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Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 and 10.0.4 versions only
Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 7:31 am
by bigpup
Full credit for this Nvidia driver pet goes to ETP.
Nvidia driver pet package for driver 525.105.17
LINK TO PET: ... sp=sharing
The pet is large at 597MB, but Nvidia is adding stuff to their driver packages and having them support much more of their hardware.
There is driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 v10.0.03 using the Linux kernel 6.1.55
A driver pet for v10.0.4 using Linux kernel 6.1.67
Drivers are kernel specific and have to be compiled for a specific kernel.
The kernel the pet is for is in the name of the pet. (K followed by the kernel number)
Make sure to get the correct one.
Make sure you have a working save file or folder, with enough free space in it, before trying to install this driver.
Do these steps:
Visit this link ... 351/en-us/ and check on
the "Supported Products" tab that your card is listed.
In System/Boot Manager select "Modules" and blacklist the nouveau module.
Install the pet.
LINK TO PET: ... sp=sharing
Reboot saving the session and confirm that the Nvidia driver is running.
upon rebooting, may have to specify modeset driver in xorgwizard or type in nvidia for driver.
All driver settings are now controlled by a nvidia settings file.
nvidia-settings program is used to change settings. Can be run by clicking on menu->System->Nvidia X Server Settings.
As you make changes in this program, the settings file is updated with the change.
Just close the program when done using it.
Your changes are now being used.
That will replace the working Puppy xorg.conf and brake booting process.
- Screenshot.jpg (55.61 KiB) Viewed 2846 times
If there is no entry in the main menu ->System for running the Nvidia X server Settings.
Get the file nvidia-settings.desktop from the download link and install it in /usr/share/applications.
in a terminal to add it to the menu.
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 version only
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2024 11:32 am
by trawglodyte
I should have looked for your pet earlier. I did get 470.233.02 driver installed by blacklisting nouveau. But I also had to
Code: Select all
apt install linux-libc-dev
apt install libglvnd-dev
apt install pkg-config
The needs those packages (as well as making sure nouveau is properly blacklisted).
I like to save a duplicate renamed in my Downloads follder, then exit to command prompt and
reboot > savefile
and good to go!
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 version only
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2024 3:00 pm
by bigpup
Thanks for the info on needing to add software to get the Nvidia driver run package to compile.
I have had issues getting it to compile in BookwormPup64 10.0.4 (it uses a different kernel).
Going to see if this added software is also needed in it to compile.
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 version only
Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2024 8:21 pm
by Clarity
I would be interested in these PETs for BWPup64 v1004. Thanks @bigpup and @trawglodyte AND @ETP for these efforts in turning BWPup64 into a great desktop solution with this needed video upgrades.
Most notably is the fact that this is needed especially for HDMI TV use as it 'fixes' issues not only with video BUT ALSO the audio component of the card's HDMI.
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 version only
Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2024 9:15 pm
by bigpup
I have not been able to get a Nvidia driver to compile in BookwormPup64 10.0.4
Keep getting these errors:
ERROR: You do not appear to have libc header files installed on your system. Please install your distribution's libc development package.
ERROR: Installation has failed. Please see the file '/var/log/nvidia-installer.log' for details. You may find suggestions on fixing installation problems in the README available on the Linux driver download page at ... index.html
Apt reports that the libc-dev is installed.
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 version only
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2024 12:14 am
by Clarity
My adapter on one PC is GeForce 210. The nvidia site indicates I need v342.xxxx driver. Any change of getting that driver as a PET?
Or BKWP64 instructions to build and create a PET for users to be added here?
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 version only
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2024 12:17 am
by trawglodyte
@bigpup I was curious, so I did a fresh frugal install of BookwormPup64_10.0.4. The same procedure worked for me.
Code: Select all
apt update && apt full-upgrade
apt install linux-libc-dev libglvnd-dev pkg-config
Download driver from
Make a duplicate of the file in you Downloads folder named
blacklist nouveau
do a pupsave and reboot
(to make sure nouveau is disabled)
exit to command prompt
after the installer runs reboot.
