Lightest Linux/BSD distributions installed on USB/HDD/SSD

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sucuklu yumurta
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Lightest Linux/BSD distributions installed on USB/HDD/SSD

Post by sucuklu yumurta »

My favorite is "Puppy Frugal", but I wanted to gather all lightweight distributions that can be installed on HDD/SSD under this heading

Debian preps ground to drop 32-bit x86 as separate edition (Tue 19 Dec 2023)
''The longer you keep running old devices, the more energy you save.''✅

MX is an excellent distribution, so which version is the best? this is it: ... -Versionen ... unofficial

LMDE 5 Mint LXDE 0.10.1 Debian 11 Bullseye ''LTS July 2024 to June 2026'' ... cial/lmde5

Kernel 5.10.0-13
Firefox 98

Sys Req:
512 GB RAM (2 GB recommended for comfortable use)
20 GB storage (40 GB recommended)

The live system of the 32-bit version starts with a kernel that is designed for old computers that have an old processor (without PAE support)
This kernel uses only one processor core.
If the computer has a hyper-threading processor, dual-core processor or better, it is recommended to install a different kernel (terminal):
sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install linux-headers-686-pae linux-image-686-pae

it's one of the best. wattOS LXDE 64 Bit (Debian 11 Bullseye) iso size: 1200 MB

Sparky Debian

Sparky 7.1 i686 MinimalGUI Orion Belt (12 Bookworm) ... o/download
iso: 1150 mb
Firefox-esr 102.15.0esr-1deb12u1

Sparky 6.7 32 bit LXQT (i686 non-pae) Po-Tolo (11 Bullseye) ✅ ... o/download
iso: 1500 mb
Firefox-esr 102.10.0esr-1deb11u1

Sparky 6.7 32 bit MinimalGUI (i686 non-pae) Po-Tolo (11 Bullseye) ... o/download
iso: 1170 mb
firefox-esr 102.10.0esr-1deb11u1
APTus AppCenter ✅

CROWZ (Devuan) 64 Bit: Devuan-Debian (12 Bookworm)
Fluxbox, JWM, Openbox
''CROWZ is a lightweight, CROWZ can be run from live media or installed to a hard drive using the Calamares system installer''
iso: 1000-1100 MB

''The i686 32-bit Beowulf isos can be used and upgraded to the Daedalus release''
CROWZ JWM 32 Bit ... o/download
iso:658 mb

Crowz 5 review By Jeff Siegel
''Bookworm's documentation suggests at least a Pentium 4, 1GHz system to run a desktop, plus 2GB of RAM (ddr3 or ddr4) and a 10GB hard drive''

ToriOS 1.5 JWM – NON PAE Jessie Debian 8
I don't know if it can be synchronized with Debian repositories and updated to the latest version without breaking the JWM interface, you need to try it.
''ToriOS is a Debian-based distribution which is designed to work on older computers, even 32-bit machines which do not support running PAE-enabled kernels.
ToriOS strives to maintain the KISS principle and uses JWM to provide a lightweight graphical user interface.''
iso:794 MB

KANOTIX LXDE Debian Stable 32 Bit (From Ram 1500 MB 2023 updated)
Silverfire (10 buster) ... y-LXDE.iso
Firefox-esr 115.4.0esr-1deb10u1
KANOTIX KDE Debian Stable 32 Bit (From Ram 2 GB 2023 updated) ... ly-KDE.iso
Firefox-esr 115.4.0esr-1deb10u1

Peppermint : Debian Devuan minimal installation (Debian 12 Bookworm)

Devuan Debian (Live iso default XFCE) Chimaera (11 Bullseye) Stable version Daedalus (12 Bookworm) Current version
''Devuan GNU+Linux is a fork of Debian without systemd that allows users to reclaim control over their system by avoiding unnecessary entanglements and ensuring Init Freedom''

Firefox Change in System Req

Firefox 115.0 Recommended Hardware
Windows 7 or later
Pentium 4 or newer processor that supports SSE2
512MB of RAM / 2GB of RAM for the 64-bit version
200MB of hard drive space

Firefox 116.0 Recommended Hardware
Windows 10 or later
1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster compatible processor or System on a Chip (SoC)
1GB of RAM / 2GB of RAM for the 64-bit version
500MB of hard drive space

systemD and sysV
I think PulseAudio and systemd are related to each other.
What I think is that sysv-busybox is lighter
All distributions without systemd

XFCE Xfdesktop is the default desktop environment in some distributions. GTK+2 GTK+2 ''Remove Gtk+2 support'' Current GTK+3

xfce gtk2 consumed an average of 500-600 mb of ram (The version mentioned as lightweight on many sites)
xfce gtk3 consumes about 1 gb ram

Debian equivalent of Devuan versions
Devuan Jessie = Debian Jessie 8
Devuan ascii = Debian Stretch 9
Devuan Beowulf = Debian Buster 10
Devuan Chimaera = Debian Bullseye 11
Devuan Daedalus = Debian Bookworm 12 CROWZ JWM 32 Bit: ''The i686 32-bit Beowulf isos can be used and upgraded to the Daedalus release''
Devuan Excalibur = Debian 13 Trixie

Related Topic:
Super-long-term stable Linux Kernel arrives SLTS (industrial infrastructure) ... el-arrives
''That's because CIP's primary mission isn't the desktop or server. Instead, it's all about establishing an open-source foundation of embedded industrial-grade Linux. This foundation aims to facilitate the deployment and incorporation of software building blocks essential for civil infrastructure projects.

Today, most infrastructure software is made up of a hodgepodge of incompatible, proprietary software programs. If all goes well, the CIP's ultimate goal is to provide a free, universally adopted Linux that governments and countries around the world can depend on for their civil infrastructure.''

CIP SLTS Release Cycle
6.6 LTS, Latest kernel with old GPU (supported until December 2026)
SLTS Kernel 6.1: 11 December 2022 4th SLTS release which CIP is planning to support until August 2033. 6.1.28 is named Curry Ramen.
SLTS Kernel 5.10: 13 December 2020 3rd SLTS release which CIP is planning to support until January 2031. Named "Dare mighty things".
SLTS Kernel 4.19 22: October 2018 (Last release 4.19.294) Second SLTS release which CIP is planning to support until January 2029 and first with ARM64 support. Named "People's Front".
SLTS Kernel 4.4: 10 January 2016. 16th LTS release, used in Slackware 14.2. Canonical provided extended support until April 2021. As the first kernel selected for Super Long Term Support (SLTS), the Civil Infrastructure Platform will provide support until at least 2026. Used in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Debian Release Cycle

Ubuntu Release Cycle

MX Linux XFCE 32 Bit (xfdesktop 4.12.3 gtk+2) Semi-Rolling ... o/download
iso: 1300 mb

*KDE Plasma Wildflower x64 (11 Bullseye) Qt5.15.2 and KDE5 ✅
version worked with 2,5 gb ram
MX Tools is kool ✅

A friend of ours converted the MX 21.3 Fluxbox version to LXDE :thumbup:
"MX Linux LXDE Frugal Mode JP" ... aginas-web
''If you want to convert MX-21.3_fluxbox_x64 ISO file to LXDE, please download the fluxbox version of MX Linux''

Recommended USB Tools:

Universal USB Installer ... y-as-1-2-3

Some supported iso:

Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE)

Vanilla dPup
Precise Puppy

Pinguy OS



Some supported iso:

Linux Mint
Raspberry Pi
Slackware Legacy Rufus v2.18

Ventoy 1.0.96
''1100+ ISO files are tested, 90%+ distros in supported''
The 6 Best Tools to Create a Bootable USB From an ISO in Linux ... -iso-linux

Mastering dd Command: Comprehensive Guide with Practical Examples

Linux distributions that can make customized ISOs

Sparky Linux and MX Linux have their own tools.

