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Securing my out of puppy data files

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 10:59 pm
by d-pupp

I keep my personal data files in a separate partition
sda1 puppy iso's
sda2 personal data files

I think this is common as you can use files no matter what puppy you have running. ;)
However I just realized that the default access permissions are read to the world. :thumbdown:
I want to change that so I set the parent directory permission to 700
From what I understand and some testing this should block access to the world as "Root folder permission limits child files permission"
However I want to go a bit farther and set all files and directory (personal data only) to 750 and maybe set the umask to 027 in my bashrc
Anyone done this or have any advice?

Re: Securing my out of puppy data files

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 8:22 pm
by d-pupp

I went a head and set the permissions
Here is the code I used if anyone else is interested.

Code: Select all

find -type d -exec chmod -c 750 {} \;

Code: Select all

find -type f -exec chmod -c 640 {} \;

Edit: you have to be in the directory you want to change or supply a path to it.
Edit: umask in the bashrc does work if you type it correctly umask 027 NOT umask=027

I set the umask in bashrc but it did not work so I set it in /etc/profile and it works in the terminal but not in rox.
Rox must have it's own permission mask. It doesn't seem to be user configurable so I will have to change permissions on every new file I make :thumbdown: