WiFi connection problem after waking from sleep

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WiFi connection problem after waking from sleep

Post by bigphil »

Hi all,

I'm running Fossapup 64 bit.
My WiFi is available to the machine, one very weak direct from the router and one strong signal from the repeater.
However when I wake the machine up from sleep (echo -n mem > /sys/power/state) it always connects up to the weaker signal. OK it's a minor problem as I have to setup networking then it connects to the stronger signal but it's a bit annoying.

Any ideas how to sort this.


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Re: WiFi connection problem after waking from sleep

Post by Jafadmin »

Phil, it would help to know which Wifi tool you use to connect. I'm assuming it is using wpa_supplicant.
You are probably going to need to make sure your *.WPA2.conf file is latching the MAC address of the repeater instead of the router.
Another thing that may help is to make sure your connection tool is using the 'nl80211' driver instead of 'wext' for wpa_supplicant.

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Re: WiFi connection problem after waking from sleep

Post by pp4mnklinux »

Hi, @Jafadmin : Related with your answer.-

I connect to my wifi using pre-installed wifi connection apps (Frisbee and Network Connect programs) but I am using WPA2 security encription and there is no way ( for me) to connect using this.

My solution was configure another non-password connection so I can use it without problems.

Can you tell me what Program can we use to connecto to a wpa2 network ??

Thanks a lot

----------------- @josejp2424 I think it could be useful in DevuanPup ( diff distros) use as default connection manager one that permit to use free, wep, wpa, and wpa2 connections ( @nilsonmorales creo que en DevuanPup nos sería de uso el tener un software de connecsión que nos permitiera conectar a todas las redes, especialmente a la wpa2... default en muchos sitios)

Thanks a lot.- SALUDOS y buena semana

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Re: WiFi connection problem after waking from sleep

Post by bigpup »


When you setup the connection to your repeater.

Do you set it as the default connection?

Should be offered to make it the default connection when you finish using the network wizard.

Are you being offered to make it the default connection?

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Re: WiFi connection problem after waking from sleep

Post by bigpup »


In Fossapup64 9.5

menu->Setup->Internet Connection Wizard->Wired or wireless LAN->Network Wizard

If you use the Network Wizard program.
It has many options.
It offers connection setup using wpa2.

In the future start your own topic about your issue.
It is very hard to follow and provide help, if posts in a topic are talking about two different computers, Puppy versions, or specific issues.

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Re: WiFi connection problem after waking from sleep

Post by pp4mnklinux »

Thanks a lot. I'll try it in September, these days I am really busy., but if this work, you helped me a lot.

Have a nice day, cheers

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Re: WiFi connection problem after waking from sleep

Post by bigphil »

My *.WPA2,conf is latching the repeater MAC address of the repeater and not the router.
I do not know how to check that the connection tool is using the 'nl80211' driver instead of 'wext' for wpa_supplicant.
I use the Network Wizard to connect to the network.
When I finish using the Network Wizard I do not get an option to set it as the default connection, all I get is the option to save for the next boot which I do.


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Re: WiFi connection problem after waking from sleep

Post by bigpup »

When I finish using the Network Wizard I do not get an option to set it as the default connection, all I get is the option to save for the next boot which I do.

On the next boot does it auto setup and use the repeater connection?

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Re: WiFi connection problem after waking from sleep

Post by bigphil »

On the next boot does it auto setup and use the repeater connection?

yes, it defaults to the repeater after a cold boot or a re-boot.

I do wonder if the software follows the same path when waking up because initially after waking it disconnects from the network then, when it re-connects it is via the router.


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Re: WiFi connection problem after waking from sleep

Post by bigpup »

OK, so the defaullt WIFI connection is correctly set.

Try this:

In Network Wizard
Any connection setups you made and saved, are stored, so you can select which one to use, if you want to change it.

So see if it has one available for connection to the router.

Delete it.

Now the only stored connection setup is the one for the repeater connection.

Make sure you are still connected by using the repeater connection setup.

Reboot making sure the save is updated with the changes.

Now having only one possible connection setup to use.

See how it works coming out of sleep.

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Re: WiFi connection problem after waking from sleep

Post by mikeslr »

One of the reasons I was grateful radky enabled the ability to switch from the default conman to the customary wifi-managers when running F96 or BookwormPup64 is that I use frisbee and saw no way to manage the following under conman.

Like you, I have to use a wifi-entender/repeater at least if I want a usable connection in my basement, two floors below the router. This screenshot is taken using my laptop which is two feet from the extender. Right now I suspect that Verizon is playing games, conserving electrical expenses by reducing it power consumption and advising customers who complain to upgrade to 5G. At any rate, at the moment trying to work with the internet from my basement is hard to impossible.

Frisbee Choices.png
Frisbee Choices.png (60.12 KiB) Viewed 578 times

For reasons beyond me, the lower the reported wifi-strength, the stronger the signal. All three signals shown are 'mine', those bearing the designation 'NETGEAR' having been repeated thru my netgear wifi-extender. My Fios-5G signal (not show) is reported as 80-something, not as strong as a half dozen signals from my neighbor's setups.

Once I configure frisbee to use the Fios signal, supplying the password, I can right-click the launcher on the taskbar, select disconnect, select setup and chose the netgear signal. It isn't necessary to again enter a password. Not sure why. But it is necessary to execute a Save so that my choice of which wifi signal frisbee handles is preserved.

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Re: WiFi connection problem after waking from sleep

Post by rcrsn51 »

It's hard to know what happens with a WiFi connection when a machine comes out of sleep. Maybe the wpa_supplicant and dhcpcd processes are still running and they automatically reconnect on their own to the first available access point. This would be different than with a cold boot where the Puppy connection tool does the work to select the AP.

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Re: WiFi connection problem after waking from sleep

Post by mikeslr »

Your post reminded me that there's been some suggestion that using suspend is, itself, not advisable. But before sticking my foot into my mouth again I figured it would be best to find out what the current evidence suggests. This post seems to provide a fair-handed evaluation. https://www.xbitlabs.com/is-sleep-mode-bad-for-your-pc/. As the post doesn't appear to be a long-winded advertisement of something xbitlabs hopes to sell it's worth reading: the factors they took into consideration in suggesting pro-or-con will likely pertain to your setup. But like everything on the web naked recommendations without detailing testing methods and test results is to be taken with a grain of salt.

As for me, before turning in for the night I take the little time needed to save any open datafiles, close applications, then shut down my computer. It only takes a minute to reboot.

If the none of the previous advise on this thread enables your computer to come out of suspend with your chosen wireless signal, I wonder how much time you're actually saving by not shutting down and rebooting.

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Re: WiFi connection problem after waking from sleep

Post by bigphil »


Its not really a case of saving time by utilizing sleep but more a case of saving power cycling the machine which I try to avoid in order to prolong it's life.


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Re: WiFi connection problem after waking from sleep

Post by bigpup »

Turning a computer completely powered off doing damage to it is very, very, very, old days of computers.
I think it was more about, not wanting to take the long time it took, to get a computer booted to the working desktop, from a cold power off startup.

Computers can handle being powered off with no issues.

One of my computers was built in 2004.
I completely turn if off, no power, when not using it.
It works with no issues.

In fact I do this with all computers I use.

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