2 notes - 1. I did have to blacklist nouveau again after the second reboot for some reason and reboot again. IDK, maybe the way I blacklist nouveau isn't the best? 2. I did see when I did the
there was a version of linux-libc-dev installed, but doing
upgraded it. Maybe the nvidia driver likes the upgraded version or something?
good luck!
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 version only
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2024 4:56 am
by bigpup
Thanks for the info on the added software needed!!!!
I already tried some of what you did, but not all of it to get the software.
I will try the upgrade part and see what it does for me.
I wish whoever at Nvidia is making these driver packages, would pick older versions of the dependency software to require.
What is this Windows OS ideas, that you must always use the latest stuff?
Time to try completely what you did.
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 version only
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2024 6:24 am
by trawglodyte
the "apt update && apt full-upgrade" may not do much in BookwormPup. In fact, I don't think it changed a single package.
I'm just trying to share a procedure that works across many Linux distributions. On a fresh install of Debian/Ubuntu-based distros, it is a good idea to do
Code: Select all
apt update && apt full-upgrade "or" sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade
before you try to install the video driver. I only know this from having done it probably over 100 times in the past year and failing every possible way! haha.
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 version only
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2024 10:06 am
by Clarity
To blacklist via the GRUB boot stanza is this acceptable?
Code: Select all
linux vmlinuz ... nomodeset blacklist=nouveau
Hope this helps
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 version only
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2024 10:16 am
by thiboow
trawglodyte wrote: Fri Jan 05, 2024 6:24 am
the "apt update && apt full-upgrade" may not do much in BookwormPup. In fact, I don't think it changed a single package.
I'm just trying to share a procedure that works across many Linux distributions. On a fresh install of Debian/Ubuntu-based distros, it is a good idea to do
Code: Select all
apt update && apt full-upgrade "or" sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade
before you try to install the video driver. I only know this from having done it probably over 100 times in the past year and failing every possible way! haha.
Thank you, I have help me
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 version only
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2024 11:09 am
by mikewalsh
trawglodyte wrote: Fri Jan 05, 2024 6:24 am
the "apt update && apt full-upgrade" may not do much in BookwormPup. In fact, I don't think it changed a single package.
I'm just trying to share a procedure that works across many Linux distributions. On a fresh install of Debian/Ubuntu-based distros, it is a good idea to do
Code: Select all
apt update && apt full-upgrade "or" sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade
before you try to install the video driver. I only know this from having done it probably over 100 times in the past year and failing every possible way! haha.
@trawglodyte :-
And that's perfectly legitimate AND understandable. On most Linux forums it would be a valid command, and most would thank you for the assistance.
It's when you get "into the weeds" like this, and get down to the nitty-gritty of basic, 'standard' commands that work for 99% of folks that you begin to realize that Puppy isn't quite LIKE most other distros. This is what I meant when I was saying the other day about the PPM'n'stuff, about Puppy being just different enough to chuck a few spanners in the works...
It's also why dimkr has been, so I believe, attempting to 'standardize' Woof-CE as much as he can that the automated build-process will spit out a Puppy that will work as much like a standard distro as is possible.
You've gone about things the right way. For years now, I've always believed that it's far better for new Linux users to get experience with the 'standard' ways of doing things across the ecosystem to start with. Once you have this experience, it's then far simpler to 'modify' it when coming to Puppy.
The other way round - a Windoze 'refugee' coming straight to Puppy - is OK, too.....up to a point. But if they then decide to try a mainstream distro, they'll be pretty much lost.....and will have to more or less learn everything, all over again. And for some, that equates to a negative experience; a point against Linux.
It's quite usual for veteran/existing Linux users to forget themselves when adopting a Puppy, and to keep giving advice for 'standard' commands. You're not the first, and you certainly won't be the last.......but you DO seem to be handling it better than most. Some get quite snotty simply because things don't work in quite the way they expect 'em to.....
You're OK. You'll fit in nicely around here!
