'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

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'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by mmmrr »


when 'suspend' icon is clicked, computer sleeps--silence, screen off.
when called from sleep--screen display restored but frozen no input.
requires hard poweroff, restart.

thanks. mm

BionicPup32 19.03 - linux:4.9.163-lxpup-32-pae

PC Manufacturer: TOSHIBA
Product Name: Satellite M40X

Intel(R) Celeron(R) M processor 1.50GHz

Actual Used RAM: 341 MB Used - (buffers + cached)
Actual Free RAM: 1156 MB Free + (buffers + cached)

Display controller
• Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller
• VendorID=808Display controller

puppy installed full on sda1 [vfat] harddrive sda.
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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by mikewalsh »

@mmmrr :-

Mm. Y'know, as far as I was aware, UpupBB's Logout GUI doesn't offer a 'Suspend' function. Where are you getting this from? Is this a different utility you've installed yourself from elsewhere?

The other thing, of course, is simply the fact that your PC IS a Toshiba Satellite. These things don't have the best reputation in the world for Linux compatibility. Also, a thought; this just might be due to your installing onto FAT 32 partitions.......because FAT32 doesn't support sym-links of ANY kind.

I've been using 'Suspend' on my desktops for some time, but I always use Linux-standard EXT file-systems. I also modified the Puppy Logout GUI to replace the 'console' icon with one for 'Suspend', instead.......pointing it to a basic suspend script that I first saw mentioned by frenchiveruti on the old forum. Works like a dream, but me being me, I have to have everything 'just so'; if I'm going to use suspend, then I want it in the log-out GUI, too!


(BTW, I've just been watching your famous local resident on NetFlix....."Big Timber"? That Kevin Wenstob's a right character, isn't he? He's a bit like us, in a way; where he uses old machinery to keep his sawmill running, we use Puppy to keep old 'puters running.

I think that HAS to be the first time I've ever heard of anyone keeping a sawmill supplied by "beach-combing" for driftwood, though.....!! )
:lol: :D

Mike. ;)

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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by mmmrr »

by mikewalsh » Fri Oct 13, 2023 1:36 pm

thanks for this mikew

@mmmrr :-

Mm. Y'know, as far as I was aware, UpupBB's Logout GUI doesn't offer a 'Suspend' function. Where are you getting this from? Is this a different utility you've installed yourself from elsewhere?

==========the suspend icon is an ootb desktop item in the bionic32

The other thing, of course, is simply the fact that your PC IS a Toshiba Satellite. These things don't have the best reputation in the world for Linux compatibility. Also, a thought; this just might be due to your installing onto FAT 32 partitions.......because FAT32 doesn't support sym-links of ANY kind.

============i have had a happy ten years running puppys on tosh satellites. to
get them to sleep i usually needed to install an acpitools?.pet...does not work on this machine. can change FAT32, first time i created staorage partions so it seemed a good format choice for them. laziness/curiosity in FAT32 for install partition; always used EXT2

I've been using 'Suspend' on my desktops for some time, but I always use Linux-standard EXT file-systems. I also modified the Puppy Logout GUI to replace the 'console' icon with one for 'Suspend', instead.......pointing it to a basic suspend script that I first saw mentioned by frenchiveruti on the old forum. Works like a dream, but me being me, I have to have ev by mikewalsh » Fri Oct 13, 2023 1:36 pm

==========if by basic suspend script you mean: 'echo etc /sys/power/state' it says state is empty or some such. i used that lovely script on earlier pups. what is 'ev' i know
'by mikewalsh' is.

@mmmrr :-

Mm. Y'know, as far as I was aware, UpupBB's Logout GUI doesn't offer a 'Suspend' function. Where are you getting this from? Is this a different utility you've installed yourself from elsewhere?

The other thing, of course, is simply the fact that your PC IS a Toshiba Satellite. These things don't have the best reputation in the world for Linux compatibility. Also, a thought; this just might be due to your installing onto FAT 32 partitions.......because FAT32 doesn't support sym-links of ANY kind.

