This is related to the discussion we did here : viewtopic.php?p=34970&hilit=finit#p34970
To sum it up : There is a problem if the size of the text of the squashfs filenames exceed a limit. This is kernel related.
Each time I run the build script I have to modify the initrd1.xz file to support more squashfs files.
If you use few squashfs files you won't notice it but if you work like me (having each program in different squashfs file) then you'll have this issue and it might be difficult to detect where it comes from.
What I suggest to @fredx181 : To have a check box in the build script that allows to add the modification needed to finit (inside initrd1.xz)
I'm attaching the kernel k-6.1.0-0.deb11.9-amd64 finit script original and modified to see whet is needed. Just compare the 2 files and you'll see the changes.
In my home frugal installation I usually have 105-140 squashfs files. In each PC(work/home etc) I have a different combination of squashfs files.