Build KLV xorg-minimal JWM mini
This single script builds a KLV_mini that is constructed using xorg-minimal (rather than much bigger xorg meta package).
To make the build, simply download the attached script into empty build and bootfrom directory such as /KLV_miniJWM on Linux formatted partition, remove its dummy .tar extension, make it executable (e.g. with chmod +x), and run it from that directory using command:
Code: Select all
The built 07firstrib_rootfs ends up quite small being only around 361MiB UNCOMPRESSED.
Per usual with FR, at the end of the build, the script provides exact grub stanza you can use to immediately thereafter boot it (the last UUID stanza for grub2 is recommended).
The build is pretty spartan. Just has JWM and st as a terminal (or change f_ plugin for nice lxterminal) with no other major apps added (other than console-based Midnight Commander; mc with mcedit). The easily edited /root/.jwmrc text config file for JWM does work okay on first boot, but could do with being fixed up since aside from terminal st automatically being added to the menu it is otherwise just the default .jwmrc from Void Linux repos that refers to currently uninstalled apps.
You can change the window manager easily by editing /root/.xinitrc
Originally I was using openbox-session (without even the likes of tint2), and then I was using bpswm with dmenu and sxhkd, but I felt that JWM would be a more comfortable initial wm for those from PuppyLand who wish to try this.
It should be very easy learning how to build FirstRib-based KL distros using this simple build script exemplar. Just read the simple contents of the attached script first of all, and then read the contents of the script auto-downloaded main build plug (f_00_Void_xorg_minimal_JWM_bash_no-kernel.plug), which is simply a very short text file of package manager and simple config commands.
Only comes with wiakwifi, but though you can connect using that just by running the wiakwifi command in terminal and answering the questions correctly... you almost certainly want later to xbps-install -Syu NetworkManager (adds a lot of bloat of course) so you can use the likes of nmtui command (or add the network-manager applet). Assuming you get a connection established you can immediately xbps-install -Syu firefox, and use it... No screenshot attached since just a basic JWM desktop with no desktop backgrounds included...
For wiakwifi: open a terminal and enter command:
Code: Select all
wiakwifi # or use wiakwifi reset
The name of your wifi interface should be displayed so enter it. Then enter your wlan SSID once asked for it (there is no auto-scan sorry - you need to know its name...). Then enter the wifi password and it should connect... Thereafter you can install NetworkManager, as I said, with command:
Code: Select all
xbps-install -Syu NetworkManager
and on reboot the command 'nmtui' should connect fine for you..., but simple wiakwifi does usually work if you get the entries correct
EDIT: Forgot to say, I only included simple ttf font: font-bh-ttf. That was quite a small package (886k installed) and just enough for JWM and the st terminal to work okay.
After Exiting JWM you'll currently need to use commands: reboot -f (to restart) or reboot -p (to poweroff).