I've been using 'Suspend' on my desktops for some time, but I always use Linux-standard EXT file-systems. I also modified the Puppy Logout GUI to replace the 'console' icon with one for 'Suspend', instead.......pointing it to a basic suspend script that I first saw mentioned by frenchiveruti on the old forum. Works like a dream, but me being me, I have to have everything 'just so'; if I'm going to use suspend, then I want it in the log-out GUI, too!


(BTW, I've just been watching your famous local resident on NetFlix....."Big Timber"? That Kevin Wenstob's a right character, isn't he? He's a bit like us, in a way; where he uses old machinery to keep his sawmill running, we use Puppy to keep old 'puters running.

I think that HAS to be the first time I've ever heard of anyone keeping a sawmill supplied by "beach-combing" for driftwood, though.....!! ) :lol: :D

Mike. ;)erything 'just so'; if I'm going to use suspend, then I want it in the log-out GUI, too!

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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by Chelsea80 »

@ mmmrr

My OS is, see signature -

From Applications > Leave

Or > Tray 1

My Leave Puppy options are:

Puppy Log Out.jpg
Puppy Log Out.jpg (35.75 KiB) Viewed 2730 times

I am interested to know where 'suspend' is located as I have never come across it -

Or perhaps someone else can shed some light on this -

Best regards



1. BionicPup32+28 19.03 - Linux 4.9.163 - lxpup - 32-pae [i686] - (UPup Bionic Beaver)
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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by mmmrr »

thanks chelsea80,

'suspend' comes in 'my destop'. i must have symlinked by simply
dragging the icon to the desktop, then forgotten doing it. sorry. mm

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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by Chelsea80 »

@ mmmrr

Ok -

The only desktop utility I can find is:

Applications > Desktop > Desktop Settings

Puppy Desktop.jpg
Puppy Desktop.jpg (40.6 KiB) Viewed 2715 times

So give me a:

First Step > Second Step > Third Step

So I can follow how you got to 'suspend'

Thanks -

Best regards



1. BionicPup32+28 19.03 - Linux 4.9.163 - lxpup - 32-pae [i686] - (UPup Bionic Beaver)
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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by mikewalsh »

@Chelsea80 :-

Well.....no; you won't find it, because it's not part of the OOTB, standard Puppy 'Log-Out GUI'. I modified the standard GUI several years ago to include 'Suspend'; I disposed of the 'Lock Screen' function, because I never use it.....got no use FOR it, since I tend to always use screen-savers. Nicely "old school", and I have no reason to 'protect' things, since no-one else in the household has any interest in it.

The basic 'suspend' script is a simple one-liner:-

Code: Select all

echo -n mem > /sys/power/state

It's simpler to implement on a desktop, 'cos with a lappie you have to tie this in with the ACPI power settings. (Don't ask me how you do this; it's not something I've ever bothered with, I'm afraid.)

So; mine looked like this initially:-


.....at the time when I first used it. (The script got modified to call a different icon at that point, along with pointing to a different script.....'suspend.sh', which is what implements the actual suspend function for me).


Nowadays, I'm using something rather different; a YAD-based 'custom' log-out GUI that I believe was first put together by josejp2424 for his DPupBuster64. I was quite taken by it, so again, modified it for my own use, changing one of the function buttons and adding a couple of 'extras'.

As it was when first used:-


.....and as it is today:-


(The strip along the top is a countdown. If the user doesn't click anything, and leaves it alone, it will trigger a standard full shutdown after 60 seconds. Quite long enough to make your mind up what you want to do...)

Even so, most of the time I shutdown/restart/suspend from a wee, YAD-based 'mini-GUI' that I call from an icon at the far right-hand end of the tray:-


This gets more use than the standard Logout GUI, and includes some additional multiple-choice and extra graphical 'frippery' along the way... :D


You have to realise; graphic design is a long-standing passion of mine, going back almost half-a-century. If I can combine that with computing.....so much the better, 'cos I spend hours playing around with this stuff!

