Choosing a puppy release, partitions and apps
I am adding a new edit to this posting.
I was informed that having more than one subject per thread would be confusing. It's getting that way.
I'm taking the subject of partitions to its own thread.
It's called "Partition information for Puppy" by Black Knight
I have been doing some exploring on the structure of the linux kernel and how it communicates with other functions. I want to understand the very basics of this so I can make wiser decisions on what to do next.
I'm at the point where I need to learn simple things like how to choose the correct stable release for my hardware and user needs.
I'm also at the point where I may need to learn partition size and choice. I do know how to make partitions and size them and have a working Puppy OS system running now. All I might need is ways to make my setup better.
I did learn recently that the swap partition should not be on the SSD as it does a lot of re-writes and could cause damage to the sector that the swap file is on. Is this true? These are the kinds of things I need to learn.
Then I'll need to learn how to choose apps and install and test them and un-install to try different apps until I find ones that work best for my needs.
Now I'm done rambling. I hope my beginner terminology makes sense.
I am now adding more detail about our system.
Thanks for letting me know it is needed.
I have a IBM ThinkPad, lenovo R60
2x Intel, 2 cpu t5500@1.66GHz
memory 2G
Kernel 4.9.58 (x86_64)
C library GNU 2.23(stable)
cached swap 0
I will be using a USB SSD as my main hard drive and a thumb drive for Puppy.
Currently using XenialPup 7.5, it's working quite well now.
I have read that some people are using more than one Puppy and have one structured for banking, desktop, dirty Internet surfing, and perhaps with different Internet browsers, etc. Is this a good idea or not necessary?
As Mike W. requested, I will not put too many more questions to confuse the issue.
So basically, I'm trying to get a reasonable foundation knowledge to start from before I get into other questions that might confuse the thread or me.
I have had some issues selecting the correct apps to add to our Puppy and might have actually installed them incorrectly and caused conflicts at times. I'm sure I can be taught how to get this problem solved!
i.e., choose the right app and learn how to install it correctly. If it doesn't work, how to un-install it and try another until I find one that works.
If you think I should break this into 3 threads for each individual subject I will be glad to do so.
Please be direct and don't worry about my feelings. I just want to learn it.
Any and all suggestions are appreciated.
Found this very basic flowchart. Is it a basic yet accurate concept?