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 version only
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2024 12:17 pm
by trawglodyte
mikewalsh wrote: Fri Jan 05, 2024 11:09 am
It's quite usual for veteran/existing Linux users to forget themselves when adopting a Puppy, and to keep giving advice for 'standard' commands. You're not the first, and you certainly won't be the last.......but you DO seem to be handling it better than most. Some get quite snotty simply because things don't work in quite the way they expect 'em to.....
You're OK. You'll fit in nicely around here!
I'm starting to figure it out. I feel really bad about telling that guy how to add drivers and "update-initramfs". I was just overly-excited because I'm starting to understand the init and the kernel and wanted to share what I've learned to help someone else.
In this instance, for Bookworm-Pup in particular, I think it's fine to do "apt update && apt upgrade" though. Even if packages are marked not to upgrade, it still refreshes your repository data and shows you the packages that it doesn't upgrade.
I was very frustrated with installing NVIDIA drivers when I first started getting into Linux distros, but now that I understand the NVIDIA technology a little better I don't mind so much. Pairing your NVIDIA with your cpu is really just a big f'n deal, it's like a Vulkan mind-meld. Way bigger deal than plugging in a webcam or a USB mic or something. There's a lot of interesting things happening with NVIDIA's in AI, science, etc... that has nothing to do with graphics. It's just a way different way to process data. I don't think any of that is applicable to Puppy, or like you can even get a cuda-toolkit (which is very non-Puppy because it's a huge package on Debian/Ubuntu) but it allows your gpu even more control regarding communication with cpu and then you get totally different drivers.
I'm just scratching the surface on all that stuff, my point is when I think about pairing these two totally different ways of processing data together or trying to make a driver-installer that can do it for all models and all sorts of cpu chipsets, then it's easier to understand why it can be such a PITA.
It works great when it's done though. If I try to process a large video with a software codec using my cpu, it maxes out every thread! The temp of my cpu goes over 80C right away. If I use an NVIDIA hardware codec to do the same thing, my cpu barely does anything and the gpu handles it without grunting.
I do want to learn the Puppy way of doing things, and have started reading about how to make pets. If you know the best documentation or thread on building pets let me know. I think I'll start with a simple app rather than an NVIDIA driver though! haha.
For the NVIDIA drivers, I just prefer exiting to the command prompt and having the X-server shut down. I was very happy when I saw that most puppies have an option to exti to command prompt. While it's possible to install the driver without doing that, it removes that conflict that the installer seems to have a hard time overcoming. Even when it doesn't work, the NVIDIA installer usually gives you good feedback as to what you need to fix before trying again. That's how I figured out linux-libc-dev libglvnd-dev pkg-config were needed. The nvidia installer told me on three attempts. Then the 4th time was the charm.
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 version only
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2024 10:53 pm
by Clarity
Is the v1004 'devx' required for these steps from @trawglodyte to be successful for a given driver?
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 version only
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2024 11:34 pm
by trawglodyte
Clarity wrote: Fri Jan 05, 2024 10:53 pm
Is the v1004 'devx' required for these steps from @trawglodyte to be successful for a given driver?
I installed devx and kernel sources using Quickpet. There was no need to add linux-libc-dev libglvnd-dev pkg-config on those pups, only the DevX and kernel source .sfs's in QuickPet. But I did download the driver from NVIDIA, blacklist nouveau, and exit to command prompt in the same manner as I described. For
there is no Quickpet and I don't know where the devx and kernel source .sfs packages are or even if they exist for BookwormPup. The method I described worked on fresh frugal installs having done nothing beforehand except the quick setup time/location settings.
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 version only
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2024 11:49 pm
by mikewalsh
@trawglodyte :-
For Bookworm Pup 10.0.4, you'll find links for the DevX and kernel sources in the first post, here:-
Can't help with 10.0.3. I suspect the previous thread's been replaced by this one.....
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 version only
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 12:28 am
by mikeslr
Although drivers are 'kernel specific', there is some leeway with respect to the DevX and kernel sources needed to compile them. Both 6.1.67 used in BKW 10.0.4 and 6.1.55 used in BKW 10.0.3 are 'point' releases: 67 vs. 55. Little changed; perhaps nothing significant with respect to compiling drivers. If important enough, it's worth a try.