''Refracta Snapshot'' Available in Devuan Chimaera

Arch Linux
Anything is possible with Arch Linux. Erik Dubois /watch?v=XKPSAQDO_W4

Lilidog Openbox Debian non-systemd Calamares Installer (Bookworm only)

''Build your own version with readily available instructions''

There are several versions of Lilidog available based on users needs and wants

You don't need to be an advanced user to use Beardog, but a basic understanding of linux is probably a good idea.

The live session username is user The root/sudo password is live

Some distributions are easier to install from DVD.
Upupbb includes pBurn and PeasyDisc

*There are definitely similar tools in other distributions, but these are the ones I know. You can save time by doing this.

ARCH Linux
I like Debian Ubuntu versions more, I have never installed Arch, it is said to be fast and light..
I think the Arch installation logic is as follows;
cat /proc/cpuinfo
I think it is compiled according to the processor structure opposite the Flags section.
I guess that's why arch-based ones are fast.
''Arch Linux is for power users, so installation can be daunting. Follow these steps to smooth the process.''

archlinux32 32 Bit Arch (i686)

iso:700 mb

Artix Linux
64 Bit LXDE and LXQT

iso: 1600 mb

Obarun 2022.06.08 64 Bit JWM
iso:765 mb Base
iso:1200 mb JWM
''The goal of Obarun is to provide an alternative for people looking for more simplicity and transparency in maintaining their systems.
Obarun is not designed with beginners to Linux in mind, but Obarun's community is dedicated in helping anyone with the will to try it''

Parabola GNU/Linux-libre 64 Bit LXDE
''You've reached the website of Parabola GNU/Linux-libre.
The Parabola project is a community-driven, "labour-of-love" effort to maintain a 100% free (as in: freedom) operating system distribution that is lean, clean, and hackable''
''Based on the Arch distribution, Parabola is a complete, user-friendly operating system, suitable for general "everyday" use, while retaining Arch's "power-user" charm.
Our community is friendly and helpful''

''The init-system and graphical environment of any Parabola LiveISO is completely unrelated to the system that you may choose to install. All Parabola LiveISOs are capable of installing any variant of Parabola system to the target disk, regardless of the init-system or graphical environment. Nothing of the live system can ever be installed onto your computer. For example, any of the SystemD LiveISOs can be used to install an OpenRC system and vice-versa. Likewise, any of the LiveISOs (either CLI or graphical) can be used to install any WM/DE, such as Gnome, KDE, and many others, or none at all'' ... 019.06-pre ... 19.06-pre/ Experimental-Beta

iso: 1700 mb

ArchBang Linux Openbox

ArchBang 64 Bit Current Rolling Release ... o/download
iso: 970 mb

ArchBang32 Bit i686 ... o/download
iso: 950 mb

There are distributions that offer full desktop environments such as GNOME and KDE, but I chose the Lightest ones, paying particular attention to ISO sizes and DE environments.

Arch Update system pacman -Su

NuTyX LXDE and JWM 64 Bit Independent (Linux From Scratch LFS)
''We recommend that potential users first acquire some good knowledge about the GNU/Linux system.
It's an excellent operating system for people who want to commit themselves to de.''

Create a bootable USB-Stick
Insert your USB-Stick and check the disk. Run:

lsblk -S

Code: Select all

NAME HCTL       TYPE VENDOR   MODEL           REV  SERIAL           TRAN
sda  0:0:0:0    disk ...
sdb  2:0:0:0    disk ...
sdc  8:0:0:0    disk TDKMedia Trans-It_Drive  PMAP 07991E033A9CAF0E usb

Create a bootable USB-Stick specifying the correct filename and disk (replace sdX with your USB disk)
The following command will delete all data that is on the USB key.

Code: Select all

dd if=/path/to/the/iso/NuTyX_x86_64-23.09.0-BASE.iso of=/dev/sdX status=progress

If you are using Windows:
''it is easier to burn the ISO image onto a CD-RW (if possible)... '' ... 0-BASE.iso
iso size: 800 mb ... 0-XORG.iso
iso size: 1200 mb ... 0-LXDE.iso
iso size: 1400 mb ... .0-JWM.iso
iso size: 1500 mb

NuTyX is a French Linux distribution (with multi-language support) built from Linux From Scratch and Beyond Linux From Scratch.
The distribution is designed for intermediate and advanced Linux users.

I had the same question as to why there are so many DE/WM. They tried to create a common desktop environment in 1993.
NuTyX CDE 64Bit (No other Live iso CDE) (''CDE is available in the SparkyLinux repository'') ... .0-CDE.iso
iso size: 1400 mb

NuTyX Update system cards upgrade

Since dd operations can also be done via Puppy Linux Terminal, I thought it would be better if it was found under the title:
I think it's a good guide.

openSUSE USB Boot operations:

To find the block device of your USB stick, make sure you have NOT plugged the stick to your computer.

$ lsblk --fs >/tmp/withoutusb.txt

Plug in your USB stick to your computer

Code: Select all

$ lsblk --fs >/tmp/withusb.txt
$ diff --ignore-space-change /tmp/withoutusb.txt /tmp/withusb.txt
sdb         udf               openSUSE 15.2           527a66480003416e                                    
└─sdb1 vfat ... CF4D-E297

The output can vary depending on the content of the stick. In this case, your disk is sdb so you need to use the device /dev/sdb

Write ISO to USB
Finally, once you've found your block device, write the image to it. Point 'dd' to the full path such as '/home/user/Downloads/openSUSE-*.iso'.

Replace /dev/sd<X> with your block device of your USB stick from the previous step:

Code: Select all

# umount /dev/sd<X>
# dd if=/path/to/downloaded.iso of=/dev/sd<X> bs=4M status=progress && sync

If you get the message

# dd: invalid status flag: 'progress'

your dd version does not support the status=progress option and therefore you have to remove it (and you will miss the writing progress indicator).

Optional steps
How to recover the USB stick for "normal" use again
After system installation, you may want to reuse the stick as you would normally to write things on it. In that case you have to reformat it. Often people complain that Windows fails to do it.

Typically, you would simply start fdisk:

# fdisk /dev/sdX

and select:

o create a new empty DOS partition table

and then:

n add a new partition

(primary, number 1, default size to use the entire device)

t change a partition's system id

Use type 6, FAT16

w write table to disk and exit


# mkfs.msdos -n SOME_NAME /dev/sdX1

This last step is necessary, particularly the -n SOME_NAME, or the USB stick will mount with the iso name.

