Bash: digital numbers in bash without awk, bc, expr, printf
Hi have tried to calculate digital numbers, but without awk, bc, expr, printf.
The first variant does not come over "9223372036854775808" as with "echo -e $[2**63+1]" returns 0 again from the limit.
The second variant multiplies only the crossing points of two single digits, then puts them together and adds the double or triple numbers to the front number.
The variant comes over the limit of "9223372036854775808" but apparently has problems with the single digit multiplier.
Code: Select all
for ((z=0; z<65; z++)); do
b="2"; y="";
for ((x=${#a}-1; x>=0; x--)); do y+="${a:$x:1} "; done; ar0=($y); w="";
for ((v=${#b}-1; v>=0; v--)); do w+="${b:$v:1} "; done; ar1=($w); c="";
for ((y=0; y<${#a}; y++)); do for ((x=0; x<${#b}; x++)); do
d=${ar0[$y]}$(for ((w=0; w<$y; w++)); do echo -n "0"; done);
e=${ar1[$x]}$(for ((v=0; v<$x; v++)); do echo -n "0"; done);
c=$(echo -e $[$d*$e])"+"$c;
done; done;
a=$(echo -e $["${c:0:${#c}-1}"])
echo $a
Code: Select all
a="16" # digital number / single digits do not work
for ((z=0; z<100; z++)); do
b="16"; # should be possible with 2
c=""; for ((y=${#a}-1; y>=0; y--)); do c+=${a:$y:1}; done; a=$c; c=""; for ((x=${#b}-1; x>=0; x--)); do c+=${b:$x:1}; done; b=$c; c=""; # reverse numbers
for ((y=0; y<${#a}; y++)); do for ((x=0; x<${#b}; x++)); do
d=$[$y+$x]; c+="$d-$[${a:$y:1}*${b:$x:1}] "; # single digit multiplication
done; done; arr=($c); c="";
for ((y=0; y<$d+1; y++)); do for ((x=0; x<${#arr[@]}; x++)); do
[[ $y == $x ]] && continue;
[[ $y == ${arr[$x]%[-]*} ]] && arr[$y]=$[${arr[$y]#*[-]}+${arr[$x]#*[-]}] && arr[$x]=""; # single result addition
done; c+="${arr[$y]} "; done; arr=(${c##*[-]}); c="";
for ((y=0; y<${#arr[@]}; y++)); do
[[ ${#arr[$y]} == 1 ]] && c+=${arr[$y]}; # single digit position addition
[[ ${#arr[$y]} == 2 ]] && c+=${arr[$y]:1:1} && arr[$y+1]=$[${arr[$y+1]}+${arr[$y]:0:1}]; # double digit position addition
[[ ${#arr[$y]} == 3 ]] && c+=${arr[$y]:2:1} && arr[$y+1]=$[${arr[$y+1]}+${arr[$y]:1:1}] && arr[$y+2]=$[${arr[$y+2]}+${arr[$y]:0:1}]; # triple digit position addition
done; d="";
for ((x=${#c}-1; x>=0; x--)); do d+=${c:$x:1}; done; # reverse numbers
a=$d; echo $d # result