As DevX and kernel sources are SFS-loaded, it shouldn't be necessary to rename BKW 10.0.4's to bear 10.0.3's designation: dpupbw64 >dpup
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 version only
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 2:45 am
by trawglodyte
devx & kernel source testing results
I deleted the BookwormPup64_10.0.4 folder in my Puppy partition and did another fresh frugal install.
On first bootup I download from NVIDIA's advanced driver search, here --> (create a duplicate copy of the file in your Downloads folder named for later.
Then I download the devx and kernel source .sfs's in first post here --> viewtopic.php?t=8690
Due to prior failed attempts, I DO NOT LOAD the devx and kernel sources yet, only download them.
I go to Menu>System>Boot Manager>Modules, blacklist nouveau, and immediately reboot creating a savefile.
My idea is I want to create a savefile before proceeding which I haven't done yet as this is the first bootup after frugal install.
After reboot make sure nouveau is disabled, you can do this in terminal with
If it is using nouveau, you'll get several lines returned saying nouveau. If nouveau is properly disabled you'll get nothing.
Next, click the downloaded devx and kernel source .sfs and follow prompts to load.
Exit to command prompt, and
follow the prompts of the program choosing to create DKMS, don't install 32-bit support unless you need to, and do not have NVIDIA make an xorg.conf file.
After the installer runs, enter
to get back into graphical.
click the devx.sfs in your downloads folder, this time following the prompt to UNLOAD it. It may take a long time to unload.
Now reboot, being sure to save.
notes - 1. something is up with the devx.sfs in Bookworm. In other pups it launches a GUI after loading for one thing. Also, if it's loaded the reboot hangs and doesn't let you save, and/or doesn't boot properly. Nonetheless, if it and the kernel sources are both loaded when I run the nvidia driver installer it works with no errors and I don't have to apt install the three packages like the other way.
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 version only
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2024 8:08 pm
by bigpup
For BookwormPup64 10.0.4
What specific Nvidia driver run package are you using?
I am still having errors, trying to compile the one Nvidia says to use, for my hardware.
Changing to using a different run package has been a fix, but which one will work is the question?
I want to try the one you used.
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 version only
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2024 2:43 am
by trawglodyte
bigpup wrote: Sun Jan 07, 2024 8:08 pm
For BookwormPup64 10.0.4
What specific Nvidia driver run package are you using?
short answer - 470.233.02
longer answer - I've only been messing with Linux for a little over a year, but have done tons of distro-hopping and installs. What I've observed in that time is people struggling with 525 drivers roll back to 470, now when people struggle with 535 they still roll back to 470. This leads me to believe 470 is very stable, and probably currently a good choice unless you have a cutting edge game that needs 525/535, or perhaps some functionality for latest video processing codecs. Many Linux distros have 470 in their repository as an alternative to 525 or 535.
I have used 525 on some Puppy's without problems, but what I currently do is go NVIDIA's Advanced Search here --> , select my card (GTX 1060), Linux 64-bit, and "recommended/certified". Then pick the latest release of 470..*
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 and 10.0.4versions only
Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2024 12:34 am
by bigpup
ETP was able to make a pet package of the Nvidia 525.105.17 driver for BookwormPup64 10.0.4
It is now offered for download.
See the first post of this topic for latest info on using this driver pet.
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 and 10.0.4 versions only
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 2:15 am
by trawglodyte
I'm in BookwormPup64_10.0.3. This isn't a perfect test because I had already installed some packages and changed some things, including updating linux-libc-dev and adding libglvnd-dev and pkg-config. I also have not gotten the devx and kernelsrc .sfs's yet, which maybe I was supposed to do before trying this.
But I downloaded from the link in the first post, and clicked it. It seemed to run okay, but left me locked out of graphical. I couldn't get back in with xwin. With xorgwizard from command line option #5 (resetting xorg.conf) and maybe setting the video driver to vega/vesa?? I am back in graphical. I get a message immediately from NVIDIA telling me to click to reset xorg.conf but that only locks me back out of graphical again, and have to use xorgwizard from command line option #5 again.
