Cores, 16GB RAM, SSD 1TB
Distro: fossapup64 9.5
Window Manager: JWM v2.4.0
Kernel Release: 5.4.53

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