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We must think about "our future".-

Posted: Thu May 18, 2023 6:01 am
by pp4mnklinux

We thought collaboration was a must. ... 456#p89456

Jamás pensamos que en el foro puppy fuera a haber zancadillas, mientras en otros foros linux de profesionales expertos fuera todo lo contrario.

Re: We must think about "our future".-

Posted: Thu May 18, 2023 5:40 pm
by stevie pup


Look at it this way. When this project was started I've no doubt you had some sort of vision as to how you wanted it to end up, and I hope you've achieved that, or at least come close to it. I believe you should stick with the original vision. Obviously if there are bugs or errors they need fixing, but I wouldn't go changing things just to suit somebody else's opinion.

I must admit I haven't tried it yet (I've been playing around with the new BookwormPup) but I certainly will be trying it in the near future. I for one quite like the idea of a Puppy with XFCE desktop, even if others don't.

Good luck for the future.