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List of wifi adaptors compatible with Linux

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 8:50 pm
by don570

If you're buying a wifi adaptor I suggest you read this list ...

Here is a shorter list ...

Re: List of wifi adaptors compatible with Linux

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2024 4:46 pm
by mikeslr

The list at github of wifi adaptors to which don570 linked is helpful. But making use of it by those running Puppies requires a great deal of searching and --unfortunately-- perhaps trial and error if a purchase is required. The maintainers of that list concentrate on adapters that run OOTB under the latest kernels. The latest kernel under Puppies is 6.1. I ran a search of the list for 6.1 kernels, found one, but it came with the recommendation that kernels of the 6.6 series be used.

So it would be helpful if we, Puppians, provide a list of our own. What specific wifi adapters work with the kernels we use?

To commuicate with a wifi adapter an operating system has to have both the drivers and firmware required by that specific adapter. firmware is less of a problem as it is not kernel specific. [To obtain a functional adapter the user may have to swap the fdrv.sfs included in a Puppy's ISO for another containing the needed library.] Drivers, on the other hand, either have to be included in the kernel or compiled specifically in and for it. While there are Puppians (such as ozsouth :thumbup:) who are willing and sometimes have the time to compile a driver for a specific kernel, their doing that reduces the amount of time they have for their own interests and other projects where their expertise is required.

So, what is your experience? If you use a wifi-adapter, please report its name and model number (and, if convenien, a link to where it may now be obtained) together with the kernel under which it worked OOTB. Menu>Pupsys-Info > Sys-Specs >Kernel will quickly identify the kernel being used.

Thanks in advance.

Re: List of wifi adaptors compatible with Linux

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2024 5:31 pm
by rcrsn51

Here is the problem with your request. I could name you a dozen adapters that work with many distros on this forum. But if you went to a site like Amazon, you wouldn't find any of them. That's because the name-brand vendors have already moved on to newer models.

If you picked one of their new AC-AX models, you would need a bleeding-edge kernel or a custom compile. There is a good chance that you could get it working, but it would take some effort and cooperation.

If you went to ebay, you could buy a no-name N-mode adapter for a few dollars with a 90% chance that it works OOTB. There is no point in recommending one of them because they are always changing. And they won't tell you what chipset and driver is involved.

My local surplus store often has name-brand N-mode adapters that show the model name/number. A bit of googling will tell you if it's compatible, assuming that it's not counterfeit.