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How do I add another DE when building with Woof-CE?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 3:20 am
by liogab11
How do you add add a desktop environment to the build process? I would like to try building my own Puppy with XFCE.
I'm no stranger to PL but Woof-CE mystifies me...


Re: How do I add another DE when building with Woof-CE?

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 10:24 am
by peebee
1. decide which base system you want to use
2. get the current puppy configs for that base system from github: ... oof-distro
3. work out what components you need to add for xfce (see below)
4. construct a further component to configure xfce
5. add all the new components to DISTRO_PKGS_SPECS-***
6. build your new system

X-Slacko may give you some clues .....

You can also add: ... XFCE-ydrv/
to LxPupBionic or LxPupSc to give you an XFCE desktop based on the Porteus XFCE module (screenshot below)

The "configure" component for the XFCE-ydrv is attached.
(112 KiB) Downloaded 87 times
Xfce is a collection of programs that together provide a full-featured desktop environment. The following programs are part of the Xfce core:

Window Manager (xfwm4)
Handles the placement of windows on the screen.

Panel (xfce4-panel)
Program launchers, window buttons, applications menu, workspace switcher and more.

Desktop Manager (xfdesktop)
Sets the background color or image with optional application menu or icons for minimized applications or launchers, devices and folders.

File Manager (thunar)
A modern file manager for the Unix/Linux desktop, aiming to be easy-to-use and fast.

Session Manager (xfce4-session)
Restores your session on startup and allows you to shutdown the computer from Xfce.

Setting System (xfce4-settings)
Configuration system to control various aspects of the desktop like appearance, display, keyboard and mouse settings.

Application Finder (xfce4-appfinder)
Shows the applications installed on your system in categories, so you can quickly find and launch them.

Settings Daemon (xfconf)
D-Bus-based configuration storage system.
Screenshot.png (202.25 KiB) Viewed 1504 times

Re: How do I add another DE when building with Woof-CE?

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 5:34 am
by liogab11
peebee wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 10:24 am The "configure" component for the XFCE-ydrv is attached.
So I need to load another adrv to make the yrdv work better, is that right?

Re: How do I add another DE when building with Woof-CE?

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 6:02 am
by peebee
liogab11 wrote: Tue Oct 06, 2020 5:34 am So I need to load another adrv to make the yrdv work better, is that right?
No - the adrv was used to build the ydrv..... the name is unfortunate but was never meant to be made "public"