And done. Or, you could use gparted for partitioning and formatting.

If that doesn't work try the following steps with extreme care:

If you look at the 12.3 DVD image on a USB stick with fdisk, you would see something like this (notice the GPT warning):

# fdisk -l /dev/sdX

Code: Select all

WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sdX'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted.

Disk /dev/sdX: 7742 MB, 7742685184 bytes
64 heads, 32 sectors/track, 7384 cylinders, total 15122432 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x1bf0d4df

   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdX1            4248       12439        4096   ef  EFI (FAT-12/16/32)
/dev/sdX2   *       12440     9162751     4575156   17  Hidden HPFS/NTFS

So, before reformatting, you have to repartition it again. And sometimes, if this fails, you may need an extra step - because software thinks the stick is a CD and thus not writable:

Notice: all these instructions assume the stick device is /dev/sdX. You have to find which is yours (see “Find Block Device” section above). An error here will destroy some other disk in your system.

Code: Select all

# umount /dev/sdX
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX count=100

That destroys the boot sector, partition table, and initial structures. Any operating system should be happy to reformat it again.

How to make a USB drive bootable

This situation would happen very rarely, but in the event that your computer doesn't boot from the LiveUSB/DVD from the steps above, you might try the following procedure.

Open a console and do the following as root:

Code: Select all

# umount /dev/sdX
# fdisk /dev/sdX
: p   «--- print partition table
: a   «--- activate partition (bootable)
: 1   «--- apply to partition 1
: w   «--- write changes and exit

GeckoLinux x86_64 Rolling LXQT ... es/Rolling
sudo dd if=GeckoLinux_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.iso of=/dev/sdX
username: linux password: [none]

username: root password: [none]

The Void (Linux) distribution ... /prep.html
32 Bit i686 LXDE Rolling ... 8-lxde.iso
iso size: 698 mb

''Void is not a modification of an existing distribution. Void's package manager and build system have been written from scratch''

Create a bootable USB drive or SD card on Linux:

Identify the Device

Code: Select all

# fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 7.5 GiB, 8036286464 bytes, 15695872 sectors
Disk model: Your USB Device's Model
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

In the example above, the output shows the USB device as /dev/sda
On Linux, the path to the device will typically be in the form of /dev/sdX (where X is a letter) for USB devices
/dev/mmcblkX for SD cards, or other variations depending on the device. You can use the model and size (7.5GiB above, after the path) to identify the device if you're not sure what path it will have.

Once you've identified the device you'll use, ensure it's not mounted by unmounting it with:

Code: Select all

# umount /dev/sdX
umount: /dev/sdX: not mounted.

Write the live image

The dd(1) command can be used to copy a live image to a storage device. Using dd write the live image to the device:
Warning: this will destroy any data currently on the referenced device. Exercise caution.

Code: Select all

# dd bs=4M if=/path/to/void-live-ARCH-DATE-VARIANT.iso of=/dev/sdX
90+0 records in
90+0 records out
377487360 bytes (377 MB, 360 MiB) copied, 0.461442 s, 818 MB/s

dd won't print anything until it's completed (or if it failed), so, depending on the device, this can take a few minutes or longer.
You can enable printing by adding status=progress to the command if using GNU coreutils dd

Finally, ensure all data is flushed before disconnecting the device:
$ sync

The number of records, amount copied, and rates will all vary depending on the device and the live image you chose.

Burning to a CD or DVD
Any disk burning application should be capable of writing the .iso file to a CD or DVD. The following free software applications are available (cross-platform support may vary):

Brasero ''Brasero is a GNOME application to burn CD/DVD, designed to be as simple as possible''
K3B (KDE iso Tool)
Xfburn (XFCE iso Tool)

It should be noted that, with a CD or DVD, live sessions will be less responsive than with a USB stick or hard drive.
Void Update system xbps-install -u

Window Maker Live X11 (Free and open source) Debian Bookworm (Stable)
With some Mate Gnome xfce kde components ... orm_0.96.0 ... orm_0.95.9

32 Bit Bookworm ... o/download
iso:2700 mb ... o/download
iso:2400 mb

64 Bit Bookworm ... o/download
iso:2800 mb ... o/download
iso:2400 mb ... _096_live/

Slackware Mini install iso: KDE and XFCE By Eric Hameleers
Slackware Update system slackpkg upgrade-all

Salix 14.2.1 (Slackware) ... o/download
iso: 1100 mb

Slackel 7.5 i686 Openbox (Kernel 5.15.12) Salix-Slackware ... o/download
iso size: 2400 mb
Firefox 95.0.2

''Slackel is a Linux distribution based on Slackware and includes tools borrowed from Salix. It is fully compatible with Slackware but the difference is that it includes the current version of Slackware. So Slackware users can benefit from Slackel repositories. It is available in three editions, KDE, Openbox and MATE. Slackel disc images can be used in two different forms, Installation disc image and Live disc image. Slackel is developed in Greece by Dimitris Tzemos''

Sys Req:
You'll need to consider the following before starting the installation:

1.Connect your laptop to a power source.

2.Ensure you have at least 25GB of free storage space, or 5GB for a minimal installation.

3.Have access to either a DVD or a USB flash drive containing the version of Slackel you want to install.

4.Make sure you have a recent backup of your data. While it's unlikely that anything will go wrong, you can never be too prepared.

Boot from DVD

It's easy to install Slackel from a DVD. Here's what you need to do:

1.Burn the Slackel iso image to a DVD

2.Put the Slackel DVD into your optical/DVD drive.

3.Restart your computer.

Boot from USB flash drive

After downloading the Slackel ISO, you need to create a bootable USB to install from it.

There's many way to do that, in windows 10, you can use the Rufus USB creator, which exists in iso in boot folder to transfer the iso to a USB stick under windows system. Be sure to name the usb label "LIVE" without quotes.

Also can download Rufus from here

If you run another linux distribution can use to create a bootable USB. In this case the usb label has to be named LIVE. If it is named differently then booting from usb has to pass the parameter medialabel=your_usb_label_name. To do this press Tab and type in the end for example for a usb named myusb type medialabel=myusb

You can also use the script existed in iso in boot folder to create the usb in any distribution.
Read the respective instructions in this file: ... ON_USB.TXT
You can also boot with Slackel DVD and run the instonusb gui tool developed in house to create a Slackel live bootable USB.

Most computers will boot from USB automatically. Simply insert the USB flash drive and either power on your computer or restart it. You should see the same welcome window we saw in the previous ‘Install from DVD' step, prompting you to choose your language and either install or try the Slackel desktop.

If your computer doesn't automatically boot from USB, try holding F12 when your computer first starts. With most machines, this will allow you to select the USB device from a system-specific boot menu.

