Hi, T'other Mike. Good question. But I've never used just the 64bit Wine. So I'm not sure that the appropriate command might not be like that of you're portables when there's the need to open a 64-bit program: to wit, wine64 ./WoW.exe.
For most window programs, using either your portable or otherwise, I usually just file-browse to their executable and Left-Click it. But that requires the exe be recognized. Your portable went a long way to automating that. But under some Puppys, I still had to set it up manually:
Right-Click the exe, and from the pop-up menu select Set-Run-Action, and type the appropriate command in front of "$@"
- Set-Run-Action.png (23.82 KiB) Viewed 515 times
I think your Post here, https://oldforum.puppylinux.com/viewtop ... 66#p979566 and the replies to it covers how to create menu entries for specific programs except if only a Wine-AppImage [not via your frame-work] is used. The thread predates their use under Puppys. The "$@" isn't used with AppImages. I'm guessing but I think the argument to open a specific 64bit Windows program might be something like:
FULL-PATH-TO*-WINE-APPIMAGE, name-of-Wine-AppImage*/ FULL-PATH-TO-Window's program/name-of-Windows-program.
* You're not stuck with the often long and complex name of any AppImage. That name was given to distinguish it from other, similar AppImages. As my previous post suggested, you can Right-Click an AppImage and rename it. It doesn't care to what. And symlinking the AppImage to somewhere 'on the path', e.g. /usr/bin, would eliminate the need to specify its location.