[How To] Install NordVPN (CLI client) in Vanilla Dpup.

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[How To] Install NordVPN (CLI client) in Vanilla Dpup.

Post by bullpup »

Here is what I learned.

Before going through the procedure I assume the reader:
1) Has knowledge about installing NordVPN on traditional distros and
2) Is familiar with the NordVPN login api

The first step is pretty straight forward and the same as on traditional distros. Go to https://support.nordvpn.com/Connectivit ... x-Mint.htm and copy the curl command in the terminal.

Code: Select all

sh <(curl -sSf https://downloads.nordcdn.com/apps/linux/install.sh)

Hit Enter and let your machine do it's thing.

NordVpn is now installed. However.........there are a few things that needs to be done. In contradiction to installing on traditional distros in Vanilla (and derivatives I suppose) the NordVPN Daemon does not start automatically and when you try to log in you will be met with: "Whoops. nordvpn sock not found."
The solution is easy. In terminal type:

Code: Select all

nordvpnd restart

.This will restart the daemon after a reboot but we are not going to do that yet.
To make sure the current user can actually use the VPN type in terminal:

Code: Select all

usermod -aG nordvpn $USER

NOW reboot your machine and don't forget to SAVE the session!

On your rebooted machine open terminal and type:

Code: Select all

nordvpn login

Just as on a traditional OS you will be promted with an URLwhich you can click and will be redirected to your browser where it opens.....traditionally. Not so much with Vanilla. Luckally there is a workaround.
Open a new tab in your browser and copy paste the url from the terminal here. This will bring you to the login api. After sucessfully loggin in you will end up on the "Great you're in" page. See the blue "Continue" on the bottom? This is actually a url with a login token which we are going to need in the next step.

Right mouse click "Continue" and "copy link address".
Go back to the terminal and type:

Code: Select all

nordvpn login --callback <"url-with-token">

(WITH the " ")

Hit enter and the prompt will tell you that you are logged in and you can proceed to connect!

NOTE: After connecting to a VPN server your network interface (wired at least) will jump into airplane mode after a minute or so but this is only a one-time thing. No idea as to why that is.

So there you go. That's how it's done. Thank you @mikeslr for pointing me in the right direction.

"Get a pup", they said. "It'll be fun", they said. They where right!
(Various Pups with save folder in QEMU/KVM)

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Re: [How To] Install NordVPN (CLI client) in Vanilla Dpup.

Post by dimkr »

bullpup wrote: Sun Jun 18, 2023 12:03 pm

the NordVPN Daemon does not start automatically

Are you sure about this? I see the package includes /etc/init.d/nordvpn, which should run on every boot. If you don't want to reboot to start the daemon after installation, /etc/init.d/nordvpn start should do.

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Re: [How To] Install NordVPN (CLI client) in Vanilla Dpup.

Post by bullpup »

Yup, pretty sure. At least on my end when I tried.

In al cases it is never wrong to execute the command on forehand jsut to be sure.

"Get a pup", they said. "It'll be fun", they said. They where right!
(Various Pups with save folder in QEMU/KVM)

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