Portable Firefox Quantum and Firefox-ESR (including apulse libs, for sound)
Two scripts, ffportable-inst and ff-esr-portable-inst, to install (portable) latest firefox (or firefox-ESR)
Requirements: gtk3 (install from PPM libgtk-3.0*) , and (depends on if it's installed or not): "libatomic1"
After removing the, fake .gz extension and making executable, run the attached script from terminal, e.g.:
Code: Select all
It will download, extract latest Firefox and add some files to the portable folder (e.g. ff script, apulse etc...) so that the result wil be a folder named: firefox_<version>_<arch>, e.g. firefox_78.0.2_32 (version 78.0.2 is latest now) (32 bit) or firefox_78.0.2_64, (64bit) (according to running the script from 64bit OS or from 32bit OS) , rename as you wish.
Run the script from terminal standing in the directory where you want the portable folder to be created.
If preferred, move the folder e.g. firefox_78.0.2_32 to /opt and create a .desktop launcher in /usr/share/applications (so it will appear in the menu), e.g.:
EDIT: or to /mnt/home, then change /opt to /mnt/home
Code: Select all
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Firefox with apulse
GenericName=Web Browser
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Or e.g. German:
Code: Select all
Complete list of available languages, see here:
https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/rel ... README.txt
Attached ffportable-inst.gz and ff-esr-portable-inst.gz, remove fake .gz extension and make executable.
EDIT: Another way is to download newest firefox from Here or Here in your language
Unpack it, firefox directory will appear, then download: 32bit-additions or 64bit-additions and extract in the new firefox folder (contains "ff" script and "extralibs" folder)
EDIT: Added url links above to 32bit-additions and 64bit-additions