Hello all and woof!
My experience in installing Puppy has been on older PCs - not so many modern ones.
I want to know if I continue to use а "tried and trusted' installation method will it work with a modern UEFI-based bootstrap loader?
My method for installing Puppy Linux:
Well ... it's not 'my' method - except that I 'use' it.
The method is documented (see below) - on the forum - by @mikeslr
Identified as: 'manual frugal install with Rox Tips'. (This method is 'the best', Mike!)
The link -> viewtopic.php?p=1788&hilit=ROX+install+puppy#p1788
In short: click the *.iso file to open it. Drag and drop the component files into the system directory. That loads the OS.
After that: install the bootloader - Grub4DOS
Menu -> Setup -> Grub4DOS bootloader configuration -> (then do it!)
So! The question! Will a modern PC, running UEFI boot a thumbdrive if I can open the "BIOS" config page to set 'my' thumbdrive as the first boot opion?
If the answer above is 'no' - what other options do I have?
I am installing Puppy from Puppy, not Windows.