''F12 is the most common key for bringing up your system's boot menu, but Escape, F2 and F10 are common alternatives. If you're unsure, look for a brief message when your system starts - this will often inform you of which key to press to bring up the boot menu'' ... guide.html

Debian Main Distribution 32 Bit Shortcuts

''Live images tend to be resource hungry by nature they need to use memory to extract and store the compressed system as well as the memory that the running software would normally need.
The minimum recommended RAM for using a desktop environment on a live image is 2 GiB.
If you have a system with less memory, your system will not work well here.'' ... 386/iso-cd

12 netinst.iso 32 Bit >> Debian Update System apt-get upgrade ... etinst.iso
iso:673 mb ... etinst.iso EDU
iso:682 mb

11 Netinstall iso-cd 32 Bit >> Debian Update System apt-get upgrade ... etinst.iso
iso:469 mb ... etinst.iso EDU
iso:487 mb

11 Standart 32 Bit ... andard.iso
iso:901 mb
11 LXDE 32 Bit ... 6-lxde.iso
iso:2300 mb
11 LXQT 32 Bit ... 6-lxqt.iso
iso:2400 mb

unofficial/non-free 32 Bit ... re/archive

11 non-free iso-cd Netinstall >> Debian Update System apt-get upgrade ... etinst.iso
iso:564 mb ... etinst.iso EDU
11 Bullseye Standard ... onfree.iso
iso: 1600 mb
11 Bullseye LXDE ... onfree.iso
iso:3 GB
11 Bullseye LXQT ... onfree.iso
iso:3 GB

''Debian XFCE4''
12.1.0-live XFCE4 amd64 iso size: 2900 mb ... re/archive
11.8.0-live XFCE4 amd64
iso:3 GB

Fedora Spin 37 & 38 For Intel and AMD x86_64 LXDE & LXQT ... x86_64/iso
37 ... 37-1.7.iso ... 37-1.7.iso
38 ... 38-1.6.iso ... 38-1.6.iso

101 most popular questions and answers about Linux ... nd-answers

Introducing Mozilla’s Firefox Nightly .deb Package for Debian-based Linux Distributions ... tributions

''So, why should you make the switch to Mozilla’s Firefox Nightly .deb package? Here are some compelling reasons:

Enhanced Performance:
You’ll enjoy better performance thanks to advanced compiler-based optimizations.
Firefox Nightly is all about staying ahead in the performance game.
Security at Its Best:
The .deb packages come with hardened binaries, with all security flags enabled during compilation.
Your browsing experience just got more secure.
Instant Updates:
Stay on the cutting edge with the latest updates.
These packages are closely integrated into the Firefox release process, ensuring you’re always up-to-date.
Simplified Installation:
No need to create your own .desktop file; the .deb package simplifies your setup process''

Mozilla treats Debian devotees to the raw taste of Firefox Nightly ... an_firefox

Nightly for Debian ... -on-debian
Nightly for MX Linux ... easy-guide

Nightly for Arch ... arch-linux
This Guide is Valid for All the Arch Linux Based Distros like:

Nightly for Fedora ... nux-distro
Fedora 37 Installing VLC
sudo dnf in vlc

Nightly for Slackware ... ep-by-step

Nightly for Gentoo ... ep-by-step


NomadBSD 131r Openbox 32 Bit (based on FreeBSD 13.1 2026-01)
Firefox 102
VLC 3.0.18
''Since NomadBSD is designed to be a persistent system, we do not provide ISO files, as ISO-9660 is a read-only filesystem''
Writing the image to a USB memory stick
''The size of the uncompressed image is 4.7GiB, so the capacity of your flashdrive should be 5GB at the minimum'' ... s.img.lzma
iso: 1800 mb

Code: Select all

# lzma -d nomadbsd-x.y.z.img.lzma
# dd bs=1M if=nomadbsd-x.y.z.img of=/dev/sdX conv=fsync


Code: Select all

# xzcat nomadbsd-x.y.z.img.lzma | dd of=/dev/sdX bs=1M

Double check to make sure to replace X with the correct unit number!

Windows ... es/Archive

''The images for 64-bit and 32-bit computers fit on a >=5GB USB flash drive. A system with a 1.2GHz CPU and 1G of RAM (2G for the ZFS version) should be able to run NomadBSD decently. Booting is possible via BIOS and UEFI''

This list is for discussing, and coordinating the development of NomadBSD, and for reporting bugs.

GhostBSD 23.10.1 64-bit amd64 MATE (based on FreeBSD 13.2)
Sys Req:
64-bit processor
4 GB of RAM
15 GB of free hard drive space
''GhostBSD is a user-friendly desktop operating system based on FreeBSD''

FuguIta Fvwm: by Yoshihiro Kawamata

How to Install Firefox Nightly Using the Mozilla APT Repository

Last edited by sucuklu yumurta on Sat Jul 27, 2024 6:15 am, edited 62 times in total.

Acer Aspire One AO751h Netbook Intel Atom CPU Z520 1.33 GHz:1-1 core 2 GB+2 GB Swap.
Sony 5200 mAh
BionicPup32 19.03 Full
BullseyePup32 9.1.0 Lite Frugal
✨ Kingston 30 GB SSD ✨
✨ 2 GB Kingston USB ✨

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sucuklu yumurta
Posts: 159
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2023 3:12 am
Location: France
Has thanked: 322 times
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Midori Gecko Browser

Post by sucuklu yumurta »

Midori Gecko Browser
Adblock and RSS support
viewtopic.php?t=9478 ... -for-linux ... ri-browser

''Midori includes security patches from Mozilla and its own''
Official repository code Midori Browser

''We are thrilled to announce the launch of Midori 11.0, an update that marks a milestone in our relentless pursuit of excellence. With Midori 11.0, we've taken bold steps to enhance your browsing experience in multiple ways.

One of the standout features is the removal of Yahoo Japan and Searxng search engines, optimizing the quality of your searches. Additionally, we've supercharged Midori's performance, achieving an impressive 10% speed boost compared to other Chromium-based browsers. Your time is valuable, and Midori 11.0 ensures you make the most of it.

Security and privacy are paramount, and we're proud to inform you that we've further fortified these features based on rigorous BrowserAudit reports. With Midori 11.0, you can browse with peace of mind, knowing your personal data is protected.

We've also worked on the aesthetics of the interface, with improvements in icons and default themes that allow you to personalize your browsing experience. The sidebar has been moved to the left for smoother interaction with our services, including those from Astian.

But that's not all. Midori 11.0 takes an exciting first step towards integration with the Astian Cloud file storage and our VPN service, MidoriVPN. Additionally, we've optimized resource consumption, especially memory, to provide extended battery life for your portable devices.

Update now and join us in this exciting new chapter of web browsing!''

Midori 11.0 x86_64 & AAarch64 CPU architecture.
Debian-based distributions (such as Ubuntu and Linux Mint) and Arch-based distributions (such as Manjaro) are supported.

Midori Browser Requirements: ... /#gnulinux

''We want to support as many languages as possible.
If you want to translate Midori Browser, please clone the repository.''
Midori 9 Old ... #pkgsearch
You can install any distribution on this page on any device, the important thing is the browser, since Midori is lightweight I added it as an extra option
Will it replace Firefox? Of course not?

Last edited by sucuklu yumurta on Sun Nov 26, 2023 4:00 am, edited 9 times in total.

