This remaster is based on JammyPup32-22.04-231111.iso
Thanks go to @peebee
This Puppy makes very efficient use of computer resources. In testing internet video streaming it out performed older Puppies dpup-stretch 7.5 and Friendly-Bionic32. Typically using 20% less CPU power and 100mb less ram, YMMV.
Overall Objectives:
- newer Puppy version for older 32bit hardware
- provide users with a version that minimizes the frustration of adopting a new operating system.
Include these components:
-a simplified desktop
-a simplified taskbar
-a background and theme that presents both style and tech. First impressions count.
-Mainstream browser, easily updatable Poor web function is a deal breaker
-a list on the desktop of many installed applications along with a short description of function
-a launcher directory, Mydesk, on the desktop, containing the most common tools and applications
-detailed local howto/tutorials for the most common setup/operating task facing a new user
Project considerations:
The .doc format was chosen for the tutorial/howto files since it would be the easiest to create, edit, maintain or adapt to other Puppys. Libre Write was used to create the originals.
The tutorials intent is not to make the user a Puppy expert. Not to bombard them with five ways to do everything, but to give them ONE way, hopefully easy, to do a common task.
This is the target user group criteria:
-Hardware is a 32 bit, single or dual core cpu, 512mb ram (1gb recommended), only one internal drive (if installing to internal drive)
-Windows user, other Linux user, Mac user
-Beginner level skills
-Can or knows someone who can create a bootable CD ot USB flash drive using one of the recommended programs
JammyPup32 is a work in progress. A friendlier Puppy for beginners. Hope you find it interesting or maybe it will provide ideas for others to make it even easier.
In addition to configuration improvements, these packages have been installed:
doubleclick-speed - change the mouse double click speed
grub2config-2.0.1 - grub2 boot loader installer
mdviewer - md markdown document view notes
poorercputemp32-0.1d - tray cpu temperature monitor
smartchk_1.0 - HDD and SSD drive health checker
tigervnc-viewer_1.12.0+dfsg-8_i386 - VNC remote control viewer
unetbootin-702-x86 - USB installer
vlc-3016-x32-jp32 - media player
x11vnc_server-0.9.14-i386 - VNC remote control server
xfe_1.43.2-3_i386_jp32 - multi-pane file manager
XFE_1st_setup-v2.1 - configure and add functions to XFE
xournal_0.4.8-1+b1_i386 - note and PDF annotator
yassm-4.5 - network file share connector
If you download the ISO be sure to read the next post to create a bootable CD/USB.
friendly-jammypup32-rc2 ... o/download