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How to install Debiandog on your Android phone

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 1:48 pm
by helloworld

debiandogs have a advantage of running as a portable OS,you can install them on image file,and install your favorite debiandog on that image file,here is how you are gonna do:
1.root your android phone(yours is iphone? sorry i got no solution)
2.install drivedroid apk on you phone.
3.create a large image file with fallocate command,format it to EXT4 ,then frugal-install your favorite debian/ubuntudog on the image file.Dont forget to install and config bootloader.
4.copy the image file to your phone storage,(if you have enabled your phone's encryption ,the image file also is protected by the encrytion). drivedroid , set USB mode as mass storage OR mass storage android debugging (better),then mount your image file.
6.restart your pc ,config you bios,choose your mounted image file(it is displayed as a name started with 'linux' and other words ) as booting device.If everything goes ok.your dog will boot and run well.
now you can go to your friend or workplace with you own desktop OS which you trust and can safely input you all kinds of web passwords,you dont need to carry a usb cable (your friend can help provide it ,i think). you can enable you phone's debugging from developer option,and install scrcpy (you must ,before booting you OS,enable your phone's debugging function ) to control your phone.
Dont forget to enable your phone's encryption ,just in case of you loosing your phone.

i dont know why debiandogs can work in this way,usually a linux distro cannot boot from a image file,if anyone knows the reason,please post it in the forum

Re: how to install linux distribution (for pc )on your android phone

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 12:46 pm
by wiak

That's interesting. I presume it is insufficient to simply have developer mode activated on the phone (i.e. it has to be rooted as you mentioned?)? Or could it work with non-rooted android via Proot? I imagine it won't since Proot only allows extra permissions for a few things so not like a normal chroot.

Re: how to install linux distribution (for pc )on your android phone

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2020 1:15 pm
by helloworld

Root is necessary ,because drivedroid needs root to run.And i think chroot wont work,cause we operate on a image file(a single file container).Another benefit with a file container is that you can easily backup you Os and data(just copy it to a backup harddisk,also,it is easy to transfer it to a new rooted android phone.)