Problem with password for encrypted save file on usb flash

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Problem with password for encrypted save file on usb flash

Post by puppytin1234 »


I having problems saving with the ubuntu version of puppy linux onto a flash drive.
I can save the file without encryption and it works fine but when I save it with encryption it does not always accept my password and I have to start over
I am using a 3 gb flash drive
I have a i5 second generation laptop with 6 gb of ram.
I need to find a distro of puppy linux that will allow me to create a 1-2 gb save encrypted that will not get corrupted. Are they any versions that do this better than others.
The usb works fine no issues. I checked the sectors never had any corruption there.
I need to be able to install brave browser and chrome browser that is it and disabled save after I have all the features I need set.
Please let me know which distro would be best for this purpose. I obviously want something that is somewhat uptodate. I don't mind if it is arch based, void based etc.

Thank you

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Re: Problem with password for encrypted save file on usb flash

Post by mikeslr »

Someone else may have suggestions regarding your objective. But if all else fails, stop trying to encrypt everything. The only things not otherwise available on the web are your personal documents. See this post --which recommends pzip for creating one or more encrypted folders-- and in general the other posts on this thread. ... 224#p79224

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Re: Problem with password for encrypted save file on usb flash

Post by bigpup »

What specific Puppy version you using?

We always need that basic info?

What format is the partition the save file is stored on?

Could be a bug in the Puppy version you are using.
Waiting for that info??

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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Re: Problem with password for encrypted save file on usb flash

Post by mikewalsh »

@puppytin1234 :-

I concur with t'other Mike.

Whilst the option for encryption will always be available - and certainly, it's YOUR choice - encryption is almost always more trouble than it's worth. Paradoxically, it's the people who are obsessed with secrecy & security who end up drawing MORE attention to themselves through their own actions.

Why do you specifically want encryption? What are you trying to achieve?

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