About scripts topics index list
Hi @rockedge , i was thinking about this idea,
"Before to opening a new topic, please check if is not already in this list. If there is use that topic to write your posts.
and about the use of the scripts list and each time appear a difficulty for me:
How to search?
Items are alphabetically ordered but it doesn't exist ant rule when decidiĆ³ the topic, so gor me it is almost imposible known if this topic exist or not.
An example: I looked for "XFCE4 4.14" and it could be possible I'll find nothing because this post has a tittle like "My Story with XFCE", "My XFCE desktop" "Some questions"... so these situations make me think sbout how useful is this method.
(I didn't write about it before, because I don't have any alternativa to suggest, and I have the principle that you never should "criticise" an Idea if u don't have anything to improve or make it better.
I wrote it, because it is possible I will start a "New topic" that exists because It could be because I didn't find it at the topics list)
Thanks, have a good saturday.
As another example, using this posts:
When searching "scrips" at letter S you are not going to find this post because it is "About scripts"