I could probably get this sorted, just wanted to give some feedback. I'm willing to re-install BookwormPup64 either 10.0.3 or 10.0.4 and start over too. Making sure to follow the correct procedure to test or the other one. I saw two pets on that link, but this one was Jan8,2024 and the other was older.
My suspicion is the xorg.conf was not properly rewritten, because it always is a challenge getting any NVIDIA installation to do that the first time. But it also could certainly be something I had changed beforehand or not getting the devx and krnlsrc .sfs beforehand. Is that a given? Always get those two .sfs before trying an NVIDIA .pet?
FYI - my plan was to get a .run from NVIDIA, I just happened to come back to this forum post to check something else and saw @bigpup mention a new .pet for BookwormPup64_10.0.4 so I wanted to give it a try.
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 and 10.0.4 versions only
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 8:27 pm
by ETP
Hi @trawglodyte,
To clarify matters the driver pet at the top of the download list modified 6 Nov 2023 is to be used only with the Pup version 10.0.3. It has been compiled for that Pup's kernel 6.1.55 as indicated in it's name.
For the later Pup 10.0.4. you will need the 2nd pet built for it's kernel.
You cannot use this driver pet in 10.0.3 as these driver pets are kernel specific.
You do not need the .run file, devx or kernelsrc as they are used only by the author of the pets at build time.
You also should not use xorgwizard or allow Nvidia to change xorg.conf at any time.
No extra libs of any kind need loading.
I would suggest that you start afresh with 10.0.4 which has numerous fixes and improvements. If you already have 10.0.4
running, delete the save file or folder and just complete the quick set up details and create a new save file or folder.
Download the correct driver pet for 10.0.4 together with the .desktop file which may be needed if no nvidia-settings item
appears on the system menu.
Install the driver pet and reboot ensuring that you save the session. If nivdia-setting is AWOL copy the desktop file
to /usr/share/applications/ then reboot again saving the session.
Hope the above helps and works for you.
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 and 10.0.4 versions only
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 12:09 am
by trawglodyte
I'm a moron, of course the k6.1.67 tells me it's for BookwormPup64_10.0.4 and the other is for 10.0.3, you couldn't have idiot-proofed it any better.
I have two test results for you now, and you will be quite pleased!
Short version - Download the .pet, disable nouveau with Menu>System>Boot Manager>Modules>'Blacklist Module, reboot, click the pet you downloaded before.
Long version
I had mangled 10.0.3 pretty well so I had already done a fresh re-install before I saw your comment telling me it's fine to install the .pet with no DevX, krnl srce, or apt install packages. I had spent some time with appearance and app settings, but nothing of consequence, didn't even install apps or any packages. No Devx or krnl srcs. Just disabled nouveau with boot manager and did the microcode fix while I was in there.
I saw your message and proceeded to get the correct .pet. Installed no problems, perfect!!!
I went ahead and did a frugal install of BookwormPup64_10.0.4 too, again blacklist nouveau and did microcode fix while in there. Downloaded the .pet because I didn't save it somewhere last time. reboot with no nouveau and click the pet. Install great, no problems!! perfect again!!
The only thing I could possibly find to nitpick on is at the end of the install a screen pops up to restart X, but it just pops up again with no NVIDIA. I clicked restartX twice just for the hell of it. But a reboot with a pupsave and NVIDIA is installed and working . This was the same on both 10.0.3 and 10.0.4
To anyone reading this, you only have to disable nouveau with Menu>System>Boot Manager>Modules>'Blacklist' module. reboot with a pupsave, and click the pet. Anything else I mentioned was only for documentation.
One last note. I did open a terminal and do apt update. I don't think the .pet cares about your repository data but I can't help myself. I did however resist the urge to updgrade the linux-libc-dev and even noticed the installed version number matches the kernel, the update version doesn't.
I feel like now these pets are the perfect way to install nvidia drivers in BookwormPup64_10.0.3 and BookwormPup64_10.0.4 and hope nobody who reads this thread winds up mixing the two or downloading the Debian packages I mentioned and it somehow causes them problems.
