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How SSDs work...

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2023 12:35 pm
by mikewalsh

Afternoon, gang.

Just came across this over at ExtremeTech, in their "Deep Dives" section. It's a very detailed, yet easy-to-read 'explainer' about exactly how modern SSDs work. I thought some of you might find it of interest:- ... -ssds-work

Mike. ;)

Re: How SSDs work...

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2023 10:55 am
by peppyy

Interesting.I have gone to SSDs and have been very happy with the performance. This morning however my main fossa drive was not found. It booted to my second drive with tahr. Guess it is time to open it up, clean it out and change some cables. Even tahr can't see it.