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Do we need a friendly linux? ~ We need a friendly Linux !

Posted: Sun May 28, 2023 8:11 am
by pp4mnklinux

We should now the basic element for constructing a User-Friendly and Visually Attractive Operating linux for Everyone is MADE IT EASY. ENGLISH / SPANISH post.


Re: Do we need a friendly linux? ~ We need a friendly Linux !

Posted: Sun May 28, 2023 5:33 pm
by tosim

@pp4mnklinux Please checkout: viewtopic.php?t=4681
in this forum.

Re: Do we need a friendly linux? ~ We need a friendly Linux !

Posted: Sun May 28, 2023 5:49 pm
by pp4mnklinux

Hi @tosim , I read it some time ago. Good ideas, good work and some of these ideas were the base to start F96CE_XFCE_FUSILLI.

I valorate your oppinion and ideas, can you please take it a look and add some comments about this derivative, please?

Thanks a lot , have a nice day.

n.b.- As you can see it includes some of the ideas wizard suggested... and I think they are improved.... ¿?¿?

Re: Do we need a friendly linux? ~ We need a friendly Linux !

Posted: Sun May 28, 2023 6:05 pm
by tosim

No need for me to "take a look". Been using it since you(and morales), presented it here. I'm fairly sure I've commented on it.
I like it a lot. I just wonder how it would perform using rox, instead of xfce?

Re: Do we need a friendly linux? ~ We need a friendly Linux !

Posted: Mon May 29, 2023 4:04 am
by nilsonmorales

Hi @tosim some days ago made a tutorial 'how to install fusilli' in spanish
have 2 parts the second is using xfce, maybe can help you, is in spanish but you can use google translate, works in radky fossapup96ce and bookworm
to run rox there will need another wm like lxde or openbox


Posted: Mon May 29, 2023 5:41 am
by pp4mnklinux

This is @nilsonmorales ' Spanish tutorial about how to install FUSILLI at F96CE.

Deleted and moved

Re: Do we need a friendly linux? ~ We need a friendly Linux !

Posted: Mon May 29, 2023 6:14 am
by bigpup

F96CE-XFCE-FUSILLI has it's own forum section in Board index-> Distributions-> Puppy Derivatives-> F96CE-XFCE-FUSILLI

Anything about it needs to be posted there.

So make a topic in that section of the forum.

The How To section of the forum is suppose to be for how to information, about using the Puppy versions listed in the Mainline Puppy Linux Distros section.

WE know, it can get confusing what needs to go where :?

Having more operating systems on this forum, than just Puppy Linux specific ones, is sometimes a juggling act, what to put where on the forum :!:

Re: Do we need a friendly linux? ~ We need a friendly Linux !

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 10:05 pm
by cobaka


Linux is friendly - in the sense that once you know how to use it each step is simple.
The trick is knowledge transfer. Here is my experience with learning/using Puppy Linux. First - some background:
Many years ago I installed an operating system on a small industrial computer. I use the word "install" to mean I wrote the device drivers for storage, the boot-loader code and transferred that code onto the boot sector. In assembly language. That's enough to give some context to the word "install". Some-one else wrote the OS. Used industrially for decades in a production environment. So - generally - I know a little about bytes etc.

With that background I struggled a little (you know this!) to use gPartEd and the Grub4DOS application here, on Puppy Linux.
That's all context for my next comment.

On Monday I gave away a working destop (Puppy) Linux box. FossaPup64 with 8GiB of RAM and a 500GiB drive.
The victim: A retiree, without (I suspect) any experience with Puppy (or Linux).
His PC had been at the repair shop (he told me) for 2 or 3 months.
Next Monday (after some sly conversation with my "victim") I'll learn whether Puppy Linux is "grandpa friendly".
I have a handful (five or six) older desktops here, in my workshop to give away. I believe people will appreciate being able to keep/run otherwise un-useable desktops. (A flat CMOS battery is a common cause of failure in PCs about 8-10 years old. Replace the battery, replace Windows and bingo! The unuseable becomes desirable. I gave a 12yo desktop to a friend. After one week Jane said: "It's so fast!" So I'm engaged in an exercise to discover how to make Puppy more friently.

Puppy Linux can do good things.

Re: Do we need a friendly linux? ~ We need a friendly Linux !

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 10:30 pm
by wiak
cobaka wrote: Wed May 31, 2023 10:05 pm

Next Monday (after some sly conversation with my "victim") I'll learn whether Puppy Linux is "grandpa friendly".