Acer Aspire One AO751h Netbook Intel Atom CPU Z520 1.33 GHz:1-1 core 2 GB+2 GB Swap.
Sony 5200 mAh
BionicPup32 19.03 Full
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✨ Kingston 30 GB SSD ✨
✨ 2 GB Kingston USB ✨

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Re: Other lightweight distributions installed on hdd/ssd

Post by sucuklu yumurta »

Redcore Linux KDE Plasma x86_64 (init OpenRC)

It's true that KDE was a bit cumbersome before, I remember that. Not so now. Redcore gentoo fork, easier to install graphical interface available.
Redcore Linux Hardened 2301 (Sirius) KDE PLASMA 5 - STABLE

''Redcore Linux is built from Gentoo Linux stage3''

''Redcore Linux explores the idea of bringing the power of Gentoo Linux to the masses. It aims to be a very quick way to install a pure Gentoo Linux system without spending hours or days compiling from source code, and reading documentation.''

Live ISO passwords
Username : root with NO password && redcore with NO password

''Hardware: OptiPlex 3060, Intel i3-8300T X(4) 3.200GHz CoffeeLake-S UHD Graphics 630, Memory used 2954MiB/15824MiB, RedcoreHardened Rolling.Boulder.Uphill x86_64 Kernel: 6.1.61-redcore-lts, Window Manager: KWin, Packages: 1618 (emerge). Note that the default init in Gentoo & Redcore is "openRC."
Redcore 2201 (Rastaban) was installed over a year ago and has successfully upgraded through two rolling releases (Sirius & Rolling.Boulder.Uphill), including all the updates. Old Apple devices will work fine with RC; wifi & ethernet drivers are installed by default if required — a great way to repurpose those Apple PCs sitting in the cupboard gathering dust.
Note: this is a biased review as I'm a long-term Redcore (RC) user. RC is pure Hardened Gentoo that installs in minutes using the Calamares GUI installer. The live ISO/installer is around 4GB, designed to be installed offline, and the installer includes just about all the software needed to run as a typical desktop. KDE Plasma is the only supported desktop. Unlike Gentoo, the goal of Redcore is to be a binary OS, rather than a source-based distro, making it easier and substantially quicker to install packages than its parent. Achieved by RC's package wrapper, "Sisyphus," with typical usage being "sisyphus install ," or if choosing to install a package that is unavailable in the RC repositories, it can be installed from Gentoo using the same install commands, but adding "-e" to the end of "sisyphus install -e." It's straightforward; unlike "emerge," Sisyphus just works. Avoid installing packages with "emerge" as it installs the package as an alien, potentially resulting in instability of package management. If you install a package with "emerge," it is essential to sync the RC & Gentoo repos with the command "sisyphus spmsync." Updates & upgrades are not prompted; you must take the initiative to run them yourself. There are two ways to do this: Sisyphus GUI, accessible via the system icon in the Plasma app launcher. Note that using the SISYPHUS GUI will not install source-based updates, and you will be prompted to use the terminal and run the command "sisyphus install upgrade -e." I choose to run this command when updating. This syncs the packages and the RC & Gentoo repos, looks for all updates & upgrades, and then asks you to confirm the listed installs. Please run "sisyphus --help," and there you will see a list of commands, and you can ask for help like "sisyphus branch --help."
Overall, RC is a fast, responsive and stable distro. I find RC more stable than Debian & Arch distros. It's my workhorse. The initial release of RC was in 2017; there were issues in 2018 &and historical. Please don't negatively rate RC if you use the command "emerge" due to ignorance or not researching how to run the package wrapper Sisyphus. Don't use "emerge" unless instructed by the developer, either directly or on the news page at Ensure your hardware is supported, and note that RC is only compatible with AMD & Intel 64 hardware. Btrfs is only supported as a storage device, not for the RC OS drive; use ext4.
Community support is available at Libera IRC #redcorelinux. Be patient for great community help and be considerate of different time zones. It's not a huge community but a very supportive one. I hope this provides more understanding of RC, and hopefully, you will see the benefits of RC as I have.''

If you want Firefox and similar applications to be constantly updated:

Debian Main 32 & 64 Bit Unstable/Sid/Rolling (init Systemd)
"There are no "unstable" full CD or DVD images. Due to the fact that the packages in "unstable" change so quickly, it is more appropriate for people to download and install "unstable" using a normal Debian FTP mirror."

i386 Netinstaller mini iso ... t/mini.iso
amd64 Netinstaller mini iso ... t/mini.iso

In the step "Choose a mirror of the Debian archive" choose version -> "sid - unstable"

Debian Siduction x86_64 Bit Unstable/Sid/Rolling (init Systemd) ... iants/xorg Xorg ... iants/lxqt LXQT ✅ Lightweight ... iants/xfce XFCE ... Giants/kde KDE Plasma

''Siduction is a rolling release due to its coupling with Debian sid. Specifically, this means that the release of a new version does not require reinstalling the system to get updated packages. Instead, updates are regularly incorporated into the system through software updates.''

''Siduction is a community distribution. This means that it lives from the cooperation and commitment of each individual. Therefore we are always open for suggestions, ideas and proposals. But also problems – ideally even with a solution – are welcome. Every user and all interested parties are cordially invited to get involved''

Nitrux x86_64 JWM, NX Desktop (KDE Plasma)
Debian, Ubuntu Unstable sid (init OpenRC) ... lease/ISO/
''Nitrux is a Linux distribution based on Debian's Unstable (sid) branch with additional packages pulled in from Ubuntu LTS repositories''

''The project also focuses on using redistributable, portable applications using the AppImage format.''

Devuan 32 & 64 Bit GNU+Linux Unstable/Sid/Rolling Daedalus = 12 Bookworm (init SysV) ... nstall.iso 478 mb ... nstall.iso 483 mb

Antix Xorg-X11 32 & 64 Bit Sid-Rolling (init SysV)
Base iso: ''Includes X Windows, 4 windows managers, and a 'Package Installer' which allows the user to choose their own application suite'' ... iles/Final ... /antiX-sid

About Old and New devices, Xorg and Wayland

''Xorg, also known as X11, is a display server that has been the standard for Linux systems since the early 1990s. Xorg provides a stable and mature platform for handling GUIs and input devices on devices that run on Linux. It supports a wide range of hardware devices and is widely used in desktop environments such as GNOME and KDE.
One of the key advantages of Xorg is its compatibility with legacy applications and hardware devices. It has been around for a long time, and many applications and hardware devices have been designed to work specifically with it. This means that if you have legacy hardware or applications that require Xorg, you can be sure that they will work reliably.
Another advantage of Xorg is its flexibility and customization options. Xorg allows the users to configure the display and input settings according to their preferences, making it an ideal choice for advanced users who want the complete control over their system. This highly customizable nature allows the users to install different window managers and desktop environments to create a customized Linux desktop experience
Wayland is a new display server that was developed as an alternative to Xorg. Wayland is designed to be more modern, lightweight, and more secure than Xorg.
Wayland is designed to be more lightweight and efficient than Xorg which means that it can provide a smoother and more responsive user experience. Wayland is also more modern than Xorg, with better support for hardware acceleration and high-resolution displays.
One of the biggest issues with Wayland is its lack of compatibility with legacy applications and hardware devices. Because Wayland is a newer technology, many applications and hardware devices have not been designed to work with it yet. This can make it difficult to use Wayland if you rely on legacy software or hardware.
Customization is another area where Wayland falls short when compared to Xorg. With Xorg, users have a wide range of customization options that are available to them, including the ability to install different window managers and desktop environments. In contrast, Wayland is still a relatively new technology, and many customization options are not yet available.
Overall, the choice between Xorg and Wayland comes down to your specific needs and preferences. If you rely on legacy applications or hardware devices, or if you need a high degree of customization and flexibility, Xorg may be the better choice for you.''