Mike. ;)

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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by mmmrr »

hi chelseea80
i'm using bionic32-1903
you have different characters
after bionic32...
on my screen i have top left
house icon..rox file mgr text under.

click it a window opens showing
21 items 79 hidden. some items
,such as spot, choices, my documents are known from
earlier pups. some are new to me,
such as 'Mydesk' click on it.

a 22 item window opens.
.'suspend' is in the middle of the bottom row. i called it mydesktop
by mistake. my apologies.

hope this helps. cheers, mm

hi mikew,
i don't have netflix so don't know our local hero.
sawing beachcombed logs takes courage & care:
embedded sand, stones, etc.
what is 'ev' in 'ev by mike walsh' from yr earlier post?
thanks for yr informative & decorative post...mm

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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by Chelsea80 »


Right, let's try and get the OS name sorted for a start.

BionicPup32-8.0 (UPupBB-19.03) BionicBeaver Woof-CE build is the full and proper name.

Any number after UPupBB-19.03 e.g. UPupBB-19.03+nn denotes the latest version issued by peebee.

In my case I have BionicPup32-8.0+28 (UPupBB-19.03) BionicBeaver Woof-CE. I have edited it for my signature.

So in effect I am using the same OS as you but without having any 'suspend' option.

You say

"on my screen i have top left
house icon..rox file mgr text under."

That is not on my screen so I can not continue with following your lead.

As @ mikewsalsh has said "because it's not part of the OOTB, standard Puppy 'Log-Out GUI'"

But you say "==========the suspend icon is an ootb desktop item in the bionic32" and that is what I'm trying to work out.

Perhaps peebee could clarify this anomaly. I for one would be grateful.

Best regards



1. BionicPup32+28 19.03 - Linux 4.9.163 - lxpup - 32-pae [i686] - (UPup Bionic Beaver)
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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by mmmrr »

hi chelsea80,
just to keep it clear...
i have the suspend icon:
it does not work. it sleeps
the machine but it will not wake.
this behaviour is also on bionic64
which i run on another computer.

edit 1 'suspend' was never part of the logout gui
on the bionic puppy i installed. it was/is in 'mydesk'
inside root directory.

if peebee might resolve this, would you please
make the connection. if not i will.
cheers, mm

Last edited by mmmrr on Sat Oct 14, 2023 10:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by mikewalsh »

@mmmrr :-

Off-topic, I know, but this should explain some of the background behind the NetFlix series:-

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Timbe ... _series%29

It makes for interesting viewing, with a few good laughs along the way. I feel sorry for Kevin's partner, Sarah; she's the one who has to balance the books regardless of the madcap schemes hubby dreams up.....and a million-dollar fine from the state government in Alberta for failing to clear his claim up on the mountain in time almost has her tearing her hair out!

But it just goes to show how much money there is to be made from some of the really big cedars & hemlocks. I had no idea they were worth that much....

Mike. ;)

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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by Chelsea80 »

@ mmmrr

OK my friend.

But not being able to use 'suspend', because I haven't got it to see if I get the same result as you, I have to call it a day on this subject.

I hope someone in the Community can bring you a helpful result.

Good luck.

Best regards



1. BionicPup32+28 19.03 - Linux 4.9.163 - lxpup - 32-pae [i686] - (UPup Bionic Beaver)
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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by mmmrr »

thanks mikewalsh,
i live on southern vancouver island, home of gigantic trees.
hugely valuable. all too often the astonishing monetary value
of the cut tree has got in the way of recognizing that the standing,
living tree has great value, as seed trees, as increasingly scarce
items of living history attracting eco-tourists & more.
cheers, mm

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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by mmmrr »

hi chelsea80

i'm quoting from an earlier poet by mikewalsh:
clicking suspend opens a terminal runs the script:
echo -n mem > /sys/power/state

