A network and local security camera system. Modern CCTV in a small footprint. Reliable and proven Puppy Linux version as base.
Almost forgot about this remaster I put together some time ago. It's upupBB-18.05 or what I call "Bionic32" with Zoneminder and zmNinja built in.
Also another version ->
In this ready to boot distro is a ready to go Zoneminder-1.30.4 served on a Hiawatha, MySQL, PHP 7.2.7 web server. With all the stock components in the original upupBB-18.05 this 32 bit distro is good on older machines. Also included is PhpMyAdmin to administer databases.
This BionicZM is outfitted with a purpose built 32 bit kernel 4.17.9 (made with the kernel-kit).
Zoneminder 1.30.4 is old, but this is a very stable version and is well suited for machines long in the tooth. This distro runs Zoneminder out of the box.
This Puppy runs great in QEMU, VirtualBox and Docker containers. Most likely in an EasyOS container as well.