''It is worth noting that some Linux distributions, such as Fedora and Ubuntu, have already started to default to Wayland instead of Xorg in recent years. This is a reflection of the growing popularity and maturity of Wayland, as well as the increasing security concerns that are associated with Xorg. However, it is still possible to switch back to Xorg if needed, so the users who prefer Xorg can still use it if they wish.'' by Zeeman Memon

''There's way more work for DEs, toolkits and apps whenever internals are modernized. Modern cross-platform abstractions usually just don't map well onto X11.'' Senior Member

The following distributions include wayland ... #pkgsearch

The following distributions include xorg-server ... #pkgsearch

There is only one current Nutyx with a Plain/Simple Xorg ISO, I don't know if there are others: 1200 mb
The ISO contains the Xorg server.
Init system: SystemV and systemd.

Bodhi Debian, Ubuntu Enlightenment ✅
Wayland support: Qt 5 & GTK 3 and later

The 64-bit is built on top of Ubuntu (22.04).
The 32-bit Non-PAE architecture has a Ubuntu 18.04 base

Bodhi Linux 7.0.0, System Requirements:

Enlightenment Wiki
Carsten Haitzler

FreeBSD 12.4 (End of its supported life on December 31, 2023) ... MAGES/12.4
FreeBSD 14, The last version to support x86-32 (Estimated EoL November 30, 2028) ... 14/2023/11 ... tory=16578
FreeBSD Update freebsd-update fetch install

3 December 2023 FreeBSD Feedback:
Tecrübeli ve acemi kullanıcı deniyor ya, FreeBSD deneyimli kullanıcının biraz üzeri, uzman değilde hani ortalama deneyimli kullanıcının biraz üzeri gibi bireyler için günlük masaüstü olarak kullanılabilir, sağlam bişey. Denemek isteyen olursa .img ile biten dosyayı Rufus dd modunda usb'ye yazabilir. Kurulum sürecini Calamers benzeri tanıdık bişeye çevirebilirseniz bütün dünya halkları masaüstünde bunu kullanır dostlar.

As experienced and novice users are concerned, FreeBSD can be used as a daily desktop for individuals who are slightly above the experienced user, but not experts, just above the average experienced user, it is a solid thing. If anyone wants to try it, they can write the file ending with .img to USB in Rufus dd mode. If you can turn the installation process into something familiar like Calamers, all the people of the world will use it on the desktop friends.

William Frederick Jolitz (RIP)
''The timeline shows that the span of a single release generation of FreeBSD lasts around 5 years.
Since the FreeBSD project makes effort for binary backward (and limited forward) compatibility within the same release generation,
this allows users 5+ years of support, with trivial-to-easy upgrading within the release generation'' wiki

Calamers Loader: Without this interface, installing a distribution would require expertise on its own.
''Calamares is maintained by the Calamares team. Most of us are also KDE developers, and we have received contributions from BBQLinux, Fedora, KaOS, Kubuntu, Manjaro, Maui, Netrunner and OpenMandriva developers as well.
We gladly accept contributions from everyone, and we have no exclusive association with any Linux distribution. Calamares is not a KDE project, or a KaOS project, or a Manjaro project, we are just a bunch of people dumping some code on GitHub''

Linux Learn TV What does Jay say? ''The locomotive of these businesses is entertainment'' :thumbup:

Gentoo Linux Takes a Big Leap: Official Binary Packages

Last edited by sucuklu yumurta on Mon Jan 01, 2024 8:37 am, edited 33 times in total.

Acer Aspire One AO751h Netbook Intel Atom CPU Z520 1.33 GHz:1-1 core 2 GB+2 GB Swap.
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Re: Other lightweight distributions installed on hdd/ssd

Post by wiak »

So..., which of all these many lightweight distributions should we be using, and to what advantage?

I doubt any of us have time to try them all.
DOWNLOAD wd_multi for hundreds of 'distros' at your fingertips: viewtopic.php?p=99154#p99154
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Re: Other lightweight distributions installed on hdd/ssd

Post by Grey »

sucuklu yumurta wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 9:35 am

DE/WM: AfterStep, Awesome, Blackbox, Enlightenment, Fluxbox, GNOME, IceWM, KDE, LXDE, Openbox, WMaker, Xfce

For some reason there is no MATE. I've been liking it more and more lately. Only MATE has a built-in Marco window manager, which tears up frames if you run glxgears. Therefore, I manually turned off the part of Marco responsible for compositing and connected picom. Excellent result. Well, I also installed modern icons and a huge cursor.

Different devices. Different approach.

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Re: Other lightweight distributions installed on hdd/ssd

Post by sucuklu yumurta »

wiak wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 9:57 am

So..., which of all these many lightweight distributions should we be using, and to what advantage?

I doubt any of us have time to try them all.


I already visit the sites whose links I left, I could have saved them somewhere else with a txt document, I didn't do that, what am I doing? I benefited from it, it would be great if it helps even one person who wishes the options to be found on a tidy page.

For example, installing TinyCore on the HDD was a bit difficult for a novice like me, but I persisted and installed it.
For example, it was very enjoyable to deal with TCL, I remember Firefox was installed in about 30 minutes.

Since I have tried some of the Debian Ubuntu ones, I recommend them first. If I have time to try the others, I will definitely add them to this page. If no one does it, I will be happy to do it.

Last edited by sucuklu yumurta on Wed Nov 08, 2023 10:07 am, edited 2 times in total.

Acer Aspire One AO751h Netbook Intel Atom CPU Z520 1.33 GHz:1-1 core 2 GB+2 GB Swap.
Sony 5200 mAh
BionicPup32 19.03 Full
BullseyePup32 9.1.0 Lite Frugal
✨ Kingston 30 GB SSD ✨
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Re: Other lightweight distributions installed on hdd/ssd

Post by sucuklu yumurta »

Grey wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 10:13 am
sucuklu yumurta wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 9:35 am

DE/WM: AfterStep, Awesome, Blackbox, Enlightenment, Fluxbox, GNOME, IceWM, KDE, LXDE, Openbox, WMaker, Xfce

For some reason there is no MATE. I've been liking it more and more lately. Only MATE has a built-in Marco window manager, which tears up frames if you run glxgears. Therefore, I manually turned off the part of Marco responsible for compositing and connected picom. Excellent result. Well, I also installed modern icons and a huge cursor.

For example, I didn't know that, it will definitely help someone's work.