'The basic 'suspend' script is a simple one-liner:-
echo -n mem > /sys/power/state'

please open terminal, run script, say what happens

cheers, mm

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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by Chelsea80 »

@ mmmrr


Suspend.jpg (55.59 KiB) Viewed 2608 times

Did that and the result was:

Screen went blank

Lap top powered off (shut down) -

Pressed 'power on button' -

Lap top 'woke up' and returned to original screen -

Tried to power up with other keys such as space bar, carriage return, letter key, number key -

No other key would work, it had to be the 'power on button'.

So that script seems to give a 'suspend'.

Hope this helps.


"edit 1 'suspend' was never part of the logout gui
on the bionic puppy i installed. it was/is in 'mydesk'
inside root directory"

I looked in root and used Applications > Filesystem > pFind file finder

Drew a blank on both, so I still don't know where 'mydesk' is hiding.

Best regards



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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by mmmrr »

hi chelsea80

you wrote:
"Lap top 'woke up' and returned to original screen"

at that point on my machine the original screen freezes.
no key or mouse has any effect. i have to hold down the power
switch to force shutdown. are you able to resume working?
or does your compu freeze?

cheers, mm

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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by Chelsea80 »

@ mmmrr

"are you able to resume working?"


"or does your compu freeze?"


It would seem you need help from someone who knows much more than I.

But to hazard a guess (and that's all it is), this might be related to your hardware and it's BIOS hibernation setting, if there is one.

As it is 15 Oct 01:31 where I am, it's time to power (myself) down now.

Best regards



1. BionicPup32+28 19.03 - Linux 4.9.163 - lxpup - 32-pae [i686] - (UPup Bionic Beaver)
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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by mow9902 »

mmmrr wrote: Sun Oct 15, 2023 12:15 am

hi chelsea80

you wrote:
"Lap top 'woke up' and returned to original screen"

at that point on my machine the original screen freezes.
no key or mouse has any effect. i have to hold down the power
switch to force shutdown. are you able to resume working?
or does your compu freeze?

cheers, mm

This might be a bit "off base" ...but just in case:
The one line 'suspend' script which Chelsea80 referrs to is commonly used across various puppy derivatives - including F96 which I use on my old Dell laptop.
However, many moons ago I found that if I am using the laptop on my desk connected to an external screen and keyboard with a KVM switch, that all keys are frozen on resume.
I have found that (for me) the only way to fix this is to use the KVM to switch to another connected machine, and then switch back again to my puppy connected machine. Doing this seems to 'refresh' the keyboard signal and make it usable again.

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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by mmmrr »

thanks for the thought , mow9902.
i am using an external screen but
i am using the laptop's own keyboard
with an external mouse. what is kvm switch?

i'm following a pointer given by mikewalsh
in an earlier post: that installing bionic on
a vfat partition is a problem because vat file system
does not recognise symlinks.

i have created a new partition with an ext2 file system
and downloaded a fresh bionic32-1903.iso to install to
it. the sha512 numbers match.i plan to burn to a cd.

cheers, mm

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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by ozsouth »

This post viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3904&p=35872#p35872 fixed my suspend issues. I made it standard in foss64-mid & less. I pasted the code in the top box into a file I called fixsusp, made it executable (chmod 755 fixsusp), then put it in /root/Startup & restarted X.

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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by mmmrr »

thanks ozsouth.
could you please show the code
you put in a file called fixsusp.
i looked a couple of times at the
post you referred to but the 'top box'
seemed to hold a .pet.
your entry spoke of a file named makesusp.

cheers, mm

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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by mmmrr »

finally got a cd that could boot the
latest version of bionic32. quite a
difference from the one i installed
a year ago. that one is still in place
on its questionable vfat file system.

i'm typing on/from the live cd. root
directory has less entries: no 'mydesk'
no 'suspend' . after i post this i'll try
in terminal the code
echo -n mem > /sys/power/state
maybe it does not work on live cd.
cheers, mm

------------edit 1......different computer

code sent compu to sleep
power button woke it frozen
same problem i posted at start.