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 and 10.0.4 versions only
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 2:16 am
by Clarity
Hello @ETP and @trawglodyte This updated info is great news.
IN a prior post, thisMenu>System>Boot Manager>Modules>'Blacklist Module
is suggested PRIOR to PET installation.
But, I think the PETs accommodate all that is required and the blacklist step might not be needed for either of @radky's BookwormPUP64 versions. True/false?
Should there be something in WoofCE to offer guidance when a nVidia adapter is present? Like maybe a pop-up upon a pristine boot noting such or ???
Lastly as Wayland, more and more, comes into the picture of our future will these steps stand the test of time? Seems that each distro 'could' to craft a popup for nVidia presence with steps. Or an "inbred" utility to guide an install of the driver for use when requested.
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 and 10.0.4 versions only
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 1:55 pm
by trawglodyte
Clarity wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 2:16 am
Hello @ETP and @trawglodyte This updated info is great news.
IN a prior post, thisMenu>System>Boot Manager>Modules>'Blacklist Module
is suggested PRIOR to PET installation.
But, I think the PETs accommodate all that is required and the blacklist step might not be needed for either of @radky's BookwormPUP64 versions. True/false?
Should there be something in WoofCE to offer guidance when a nVidia adapter is present? Like maybe a pop-up upon a pristine boot noting such or ???
Lastly as Wayland, more and more, comes into the picture of our future will these steps stand the test of time? Seems that each distro 'could' to craft a popup for nVidia presence with steps. Or an "inbred" utility to guide an install of the driver for use when requested.
Yes, PRIOR!! If I said anything to indicate otherwise that wasn't my intent.
- Download the .pet (downloading is not installing)
- Blacklist nouvea module Menu>System>Boot Manager>Modules>'Blacklist Module'
- reboot
- click the pet you downloaded (this is the installation)
Can you skip disabling nouveau because it's a pet? Maybe, it's the driver already compiled for your kernel. I really don't know. But I do know you will never need the nouveau module if you have an NVIDIA driver and it can only cause problems for you if it loads on bootup.
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 and 10.0.4 versions only
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 2:49 pm
by mikewalsh
@trawglodyte :-
I'd agree with ETP on the point he made further back up the page.
Where I originally said you'd need the DevX and kernel-sources for installing via shinobar's GetNvidia, that WAS perfectly true.....because when running GetNvidia you ARE "building" the modules yourself at that moment in time. But when installing a package already "built" by somebody else, no; you don't need them. You're simply installing an already pre-constructed package.
I'm not entirely sure how 666philb did it with the pre-constructed package he provided for the original Fossapup64 9.5. All I did with that was to install the .pet and re-boot. Upon restarting, the 'nouveau' module was already disabled and the nVidia driver was up-and-running, must be entirely possible to script the blacklisting of 'nouveau' within the package, too.
I've dissected & examined the package a few times, yet to this day I still can't see how he did it!
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 and 10.0.4 versions only
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 3:00 pm
by trawglodyte
Yes, you usually need compiling and developement software before you install NVIDIA drivers. With these two pets for BookwormPup64_10.0.3 and BookwormPup64_10.0.4 you don't. It makes me very happy that @ETP was able to make them that way.
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 and 10.0.4 versions only
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 7:05 pm
by bigpup
I tweaked the note in the first topic, to hopefully make it more understandable, what pet package, is for what version, of BookwormPup64.
Re: Nvidia graphics driver pet for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.3 and 10.0.4 versions only
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 7:40 pm
by bigpup
I think you can get installing the pet, to blacklist the nouveau driver, if the pet has this in it.
A directory named modprobe.d inside etc directory.
Inside this modprobe.d directory have the file:
Inside this file are these commands:
Code: Select all
blacklist nouveau
options nouveau modeset=0
If I am correct this etc/modprob.d/ directory is used when booting.
Any .conf file in it is acted on during boot up.
The .conf file is not an execute file or script.
It is command info to act on during booting.
Have not tried to modify one of the pets to add this to it.
But this is in the pets that 666philb built for Fossapup64 9.5
However, I do think blacklisting nouveau driver, using the boot manager way, is going to always work.