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DeltaChat - a standalone messenger; no need for a smartphone; in 'portable' format...!

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2023 5:29 pm
by mikewalsh

Afternoon, gang.

I found out about this one totally by accident, following @williwaw 's reply to @hundido in this thread:-


This is DeltaChat-portable.

At first glance, there's apparently nothing to distinguish DeltaChat from all the other messenger/chat apps out there. However, you have to dig a wee bit deeper.....and THEN you find out that DeltaChat is email-based, so doesn't communicate, per se, over the usual mobile network at all.

Unlike most desktop chat clients, which these days invariably require a mobile "app" to connect with, this one works solely via the traditional email infrastructure. To quote their website FAQ & blog, DeltaChat is essentially "email dressed-up in a new suit of clothes" for the modern world. Heck, Thunderbird has an available, built-in 'chat client' these days, so it's not such a far-fetched idea really.

To me, it looks awfully like a refresh of Telegram, which used to be my favourite until they, too, succumbed to the smartphone 'disease'. However, being solely email-based does mean that it IS chat-ONLY.....unlike most others, which support video-calling, too. You can send/receive photos & videos as attachments, of course, but live videochat isn't really on the cards via email!

As such, this probably won't appeal to most of you.....but then, it's not like there aren't videochat clients a-plenty out there already, so a return to older values is in fact a nice change of pace.


This is built around the AppImage, though .debs, .rpms, Flatpaks & apks are of course available. It's quite big, regardless of package type, because so many other apps now, it's Electron-based. Which means a stripped-back Chromium browser underneath; well over 100 MB for that bit, with the actual client a relatively small chunk built on top of that. But in line with my policy of making as much variety available as possible - "choice in all things" - here it is in my now-standard 'portable' format. It's running, with the usual modifications, in my Tahrpup64 without fuss. I haven't yet tried it in any other Pups, so it's possible the launcher may need tweaking in time. We shall see.

If anyone fancies trying it, you'll find it at MediaFire:- ... /DeltaChat

As always:-

  • Download

  • Unzip

  • Place it anywhere you want (preferably, outside the 'save')

  • Click to fire it up

If a Menu entry is required, dive inside the ROXapp ( rt-clk -> 'Look inside...' ), and run the MenuAdd script. Read the MenuReadMe first.


See what y'all think. Enjoy.

Mike. ;)

Re: DeltaChat - a standalone messenger; no need for a smartphone; in 'portable' format...!

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2023 6:24 pm
by williwaw

Mike already mentioned the lack of video-chat, but on the plus side, you can use deltachat unencrypted with users that do not have deltachat installed. you would be "chatting" on your end, while the other would be emailing oldschool. as with most email clients, you can configure a time for your messages to delete from your email account

Re: DeltaChat - a standalone messenger; no need for a smartphone; in 'portable' format...!

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2023 1:38 am
by dogcat

Some additional info and links about Delta Chat


Re: DeltaChat - a standalone messenger; no need for a smartphone; in 'portable' format...!

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2023 5:42 am
by hundido

like so many other apps now, it's Electron-based. Which means a stripped-back Chromium browser underneath; well over 100 MB for that bit, with the actual client a relatively small chunk built on top of that.

@mikewalsh I've been wondering what, exactly, Electron is. Thanks

Re: DeltaChat - a standalone messenger; no need for a smartphone; in 'portable' format...!

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2023 10:57 am
by mikewalsh

Slightly re-jigged, and re-uploaded. Newer libz required in the 'lib' folder, and an exception in the launcher for Fossapup64. Now runs, without issue, in Tahrpup64, Xenialpup64, Bionicpup64 and Fossapup64.

Mike. ;)

Re: DeltaChat - a standalone messenger; no need for a smartphone; in 'portable' format...!

Posted: Fri May 03, 2024 11:33 am
by RalphC
mikewalsh wrote: Thu Oct 19, 2023 5:29 pm

Afternoon, gang.

I found out about this one totally by accident, following @williwaw 's reply to @hundido in this thread:-


This is DeltaChat-portable.

At first glance, there's apparently nothing to distinguish DeltaChat from all the other messenger/chat apps out there. However, you have to dig a wee bit deeper.....and THEN you find out that DeltaChat is email-based, so doesn't communicate, per se, over the usual mobile network at all.

Unlike most desktop chat clients, which these days invariably require a mobile "app" to connect with, this one works solely via the traditional email infrastructure. To quote their website FAQ & blog, DeltaChat is essentially "email dressed-up in a new suit of clothes" for the modern world. Heck, Thunderbird has an available, built-in 'chat client' these days, so it's not such a far-fetched idea really.

To me, it looks awfully like a refresh of Telegram, which used to be my favourite until they, too, succumbed to the smartphone 'disease'. However, being solely email-based does mean that it IS chat-ONLY.....unlike most others, which support video-calling, too. You can send/receive photos & videos as attachments, of course, but live videochat isn't really on the cards via email!

As such, this probably won't appeal to most of you.....but then, it's not like there aren't videochat clients a-plenty out there already, so a return to older values is in fact a nice change of pace.

This is built around the AppImage, though .debs, .rpms, Flatpaks & apks are of course available. It's quite big, regardless of package type, because so many other apps now, it's Electron-based. Which means a stripped-back Chromium browser underneath; well over 100 MB for that bit, with the actual client a relatively small chunk built on top of that. But in line with my policy of making as much variety available as possible - "choice in all things" - here it is in my now-standard 'portable' format. It's running, with the usual modifications, in my Tahrpup64 without fuss. I haven't yet tried it in any other Pups, so it's possible the launcher may need tweaking in time. We shall see.
Its email-based system ensures accessibility and ease of use, integrating seamlessly with any email account. Moreover, its 'portable' format makes it exceptionally versatile, facilitating communication across various devices effortlessly. For those concerned about security, especially in apps handling sensitive information, it's important to understand the technologies behind them, like those discussed in this article on ... ntech-app/ ensuring your data remains secure while enjoying such innovative solutions.
If anyone fancies trying it, you'll find it at MediaFire:- ... /DeltaChat

As always:-

  • Download

  • Unzip

  • Place it anywhere you want (preferably, outside the 'save')

  • Click to fire it up

If a Menu entry is required, dive inside the ROXapp ( rt-clk -> 'Look inside...' ), and run the MenuAdd script. Read the MenuReadMe first.


See what y'all think. Enjoy.

Mike. ;)


Re: DeltaChat - a standalone messenger; no need for a smartphone; in 'portable' format...!

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 2:51 pm
by FloraMae

On Bookworm64 I get this error

/tmp/.mount_DeltaCnWMR4U/deltachat-desktop: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Re: DeltaChat - a standalone messenger; no need for a smartphone; in 'portable' format...!

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 4:20 pm
by OscarTalks
FloraMae wrote: Thu May 16, 2024 2:51 pm

On Bookworm64:- error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Bookworm64 has (later version)
You may be able to use a symlink as a workaround
In /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu create a symlink to and name it as
Doesn't always work but often does so worth a try