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f96-ce on asrock with intell processor

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 1:35 pm
by Gnimmelf

hi there
i cant seem to control cpu freq scalling on my asrock desktop with intel processor i5 9600k.
on my lenovo gaming laptop i always use "performance" as the freq scalling. on asrock it choses "powersave" as default,
and it fucks up the speed of the processor, if i try to choose anyting else.

on asrock homepage i found an install of live update app
who can control cpu and stuff. but its exe file only.....! there doesnt seem to be anything for linux anywhere.

is there maybe a hack on this?

kindly Gnimmelf

Re: f96-ce on asrock with intell processor

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 2:30 pm
by backi

Hi @Gnimmelf :

Maybe try to install "cpupower-gui" which lets you control frequency scaling on Demand with a small Gui.

Re: f96-ce on asrock with intell processor

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 2:41 pm
by norgo

this could help along viewtopic.php?p=15088#p15088