new f_plug coming - small additions
I'll be releasing new f_plug soon that includes some of the improvements documented above, so not a major change (same main build script otherwise). Currently just making a KL_multi build so I can experiment in one of the instances till ready to publish new parts. I may or may not add a few extras that need compiled first - if so will take a bit longer so maybe that will come in later release. I'm using KLV-Swayland all the time now; I do find it very efficient with both autotiling and manual tiling capability and can drag tiles around into other tiled arrangements as well as toggle them floating or not. Hard to complain about such flexibility and functionality.
Making the KL_multi, I'll remind you, is simple thing to do:
I just made empty folder /KL_frugals or whatever you want to call it and inside there made empty KL-Swayland directory inside there.
I put the script into /KL_frugals/KL-Swayland, made it executable and run it to complete main build as usual.
Code: Select all
Once the build was complete, I downloaded wd_convert2multi from the forum and put it into /KL_frugals folder.
Then I renamed KL-Swayland to KL-Swayland.MKL (I could have saved that step by using that MKL extension in the original naming...).
And finally, from terminal at /KL_frugals location, ran the command:
Code: Select all
./wd_convert2multi 20
which in seconds completed the construction of 20 instances, each with the correct grub_config.txt stanzas automatically created inside their respective instance folders.
Then just boot with whichever one you want and it will have its own upper_changes folder. The multi-instances are better than sliced bread and daft not to always use them really since tons of gain with no pain.