Last edited by sucuklu yumurta on Wed Nov 08, 2023 10:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

Acer Aspire One AO751h Netbook Intel Atom CPU Z520 1.33 GHz:1-1 core 2 GB+2 GB Swap.
Sony 5200 mAh
BionicPup32 19.03 Full
BullseyePup32 9.1.0 Lite Frugal
✨ Kingston 30 GB SSD ✨
✨ 2 GB Kingston USB ✨

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Runtu 16.04: Lightest Ubuntu 32 bit

Post by sucuklu yumurta »

21 Nov 2023 Runtu 16.04 Xenial 32 Bit: Dual-Core CPU E5300 2.60GHz 2500 mb ddr2

After FF 88 and qbittorrent:
5,4 GB — 1,8 GB free (66,9% full) All sites here can be viewed completely with ff88
The current VLC 2.2.2 plays any IPTV and 1080p video easily.

  • Synaptic > mpv (Light Video Player) ✅ for 1080p Perfect

Runtu 16.04: Lightest Ubuntu 32 bit and latest Firefox ✅
You can uninstall 88 and install 120 from here without needing to add a PPA. ... illa-build
Runtu 20.04 x86_64 (I recommend it for Flatpak) ✅ ... 20.04/LITE
BookwormPup64 or Runtu 20.04 for Flatpak List:
I grouped them a bit myself, there are more on Flathub.

Some apps of the contents:

  • Disks
  • GParted
  • HardInfo
  • Libreoffice & Printers (Can be updated with Synaptic)
  • For DeaDBeeF, Synaptic > Mark For Reinstallation ✅ i like this music player, my favorite (by Alexey Yakovenko)
  • I installed Liferea with Synaptic, added most rss, except a few

You can search and install the application you want from the Synaptic search bar.
xfdesktop gtk2 consumes 218 mb idle.
If it is not a very extra program you are looking for, xfdesktop will be installed with its dependencies without the need for the GTK3 framework.

Runtu Tips:

  • Thunar FM > Open as root > user key > /var/cache/apt/archives/ cache.deb > delete
  • BleachBit and Terminal e4defrag /dev/sdx
  • If you install it on a laptop with a healthy battery: Disks (gnome-disk-utility) > Drive Settings > Disable Write Cache
    If you have more than 2 GB of RAM, you can turn off swap via "Disks", then for Firefox:
    browser.cache.disk.enable false
    browser.cache.memory.enable false

''I believe swap might be necessary for a system to suspend or sleep. Maybe even needed when drives or partitions get above 80 or 85 percent full; so that the kernel can move things to keep down data fragmentation.'' Stan R

''Technology changed, but nothing changed in the sense of "no swap, no work."
Swap is absolutely necessary in modern times too.
Swap is necessary for hybernation, swap is necessary for badly programmed websites (the infamous thumblr's "infinity scroll"), swap is necessary for HQ audio, video, and imaging applications, etc.'' Visitor

This is the lightest Ubuntu 32 bit Runtu 16.04 friends.
Runtu 18.04, 20.04, 22.04, all perfect ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅ ... untu-16-04

For Runtu 16.04, 18.04, 20.04 and above

  • Synaptic Search > indicator-cpufreq
  • Restart after installation
  • Turbo Mode works a bit ✅

Overclocking ... nux-system

More information:
Most of the Raspberry Pi images are XFCE, Debian EDU XFCE, meaning the future XFCE

Page summary:
*I think Gnumeric and Abiword in Puppy are enough, Libreoffice is already available in most.
*i686 non pae for 32 bit (i recommended)
*Only for VLC, any with LXQT interface, like Lubuntu recommended
*Sparky, MX and Devuan for iso customization
*For IPTV: Mint or Any distribution where Hypnotix can be installed. for example LMDE and MX
*If wifi is not important, if anyone wants to use ethernet, Trisquel Linux
*If anyone always thinks Firefox should be the most powerful, Arch Linux
*For example, I just learned that Opensuse has its own application menu.
*Even if you haven't been using anything other than Windows for 20 years, you can adapt to any version of Ubuntu within 15-20 minutes.

Now all these options have been listed, of course it cannot replace upupbb, bravo to whoever invented tmpfs.

Working with RAM Disk Devices in Linux ... s-in-linux

Synaptic. Original author: Alfredo Kojima

Transactions made with the help of the wonderful Synaptic:

  • Install, remove, upgrade and downgrade single and multiple packages.
  • Upgrade your whole system.
  • Manage package repositories (sources.list).
  • Find packages by name, description and several other attributes.
  • Select packages by status, section, name or a custom filter.
  • Sort packages by name, status, size or version.
  • Browse all available online documentation related to a package.
  • Download the latest changelog of a package.
  • Lock packages to the current version.
  • Force the installation of a specifc package version.
  • Undo/Redo of selections.
  • Built-in terminal emulator for the package manager.
  • Debian/Ubuntu only: Configure packages through the debconf system.
  • Debian/Ubuntu only: Xapain based fast search (thanks to Enrico Zini)
  • Debian/Ubuntu only: Get screenshots from

Note for beginners.
Synaptic is the most important component, you can do all the application installation and uninstallation operations with this tool.

The following distributions include ''Synaptic'' releases: ... #pkgsearch

Stacking/Compositing WM:

Tiling & Dynamic WM:
i3 (Manjaro 1 gb virtual)

Last edited by sucuklu yumurta on Wed Jan 31, 2024 7:03 pm, edited 47 times in total.

Acer Aspire One AO751h Netbook Intel Atom CPU Z520 1.33 GHz:1-1 core 2 GB+2 GB Swap.
Sony 5200 mAh
BionicPup32 19.03 Full
BullseyePup32 9.1.0 Lite Frugal
✨ Kingston 30 GB SSD ✨
✨ 2 GB Kingston USB ✨

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Re: Other lightweight distributions installed on hdd/ssd

Post by wiak »

sucuklu yumurta wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 11:46 am
wiak wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 9:57 am

So..., which of all these many lightweight distributions should we be using, and to what advantage?

I doubt any of us have time to try them all.


I already visit the sites whose links I left, I could have saved them somewhere else with a txt document, I didn't do that, what am I doing? I benefited from it, it would be great if it helps even one person who wishes the options to be found on a tidy page.

Well, it is a good post you made. Does save a lot of time searching for info since so much is mentioned, and lots I'd never heard of for sure.
DOWNLOAD wd_multi for hundreds of 'distros' at your fingertips: viewtopic.php?p=99154#p99154
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For Development Environment

Post by sucuklu yumurta »

Python Dominates: GitHub’s Top Programming Languages of 2023 ... es-of-2023

Qt Group: For Development Environment

qt: a C++ application framework for writing graphical applications
Qt Creator: a cross-platform IDE tailored to the needs of Qt developers

qt and creator ... #pkgsearch ... #pkgsearch

Qt Creator 12.0 Released with Co-Pilot Integration (24 Nov 2023)

OpenMandriva Lx 5.0 (25 Nov 2023)
This release also includes the latest the KDE Gear 23.08.3 and KDE Frameworks 5.112 software suites. ... ux-6-6-lts

• Debian
• Neptune
• Siduction Debian Sid, KDE Plasma, LXQt, Xfce:
• SpiralLinux
• Lernstick
• SparkyLinux

• SysLinuxOS MATE
''SysLinuxOS is a Debian-based GNU/Linux live distribution designed for system administrators and system integrators.''

