@dimkr :-
dimkr wrote: Mon Sep 11, 2023 7:14 pm
Wait until you discover apt update && apt install nvidia-driver
Heh. Well, I wish I could have agreed with you, and gone "Yay! It works.....", but.....no cigar, I'm afraid.
The installer correctly identified my GT710 as being unsupported by the current, up-to-date driver. However, the alternative 'legacy' driver it proffered was for the 'Tesla' architecture.....and this GPU is using the previous-gen 'Kepler' architecture. I didn't twig that until after I'd said 'Yes, go ahead and install it'. Naturally, even after the necessary re-boot to unload the 'nouveau' driver, it had completely banjaxxed the Xorg files, so no display. Good job I was trying this out on a 'cloned' copy.
Frankly, since everything that usually needs the official drivers seems to be 'playing nice' with the in-kernel 'nouveau', I see no advantage to arsing about with the official one.
The usual fly in the ointment, Google Earth, won't run, it's true.....but this time, it's nothing to do with the usual culprit, the graphics driver. This time round, it's failing on the fact that the required gstreamer dependencies in Bookworm are simply too new for it. And the older versions it's asking for just aren't there.
This is the current, up-to-date official build of Google Earth straight from their own repos. Strangely, it runs fine in my nearly 10-yr old, bastardized, Tahr64 'Frankenpuppy'......yet the newest, up-to-date stable Debian can't handle it. Which I find very strange!
(A demonstration, perhaps, that their policy of compiling their stuff against much older build-environments - to make it usable by as many folks as possible - doesn't always work out.)
Never mind. Can't win 'em all. You've still made a brilliant job of this. Can't fault you for that. I can live with the online version of Google Earth, even though it runs about like a snail crawling through cold molasses. That's Google's fault; they've assumed that everybody these days is running top-of-the-line, ultra-powerful & hugely expensive CPUs/GPUs with at least a million cores and every streaming SIMD instruction you can think of. Which perhaps describes maybe 0.01 % of the global population.....