A strategy I've used that certainly somewhat 'worked' was simply to show the new user how to boot the system (nothing difficult there) and once booted,
how to connect to their Internet connection, and
how to start the web-browser (that's the main program most users really want...), and finally, the important, but weird step of:
How to correctly Shutdown the system (i.e. not simply switch it off...).

An extra useful step would be to set up the web-browser to have a Puppy Linux Forum bookmark pointing to Beginners Help thread (yeah you need to set them up with forum login)... and thereafter hope for the best.

Re: Do we need a friendly linux? ~ We need a friendly Linux !

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 11:12 pm
by cobaka


Good advice! Thank you. On the point about a link to Puppy pages, you can see my browser home-page below.
It's a static page, hand-coded. A few years ago web some web browsers provided a dynamic home-page that constructed links based on where you (or I) 'surfed'.
I decided to build a static page.

Part way down the page (on the left) you will see my link to the Puppy forum. Other linking-icons here are somewhat obscure (Puppy, mail and eBay are exceptions). The book, for example, is a link to Webster on-line. The loco takes me to the NSW transport 'trip-planner'.

My_home-page.png (74.48 KiB) Viewed 719 times

The point here is that I intend to modify (and expand) this page and include a copy with Puppies I give away. There will be links to the forum and also important topics on the forum. You can easily guess the obvious ones. My guess is that 'word-of-mouth' will spread about how well desktops still run with Puppy OS. Puppy needs promotion by demonstrated functionality.

It's the developers (like PB) who make this possible.


Re: Do we need a friendly linux? ~ We need a friendly Linux !

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 11:23 pm
by bigpup

Puppy has this file that can be used as the home page of the browser.


Usually it gets edited a little to show the specific name of the Puppy version, but the rest of it is the same in all.

Screenshot(1).jpg (135.85 KiB) Viewed 803 times

Re: Do we need a friendly linux? ~ We need a friendly Linux !

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 3:52 am
by wiak
cobaka wrote: Wed May 31, 2023 11:12 pm

It's a static page, hand-coded. A few years ago web some web browsers provided a dynamic home-page that constructed links based on where you (or I) 'surfed'.
I decided to build a static page.

That's exactly the same methodology I've used too, for years now. Whilst different distros may well be able to provide a 'home page' only to do with themselves, to be frank people don't just browse to Puppy Linux sites even if they are enthusiasts. A useful homepage does indeed provide ability to link to many different sites (whatever interests the browser user) - all we need to provide is either a Puppy Linux forum bookmark or indeed make Puppy forum one of the links in a temporarily provided homepage - in practice the 'home page' dynamic mechanism nowadays provided by most browsers is likely to be the best for non-technical users since will auto-update links of interest, as you said, based on user browsing habits - that's actually why I suggested providing a bookmark instead. Certainly, I feel anyway, not the special Puppy Linux 'homepage' bigpup referred to as fixed homepage provided, though that would be a useful bookmark alternative (but more clicks required to get to the main important forum link for user help).

More skilled Linux users couldn't care less what homepage is provided of course since they can change that themselves; but let's not force Puppy-only homepage onto old granny/grandads! :lol:

We have this ...

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:30 am
by pp4mnklinux

We don't need to work on a nice start page, we only need to include FF (or your prefered browser) and use the appropriate settings at about:preferences#home (attached image

We are not going to invent anything new, :P , but we must use all the existing resources.

It's only an idea, of course (and I have this way configured with chrome, opera, slimjet and firefox)

Have a nice day u all


As you can see , my FF is configured to include at this start page the last pages I visited. I configured it personally so It is not the default one..jajjaj

You only need to configure the four main pages with some puppy related pages (for basic users, not for advanced ones.... they alredy know where to search for) and other one with a good explanation about configuring firefox to be useful for them and their interests.

If you want to made a friendly linux, some of us must change the way we think and that is easier for users who learnt by try-error method, hahaha


Re: Do we need a friendly linux? ~ We need a friendly Linux !

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2023 1:00 am
by cobaka



We don't need to work on a nice start page, we only need to include FF (or your prefered browser) and use the appropriate settings at about:preferences#home.
We are not going to invent anything new, :P , but we must use all the existing resources.

Me: Your observation (don't re-invent "stuff") is good. IF <resources are limited> is <true> THEN <focus effort on principal task> ELSE go crazy.
I saw the web-page bigpup pointed to; having seen it, I forgot about it. Silly me. Silly, silly me.
So - I was pleased to get the reminder. A few broken links there. Maybe the server was down; maybe the page moved.
From my point of view - the main thing is to provide the link on the browser and tell <new-comers to Puppy> where the link to Puppy is found.
