GuvcView in 'portable' format - 64-bit v2.0.3 and 32-bit v1.5.3
Afternoon, gang.
This is something I've been meaning to do for some time. I successfully turned 32-bit packages I built for some of the 5-series Puppies into functional AppImages a few years back.....but I never DID get around to doing the same for a 64-bit package.
So now I've rectified that. This is an older build, it's true - v2.0.3. Tested and functional under Tahrpup64, Xenialpup64 and Bionicpup64.......and packed as a ROX-App for ease of use. Just unpack the tarball, put it anywhere you like, and click to fire it up.
Rt-clk -> "Look Inside" will give you the usual Menu Add/Remove scripts (if required). For anyone interested, y'all can find it here:-
Hope it proves useful. Enjoy.