• Window Maker Live

• Kali Linux

• Devuan GNU+Linux

• MX Linux

• Ubuntu Studio
• Edubuntu
• Ubuntu Unity
• Br OS
• Trisquel GNU/Linux
• Ubuntu Kylin

• CAELinux Scientific, Specialist: Debian, Ubuntu (LTS) 18.04 Bionic amd64 Can be Update (xfdesktop 4.12.3) qt 5.9.5

• Fedora
• Ultramarine Linux
• Nobara Project

• Network Security Toolkit

• OpenMandriva Lx (GNOME, KDE Plasma)
• NuTyX

• NixOS GNOME, KDE Plasma: ''NixOS is an independently developed GNU/Linux distribution that aims to improve the state of the art in system configuration management.''

• Gentoo Linux
• openSUSE
• SUSE Linux Enterprise

• ALT Linux MATE:
''ALT Linux produces different types of distributions for various purposes. There are desktop distributions for home and office computers and for corporate servers, universal distributions that include a wide variety of development tools and documentation, certified products, distributions specialized for educational institutions, and distributions for low-powered computers. ALT Linux has its own development infrastructure and repository called Sisyphus, which provides the base for all the different editions of ALT Linux. ''

• openmamba GNU/Linux (KDE Plasma, LXQt)
• Mageia
• T2 SDE
• Solus
• Clear Linux

• KaOS

• Arch Linux
• Manjaro Linux
• BigLinux
• EndeavourOS
• Ultimate Edition
• Garuda Linux
• Athena OS
• ArcoLinux
• SystemRescue
• Snal Linux
• Bluestar Linux

• XeroLinux

• FreeBSD
• OpenBSD
• NetBSD
• NomadBSD
• GhostBSD
• HardenedBSD

• DragonFly BSD

• mAid (not active)
• AgiliaLinux (not active)
• Frugalware Linux (not active)
• Lunar Linux (not active)
• Ojuba (not active)

The Gentoo Handbook

''Gentoo Linux is a versatile and fast, completely free Linux distribution geared towards developers and network professionals''
''The amd64 architecture is intended for use on AMD 64-bit CPUs as well as 64-bit Intel Pentium/Core/Xeon processors.''
''There are two builds of the x86 architecture: i486 and i686.
Processors prior to the Intel Pentium Pro or Pentium II require the i486 variant to be used.''

4MLinux JWM x86_64 Independent Experienced Linux users (init Busybox)
Package Management TAR.XZ
Minimum Sys Req: (64-bit)

CRUX Linux Openbox 64 Bit
CRUX is a lightweight Linux distribution for the x86-64 architecture targeted at experienced Linux users.
Packages on the official CRUX ISO image are compiled with optimization for x86-64 (AMD Athlon 64, Intel Core, Intel Atom) or newer processors. Do not try to install it on an i686 (Pentium-Pro, Celeron, Pentium-III) or lower processor, since it simply will not work.

Venom Linux Openbox 64 Bit
Customize your system with Venom Linux, a lightweight source based distro for advanced Linux users targeting x86_64 machines
This distro is inspired by CRUX ( of its simplicity and KISS. Uses BSD-like ports as managed software packages. ... s/20230510
Live CD iso size: runit and sysv 1500 mb

Bedrock Linux Specialist Independent aarch64, armv7, i386, mips64, mipsel, ppc, ppc64, s390x, x86_64
''Bedrock Linux is a meta Linux distribution which allows users to utilize features from other, typically mutually exclusive distributions. Essentially, users can mix-and-match components and packages as desired from multiple Linux distributions and have them work seamlessly side-by-side''

T2 SDE Based on ROCK
Architecture: aarch64, alpha, armel, ia64, mipsel, mips64, m68k, nios2, powerpc, powerpc64, riscv, riscv64, s390x, sparc64, superh, x86, x86_64
DE/WM: AfterStep, Awesome, Blackbox, Enlightenment, Fluxbox, GNOME, IceWM, KDE, LXDE, Openbox, WMaker, Xfce
''Currently, the Linux kernel is normally used, but the project is expanding to Hurd, OpenDarwin and OpenBSD.
While T2 initially focused on the Linux kernel, we already have initial, proof-of-concept support for building "home-brew" Other OS pkg ports on BSDs, macOS and Haiku, too!''
Developed by René Rebe

Mozilla RUST Graydon Hoare

Rust: programovací jazyk do aut, vlaků a letadel ... -a-letadel

How To Install Rust Programming Language In Linux
Beginner's Tutorial: Setting Up Rust Using Rustup on Linux Systems ... e-in-linux By Senthil Kumar

Step by step guide to becoming a Rust developer in 2023

China Launches Satellite with Real-Time Linux Kernel Subsystem Written in Rust (Dec 14 2023)

GNU Emacs
''The operating system is just a bootloader for Emacs anyway'' Distro.Tube

Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to make creating and changing any kind of text very efficient.
It is included as "vi" with most UNIX systems and with Apple OS X. The official Vim repository ... -for-linux


Learn to Use Linux the Arch Way With ArcoLinux

''While ArcoLinux is fully usable as a distro, it's also kind of an educational course.''

''While other Arch-based distros do try to make the Arch experience easier and more accessible, ArcoLinux is the only one designed to transform you into an expert Arch user.''

ArcoLinuxB: Build Minimal
ArcoLinuxL: Learn (install ArcoLinuxL and learn to use Xfce)
ArcoLinuxD: Decide

Join the ArcoLinux university ... ArcoLinuxL

ArchWiki ✅✅✅

Programming Languages:

GNU Grep

GNU ncurses: a programming library allowing a programmer to write text user interfaces in a terminal-independent manner by Thomas E. Dickey

Python: an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively.

Perl: Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Reporting Language
Perl is a highly capable, feature-rich programming language with over 30 years of development.

A desktop publishing program for Linux using the Qt library
Scribus is a libre page layout program for almost every Operating System

Tcl: a powerful and dynamic programming language

SQLite: an embeddable SQL engine in a C library

Concise. Cross‑platform. Fun.

A popular general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to web development.
HTML: HyperText Markup Language. Prof. Tim Berners-Lee



List of programming languages. Wiki ... _languages

How to Install Webmin on Debian 12 (Perl) ... debian-12/

How to Install Android Studio on Linux Mint 21 or 20 ... linux-mint

UBports: Touch IDE ... tory=16598
A mobile development environment to create apps and scripts right on your phone.

Last edited by sucuklu yumurta on Sun Dec 17, 2023 6:14 pm, edited 54 times in total.

Acer Aspire One AO751h Netbook Intel Atom CPU Z520 1.33 GHz:1-1 core 2 GB+2 GB Swap.
Sony 5200 mAh
BionicPup32 19.03 Full
BullseyePup32 9.1.0 Lite Frugal
✨ Kingston 30 GB SSD ✨
✨ 2 GB Kingston USB ✨

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Joined: Wed Oct 26, 2022 10:35 pm
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Re: Lightweight Linux/BSD distributions installed on USB/HDD/SSD

Post by Amol »

Thank you for all this informations sucuklu yumurta ! Great post.

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