So this was a lot more work than I wanted to do; took me ages, but I'm enjoying the interesting result at least.
Snapshot iso now available temporarily here (made in a hurry cos short of time, but worked in Ventoy for me, but no guarantees - my recommended remains 'build script frugal install method'):
Added yad
Includes cup printing support; Mod+Shift+b to open firefox and go to url: http://localhost:631/printers/
https://mega.nz/file/4rF32ThB#EPSBKESX8 ... it6Nk-VjyM
md5sum 04c8d2f23ce22a57e32e09ef6a2bdb75 KLV_SwayBASE-002rc6.iso
Iso size 1.1 GiB. Yes, I could have kept iso download size under 1GiB but preferred good modules/firmware and to compress main sfs with zstd and sacrifice download size for distro speed/responsiveness rather than using high-compression xz for almost irrelevant few hundred MiB smaller iso size...
You could always remove firefox and use a portable browser...
I have things I still want to add to this, but no time to complete right now. Just left it with KLV-Airedale boot splash for now...
KLbuild_Void_wayland_swayBASE.sh (currently using Vanilla Dpup huge-kernel/modules/firmware, thanks)
Per usual, put the above single script in the empty directory you want to boot frugal install from and run the build with simple command:
Code: Select all
You can use the provided and accurate grub stanza to then boot via your grub installation.
fetches and uses f_ build plug: f_00_Void_wayland_sway_no-kernelBASE.plug
Sway/wayland/pipewire is the future for sure for me.
This distro has a lot going for it, but you need to learn shortcut keys per the config file (bit of a learning curve, but simple really and very efficient):
~/.config/sway/config. Look for bindsym keys used (and can modify, but I keep as close to default as possible for longer term simplicity/compatibility). Waybar config and style.css file is at ~/.config/waybar
A few issues (working quite well overall, but a few 'flaky' behaviours at times; partly because I'm not used to it and some sway/waybar configs could be improved...):
1. On first boot in w_changes=RAM2 mode I notice the waybar volume control doesn't show. Just snapmergepuppy (or use: mod+Shift+p for [p]ersistence save).
2. mod+Shift+n open nmtui window but sometimes not working per expectations. Just open a terminal first maybe (mod+Enter) and once connected again save to persistence. Fine after - no time to look into it further just now.
3. Be careful the text curson is focussed where you think it is (activates via hover). I sometimes find it in place window or tile other than I expected...
4. You'll need to change the timezone since I use Pacific/Auckland in default f_plug build. You change it at line 129 to your own in the f_ build plug.
NOTE: If you want to download f_ plug first so you can fix timezone to your own prior to build you can fetch it with:
Code: Select all
wget -c https://gitlab.com/firstrib/firstrib/-/raw/master/latest/build_system/wayland_f_plugs/f_00_Void_wayland_sway_no-kernelBASE.plug
5. I haven't configured pcmanfm or geany so you need to go to their Preferences and, for example, make default terminal sakura and single click behaviour and set bookmarks and whatever view/hidden you want and so on...
6. I haven't tried out or set up many of the included wayland utility apps, but put them in to play with.
7. Note the xargs f_ plug file method of installing the packages. I used this method, which I strongly recommend, in earlier FR Arch releases. It prevents an xbps-install line failing when any single app isn't found in the Void repo.
8. Please consider this f_ plug a general form of template for this type of KL build.
Some important keys (note: mod is Windows super key):
(NOTE: hover mouse over tile focusses it)
mod+Shift+n - open nmtui to connect to Internet (can Escape out once finished or Quit)
(note: can alternatively click Waybar network button for nmtui tile)
mod+Shift+p - to run snapmergepuppy save persistence when w_changes=RAM2
(or alternatively, run: sudo snapmergepuppy in a terminal...)
mod+Enter - open sakura terminal as regular user (spot)
mod+Shift+t - open sakura (t)erminal as root user
mod+d - open wofi (d)eskmenu file launcher (apps run as user spot)
mod+Shift+b - to open Firefox (b)rowser (as spot)
mod+Shift+f - to open (f)ilemanager PCmanfm as root user
mod+Shift+g - to open (g)eany as root user
mod+f - to toggle tiled app fullscreen
mod+Shift+spacebar to toggle float a tile (can resize floating window with mouse)
mod+1 (or 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0) to open new workspace
(note that 'odd numbered' workspaces are set to 'autotile', even numbered work spaces manual tile, but you can drag tiles in either mode via their top bar to new locations via mouse drag)
mod+Shift+s (s for shutdown) followed by r for reboot or p for poweroff or l (small L) to lock screen (password spot to unlock)
Can also simply use: mod+l (small l) to lock screen
mod+Shift+m - opens small sway-menu gui (for tile focussed on)
mod+Shift+c to reload sway and waybar config if needed ever
mod+v for vertical tile split (manual control)
mod_b for horizontal tile split (per sway config default)
I find this one really handy:
Press down mod key and use right-button mouse pressed down and you can resize even tiled window horizontal width or vertical height.
Can change sway operation mode if you wish (I don't like so much):
mod+s - for layout stacking
mod+w - for layout tabbed
mod_e - to toggle back to split tiles
Haven't myself used the sway 'scratchpad' where you can send windows and get them back later:
# Move the currently focused window to the scratchpad
mod+Shift+minus move scratchpad
mod+Shift+x exec gammastep -l 0:0 -o -b 0.7:0.7 # gamma brightness to 70%. Change to what you want
mod+Shift+s exec wlogout # graphical GUI logout panel
focus_follows_mouse no
wofi --show=drun --allow-images --columns=5 # provides GUI desktop apps menu
LOTS of other combinations I haven't learned in ~/.config/sway/config
Apps include:
sway, labwc (which can be run in a tile with some app window started up inside using the likes of terminal command: labwc -s sakura &), which allows you to simultaneously experiment with labwc compositor (like a wayland openbox).
I've also included AppImage Manager (am --help for usage), which automates AppImage fetch along with desktop file (puts the AppImage into /opt hierarchy).
I use 'am' for cherrytree and libreoffice on my installation.