In my eyes, the real Mozilla is Seamonkey. I use Mozilla as long as Puppy linux. Short time after Puppy linux versions above 1. did appear, BK did introduce the red monster suite in Puppy linux and he did always and always do that again until in the last months.
but it seems he also did abandon Seamonkey in the last time. All did abandon Seamonkey in the last times since more or lest time.
It seems, I am one of the last continuing to use Pale Moon or Seamonkey.
And I must admit and say:
I have great difficulties now in Seamonkey itself (ver. 2.53.16 i386): crash in certain pages the major bike forum in German, the major German email provider, ebay Kleinanzeigen etc.).
But ...
... I hate really Firefox! For me is Firefox a discret but pure commercial matter and it is a real war for money! Firefox is monopolist, MORE THAN MICROSOFT itself as Firefox is in all systems (Windows, Android, Apple, and Linux were it always came after the Mozilla suite).
If Seamonkey in fact desappear (Pale Mone is already dead in 32 bit!) and ALL other Mozilla derivative on ALL FIELDS are already dead, FIREFOX did eliminate ALL COMPETITORS FROM THE OWN FAMILIE!
Are actual last versions of Seamonkey really buggy or not?
How see the Puppy community the future of internet freedom?
colonialism in Software!