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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by ozsouth »

@mmmrr - the actual post linked has code beginning with awk. To try it, need to make a script from that & (at own risk) follow process 3 posts back. Script will look like this:

awk '/enabled/{print $1}' /proc/acpi/wakeup | while read a
echo "$a" > /proc/acpi/wakeup

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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by mmmrr »

thanks ozsouth,

i think i followed yr instructions.
i has to give the file a name before
i could put the code in it, which was
not the order of events you described.

on my first attempt to chmod 755 fixsusp
terminal replied no such file

on my second attempt i used the default name
new file to install the code, then renamed the file
to fixsusp. i used permissions off the right click
menu to make the script executable. then i used
terminal and chmod 755 fixsusp to see what happened.
it showed code read, completed.

back on the desktop i clicked the suspend icon.
computer slept woke up with frozen display.


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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by Chelsea80 »

@ mmmrr

Unfortunately you are not having much luck with this suspend problem -

If I understood why / how it works for me I would pass it on -

So try this if you haven't already:

1. Delete your desktop icon for suspend.

2. Create a new desktop icon for suspend from your newly created script .

It might, just might, be that the original desktop icon is still pointing to the old script?

Contributions so far from mikewalsh - mow9902 - ozsouth

More from other Members maybe to help out mmmrr?

Best regards



1. BionicPup32+28 19.03 - Linux 4.9.163 - lxpup - 32-pae [i686] - (UPup Bionic Beaver)
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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by mmmrr »

thanks chelsea80
that is such a good insight.
cheers, mm

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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by mmmrr »

sorry about the delay,
i cannot work out how to
create an icon, nor can i
see how to attach one to the
when i right clicked on 'fixsusp'
i clicked on menu item 'run in terminal'.
a terminal window appeared with words:
'Script completed hit RETURN to close window.'
at least i did not have the computer freeze
thanks, mm

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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by mmmrr »

bump, i guess.
when i clicked 'run in terminal', this ran:

awk '/enabled/{print $1}' /proc/acpi/wakeup | while read a
echo "$a" > /proc/acpi/wakeup

i looked in /proc/acpi/wakeup:

Device S-state Status Sysfs node
USB1 S3 *disabled pci:0000:00:1d.0
USB2 S3 *disabled pci:0000:00:1d.1
USB3 S3 *disabled pci:0000:00:1d.2
USB4 S3 *disabled pci:0000:00:1d.3
USB7 S3 *disabled pci:0000:00:1d.7
ELAN S0 *disabled pci:0000:06:01.0
MODM S3 *disabled pci:0000:00:1e.3

cheers, mm

edit 1 message appears on wakeup file display:

'the file 'wakeup' on the disk is more recent
than the current buffer. do you want to reload it?'




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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by Phoenix »

That's geany detecting changes that the kernel made. Just reload or cat /proc/acpi/wakeup it instead.
HOWEVER, disabling all the wakeup devices may prove to be fatal, as sometimes quite literally everything is considered an input meaning that it becomes impossible to wake it up again. Anecdotal experience: Surface Pro 2, disabled XHC (USB) and promptly couldn't wake it up besides the power button. (The keyboard is technically considered USB)

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Re: 'suspend' malfunctions on bionic32

Post by mmmrr »

thanks phoenix, for posting.
not sure what to make of it.
why might i want disable any on that list?

i chose 'reload'; seemed to
change nothing, including
the contents of 'wakeup'

and the message:

'the file 'wakeup' on the disk is more recent
than the current buffer. do you want to reload it?'

this time i'll try choosing 'overwrite' instead of 'reload'

'overwrite' gives same contents, same message.


i want to turn the fan off in this laptop when i'm not using it,
without turning the machine off.

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