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Recent tests directly booting KL ISO files

Posted: Sun May 21, 2023 1:28 am
by Clarity

This is merely a report of my KL findings in bare-metal booting of the KL family of bistros via its ISO file.

I use 2 of the 3 ISO file booters used and reported on the forum.

There are 2 USB's involved and 1 CD that boots SG2D to find and list ISOs.

Ventoy Scenario - Using Modern Ventoy versions since Jan 2023

  • Intel based PC circa

  • Ventoy USB has a BOOTISOS (actual name) folder that contains ALL ISO files on the USB.

  • BOOTISOS folder contains

    • Various KL ISO files

    • SG2D ISO file

Case set 1 - Ventoy only
Results when booting the Ventoy USB. Select a KL and then

  • Ventoy will ask if you want to boot "Normal" or via "GRUB2" or etc

    • Selecting "Normal" will NOT lead to successful boot on my environment

    • Selecting "GRUB2" leads to a successful.

Case set 2 - Ventoy and SG2D
Results when booting the Ventoy USB. Select a SG2D and then

  • When you get to the screen listing the ISO files, notice that the ISO files are listed twice: existing in "bootisos" and in "BOOTISOS" on the same disk.

    • Selecting a KL from the "bootisos" listing does NOT result in successful boots

    • Selecting a KL from the "BOOTISOS" listing does result in successful boots

SG2D Scenario

  • Intel based PC circa

  • SG2D USB has a BOOTISOS (actual name) folder that contains ALL ISO files on the USB.

  • BOOTISOS folder contains

    • Various KL ISO files

Case set 3 - Super GRUB2 disk (SG2D) only
Results when booting the SG2D USB. Allow it to advance to the screen listing your ISO files and then

  • Notice that the ISO files are listed twice: existing in "bootisos" and in "BOOTISOS" on the same disk.

    • Selecting a KL from the "bootisos" listing does NOT result in successful boots

    • Selecting a KL from the "BOOTISOS" listing does result in successful boots

This report is specific to KL distros. Todays tests used the most current versions of
KLV and KLA.

This findings might be helpful to some who boot their forum distros via the distro's ISO files.

Recent tests directly booting KL ISO files

Posted: Sun May 21, 2023 2:51 am
by Clarity

The above report is NOT indicating ANY problems with any KL.

It is merely a report of what has been found to work booting directly from the ISO files.