Puppy as an Advanced DHCP Server & Also Provision of Other Network Based Servers / Services
Hi all,
It's me Nathan S.R. logging in, after a long time, to share some news, about Puppy's immense capabilities, to serve as an Advanced DHCP Server & Also Provision of Other Network Based Servers / Services.
I myself needed a DHCP server Live CD, to serve a network, which only had a very Basic Switch and thoughts came up to Re-master a Puppy Live CD ( actually Bionic Pup 64 Bit, my favorite, so far ). I do not do full re-masters these days and take short-cuts like a. Extract the .sfs file from the .iso file into the /root area ( i.e. Ramdisk for speed ) using the ISOMaster Application ( just have to right the .iso file present on a Pen Drive and choose ISOMaster ) b. Use the Nicos Utility Suite's SFS Editor ( After installing this .pet file, just had to Right Click an .sfs file, choose "Open With" and then the choose the Nicos SFS Editor; Thank you Amethyst for making our Lives easier with this editor ! I have used it numerous times, by now, plugging in files, into the extracted sfs, rebuilding it and plugging the revised sfs into the iso file again, using ISOMaster; works well )
I have released this DHCP server Live CD, as an Open Source Project here : https://sourceforge.net/projects/advanc ... r-live-cd/
Puppy can do a wonderful job, when it comes to Live CDs, like for example, you can plugin any binary along with some wrapper shell scripts, at the root of the Live CD itself, using the ISOMaster again and save it as another iso file.
I did this for plugging in the Zerofree utility / binary ( taken from Debian SID ) for clearing un-used space in Linux Virtual Machines / Linux Guests, thereby helping in Compacting / Shrinking the Virtual Disk File Size, Later from the Host side ( this binary can't be used right within the same OS, due to locking problems and hence a Live CD is the best solution ! )
You can get these Live CDs as well, from my sourceforge project profile page, which is given in the signature below.
Hope, this post adds some value to its viewers. Thanks.
P.S. I got inspired by the Slackware based Superb Mini Server Live CD ( http://sms.it-ccs.com/features.html ) for its numerous servers inside, but unfortunately could not get the DHCP Server inside it, working in the simplest way, that I wanted. Neither, I could re-master it ! )
Best Regards,
Nathan S.R.