I having problems saving with the ubuntu version of puppy linux onto a flash drive.
I can save the file without encryption and it works fine but when I save it with encryption it does not always accept my password and I have to start over
I am using a 3 gb flash drive
I have a i5 second generation laptop with 6 gb of ram.
I need to find a distro of puppy linux that will allow me to create a 1-2 gb save encrypted that will not get corrupted. Are they any versions that do this better than others.
The usb works fine no issues. I checked the sectors never had any corruption there.
I need to be able to install brave browser and chrome browser that is it and disabled save after I have all the features I need set.
Please let me know which distro would be best for this purpose. I obviously want something that is somewhat uptodate. I don't mind if it is arch based, void based etc.
Thank you