it's not there. and i 've tried the scripts, but it won't start, not even from menu>googlechrome-stable it also has no update file. I used the RPM version.
edit 1 this is google-chrome, from the DEB file, which needs user spot replacing with user root.because i have another save file for finn, who must not access chrome at any time. if i could put chrome into the root-user save file only, that would fix some of it. can i run chrome without this file, if all it does is force user to be spot?
edit 2
i deleted google-chrome file [below], and re-installed the deb files. i changed the permissins on all files under/opt to 777. still nothing. i can't work out how the below deb file works, so editing it on speculaton seems dangerous. I'll rest now, and hope for some help overnight.
#script to run $APP as spot...
[ "$1" ] && while [ "$1" ]; do ARGS="$ARGS \"$1\""; shift; done
if [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]; then
[ $XAUTHORITY ] && cp $XAUTHORITY /root/spot/.Xauthority 2>/dev/null
touch /root/spot/.Xauthority
#following line is mostly there to catch any root:root files that may have got copied in...
find /root/spot \( -not -user spot -or -not -group spot \) -exec chown -h spot:spot {} \; &
export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/root/spot/.config
export XDG_CACHE_HOME=/root/spot/.cache
export XDG_DATA_HOME=/root/spot/.local/share
exec su spot -s /bin/sh -c "\"$APP\" $ARGS" #seems an error here, the <"\" seems troublesome?
else #precaution
exec "$APP" "$ARGS"
running this file in terminal gives
root# /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome
[182111019/] mkdir : No such file or directory (2)
chrome_crashpad_handler: --database is required
Try 'chrome_crashpad_handler --help' for more information.
[182111019/] Failed to connect to the bus: Could not parse server address: Unknown address type (examples of valid types are "tcp" and on UNIX "unix")
[182111019/] Failed to connect to the bus: Could not parse server address: Unknown address type (examples of valid types are "tcp" and on UNIX "unix")
[182111019/] Failed to connect to the bus: Could not parse server
pls gnore below, it's from the RPM file, which i'm not using.
see code of google-chrome below, does it need an edit, pls?
#!/bin/bash #! / change here.
# Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Let the wrapped binary know that it has been run through the wrapper.
export CHROME_WRAPPER="`readlink -f "$0"`"
HERE="`dirname "$CHROME_WRAPPER"`"
# We include some xdg utilities next to the binary, and we want to prefer them
# over the system versions when we know the system versions are very old. We
# detect whether the system xdg utilities are sufficiently new to be likely to
# work for us by looking for xdg-settings. If we find it, we leave $PATH alone,
# so that the system xdg utilities (including any distro patches) will be used.
if ! command -v xdg-settings &> /dev/null; then
# Old xdg utilities. Prepend $HERE to $PATH to use ours instead.
export PATH="$HERE:$PATH"
# Use system xdg utilities. But first create mimeapps.list if it doesn't
# exist; some systems have bugs in xdg-mime that make it fail without it.
mkdir -p "$xdg_app_dir"
[ -f "$xdg_app_dir/mimeapps.list" ] || touch "$xdg_app_dir/mimeapps.list"
# Always use our versions of ffmpeg libs.
# This also makes RPMs find the compatibly-named library symlinks.
if [[ -n "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ]]; then
export CHROME_VERSION_EXTRA="stable"
# We don't want bug-buddy intercepting our crashes.
# Sanitize std{in,out,err} because they'll be shared with untrusted child
# processes (
exec < /dev/null
exec > >(exec cat)
exec 2> >(exec cat >&2)
# Note: exec -a below is a bashism.
exec -a "$0" "$HERE/chrome" "$@"}